Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities
Agency Fiscal Year-End USAS Adjustments and AFR Checklist
Step 6 – General Revenue Reconciliation
Complete and certify the General Revenue Reconciliation web application.
For submission instructions, see GR Reconciliation.
- Verify the Difference between Calc I and Calc II row equals zero for each column. If the difference is not zero, verify calculation II and change the spreadsheet if necessary (this may require USAS entries). When verifying calculation II, use GR query 201A and the Appropriation Record Inquiry (62) screen.
- Ensure the Computed Legislative Appropriations for Balance Sheet (asset balance 8/31) row in calculation II matches the balance sheet/statement of net position balance in legislative appropriations (GL 9000). If it does not match, adjust GL 9000 in USAS to equal the calculation II amount and include any corrections made in step 1.
- Ensure the following operating statement line items equal the GR reconciliation. If they do not agree, determine if additional budget corrections are needed or make adjustments to the related COBJs.
- GAAP source/object 0005 – Original Appropriations ties to the Total Original Appropriation Revenue row
- GAAP source/object 0006 – Additional Appropriations ties to the Total Additional Legislative Appropriation Revenue row – verify payroll benefits tie by line item
- GAAP source/object 0600 – Appropriations Lapsed ties to the Committed Appropriations Lapsed row (including any SORM lapse)
- GAAP source/object 0578 – Legislative Financing Sources (legislative transfers in) ties to the Committed Budget Transfers In row and GAAP source/object 0591 – Legislative Financing Uses (legislative transfers out) ties to the Committed Budget Transfers Out row.
Note: In USAS, agencies must eliminate legislative transfers in/out within the same agency, GAAP fund and GAAP fund type. View the detail on the GR Reconciliation web application to obtain the AGL information.
- Research GR restatements that use COBJ 3897 for appropriate accounting treatment since there is not a restatement line item on the GR Reconciliation web application.
- Ensure the Computed Legislative Appropriations for Balance Sheet (asset balance 8/31) row in column B row 55, (direct strategy) ties to the GR201A report.
- Ensure the BRP Appropriation (line 200600) in column H (BRP) ties to expenditures on the GR202 report.
- Ensure the Computed Legislative Appropriations for Balance Sheet (asset balance 8/31) row in column H row 55 (BRP) ties to the GR202A report (appropriated fund 0001).
- Ensure the Total Net Change in Cash (lines 600200 through 600500) in column K (amount as adjusted) ties to the GR204 report.
- Ensure the Payroll-Related Revenue (lines 200100 through 200500) in columns C through G ties to the GR206 report (expended column).
- Ensure the ending balances for the Payroll-Related Benefits in calculation II ties to the respective 62 screens for all open AYs.
- Ensure the ending balances in column J in calculation II ties to the fund balances on the 62 screens for unappropriated strategies.
- Certify the GR Reconciliation web application.