Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities
Notes & Samples
NOTE 27 – Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships
Sample (Illustrative, may not tie to exhibits)
Sample Agency has four arrangements that fit the criteria of a public-private and public-public partnership (PPP).
Sample Agency may enter into PPP’s with both public and private operators. Fees the operator collects are in the form of tolls, usage fees or profit-sharing arrangements. At the end of these arrangements the Sample Agency retains ownership rights and title to all assets associated with the PPP contract.
A general description of each PPP, including status, term and duration, is presented in the following table:
Arrangement Name | Construction Status | PPP Term | Fiscal Year Contract Begin |
Fiscal Year Contract End |
IH Managed Lanes | Under Construction | 46 years | 2010 | 2055 |
State Park | N/A | 15 years | 2012 | 2027 |
Campus Bookstore | Existing Asset | 25 years | 2009 | 2034 |
College Apartments | Complete | 30 years | 2009 | 2039 |
PPP amounts reported as of Aug. 31, 20CY, are presented in the following table:
Arrangement Name | PPP Installment Receivable | Receivable for PPP Assets * | Deferred Inflows of Resources |
Variable and Other Payments ** |
IH Managed Lanes | $ | $ | $ 222,826,000 | $ 103,490 |
State Highway | 119,248,125 | 1,444,038,222 | 1,467,996,568 | 452,605 |
State Highway Concession | 1,611,185,998 | 1,322,027,627 | 3,411,487,156 | |
Expressway Segment | 658,919,012 | 38,771,068 | 14,668 | |
Total | $ 2,389,353,135 | $ 2,766,065,849 | $ 5,141,080,792 | $ 570,763 |
*PPP asset receivable is recorded at the operator’s estimated carrying value of the asset when ownership is transferred. ** Payments not included in the measurement of the receivable for installment payments. |