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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

Notes & Samples

NOTE 14 – Adjustments to Beginning Net position, Fund Balances or Fund Net Position
USAS Transactions

Standard Restatement

To enter restatements into USAS, use T-code 454 to increase fund balance/net position and T-code 454R to decrease fund balance/net position. Use COBJ 3891 with these T-codes. If a restatement is needed for legislative appropriations (GL 9000) use T-code 454/454R with COBJ 3897.

Seq No Batch Type Doc Type Eff Date Fin Agy TC AY PCA COBJ Amount R Appn No Fund Input GL*
To Record Restatement That Increases Fund Balance/Net Position
(1) 5 U 0831CY XXX 454 XX 99999 3891 $ XX.XX   N/A XXXX XXXX
To Record Restatement That Decreases Fund Balance/Net Position
(2) 5 U 0831CY XXX 454 XX 99999 3891 $ XX.XX R N/A XXXX XXXX
* The allowable GL accounts for this T-code can be found on the 28B screen.

Accounting effect of above entries:

Debit Credit
(1) To Record Restatement That Increases Fund Balance/Net Position    
  XXXX Input GL $ XX.XX  
  6075 Restatements   $ XX.XX
(2) To Record Restatement That Decreases Fund Balance/Net Position    
  6075 Restatements $ XX.XX  
  XXXX Input GL   $ XX.XX

Attention: T-code 454/454R automatically credits/debits restatement GL 6075, which closes into fund balance/net position during the USAS GL closing process. For more information, see How GL accounts close for specific GAAP fund groups.

The restatement amount in each AFR web application must tie to the restatement amount recorded in USAS for each reporting category.

Basis Conversion Restatement

To record a restatement to beginning net assets for a basis conversion entry for fund types 11, 12 or 21, use T-code 518 to debit the BC balance sheet account or T-code 518R to credit the BC balance sheet account. Use COBJ 3891 with these T-codes.

Seq No Batch Type Doc Type Eff Date Fin Agy TC AY PCA COBJ Amount R Appn No Fund Input GL*
To Record Restatement That Increases Beginning Net Assets
(1) 5 U 0831CY XXX 518 XX 99999 3891 $ XX.XX   N/A XXXX XXXX
To Record Restatement That Decreases Beginning Net Assets
(2) 5 U 0831CY XXX 518 XX 99999 3891 $ XX.XX R N/A XXXX XXXX
* The allowable GL accounts for this T-code can be found on the 28B screen.

Accounting effect of above entries:

Debit Credit
(1) To Record Restatement That Increases Beginning Net Assets    
  XXXX Input GL $ XX.XX  
  6175 Restatements   $ XX.XX
(2) To Record Restatement That Decreases Beginning Net Assets    
  6175 Restatements $ XX.XX  
  XXXX Input GL   $ XX.XX

The restatement amount in each AFR web application must tie to the restatement amount recorded in USAS for each reporting category.