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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

General Revenue Reconciliation

General Information about Design and Layout

Appropriation Numbers
(Article III
Insurance &
(HE non self-
insured only)
99327, 98327
(Self Insured
HE only)
CALCULATION I                          
Legislative Appropriations (PY Ending Asset Balance) 100100 acfr xls acfr xls acfr xls acfr xls acfr xls acfr xls acfr xls acfr xls acfr xls      
Committed Legislative Appropriation Revenue 100300 U-201A                      
Riders Increasing Budget 100400 U-201A                      
Riders Decreasing Budget 100500                 U-201N      
Total Original Appropriation Revenue   C C C C C C C C C C C C
Additional Legislative Appropriation Revenue                          
Payroll-Related Revenue                          
OASI Appropriation 200100   U-SW1                    
Retirement Appropriation 200200     U-SW1                  
ORP Appropriation 200300       U-SW1                
Insurance/SKIP Appropriation 200400         U-SW1              
Self Insured – Group Insurance Program 200500           U-SW1            
BRP Appropriation 200600             U-SW1          
Salary Increase 200700               A        
APS 001 – (Other MOF – Fed Funds, etc.) 200800   U-SW4 U-SW4 U-SW4 U-SW4 U-SW4 U-SW4 U-SW4 U-SW4      
Budget Revisions 300100 U-201A                      
Unexpended Balance (UB) Forward 300200 U-201A                      
Payments on behalf of agency                          
Retirement Contribution (Optional entry by universities) 400100     A A                
Group Insurance Contribution (Optional entry by universities) 400200         A           A  
Unemployment Contribution (Optional entry by universities) 400300                 A   A  
Total Additional Legislative Appropriation Revenue   C C C C C C C C C C C C
Payroll-Related Costs Reversed (400100-400300)*-1 400900     C C C       C   C C
Higher Education Assistance Fund Distribution 500000 U-203                   A  
BRP Transfers Within the Agency 500100 U-203           U-203          
Salary Increase Transfers Within the Agency 500200 U-203             U-203        
Committed Budget Transfers In 500300 U-203               U-203   A  
Committed Budget Transfers Out 500400 U-203               U-203   A  
Other Line Adjustments (FRS entry only) 590000 F F F F F F F F F   F  
Committed Appropriations Lapsed 600100 U-201A                      
Appropriated Net Change in Cash (Columns B-I) 600200 U-201A U-204 U-204 U-204 U-204 U-204 U-204 U-204 U-204      
Unappropriated Net Change in Cash ( appn # 00000, 60000,99906-8) 600300                 U-204   A  
Earned Federal Funds Net Change in Cash (appn 70000) 600400                 U-204   A  
Other Net Change in Cash 600500                 U-204   A  
Total Net Change in Cash 600900 C C C C C C C C C C C C
Computed Leg Appn for Balance Sheet (asset bal 08/31)   C C C C C C C C C C C C
CALCULATION II                          
Legislative Appropriation Balance - at 08/31/CY 700100 U-201A                      
OASI Payable 700200   U-SW2                    
Retirement Payable 700300     U-SW2                  
Insurance/SKIP Payable 700400         U-SW2              
Self Insured – Group Insurance Program 700500           U-SW2            
BRP Appropriation Adjustment 700600             A   A      
ORP Payable 700700       U-SW2                
Salary Increase Adjustment 700800               A        
Other – APS 001 Adjustments 700900   U-SW3 U-SW3 U-SW3 U-SW3 U-SW3 U-SW3 U-SW3 U-SW3      
Unappropriated Net Change in Cash ( appn # 00000, 99906-8) 701000                 U-204   A  
Earned Fed Funds 70000 Apprn Adj 701100                 U-204   A  
Other Net Change in Cash 701200                 U-204   A  
Other Line Ajustments (FRS entry only) 900000 F F F F F F F F F   F  
Computed Leg Appn for Balance Sheet (asset bal 08/31)   C C C C C C C C C C C C
Difference between Calc I & Calc II   C C C C C C C C C C C C
A = Entered by Agency                          
C = calculated field                          
F = Entered by FRS                          
U-XXXX = Entered from USAS & report name                          

GR Reconciliation Web Application

Agencies must use the GR Reconciliation web application to submit their GR reconciliation and certification.


Navigation links are designed to assist users in navigating through the screens. Navigation links are located on the top and bottom of each screen and are usually underlined.

Do not use the back button — this will not navigate to the prior screen that was just updated. The only time the back button may be used is after a download is performed.


A column is associated with each category of legislative appropriations to assist with identification. Each column is independently addressed within the GR Reconciliation web application. For instance, the direct strategy category is column B.

Detail Column

Some columns contain certain line numbers that have a “detail” link next to them. This link provides the user with additional USAS information such as the agency general ledger account, appropriation number and amounts that sum to the amount in that line number. Click detail to view this information.

Comments Column

The comments column allows agencies to enter pertinent information about the line number (for example, if an agency wants to write notes to support an amount from an agency entry line). Click add or enter to enter or edit a comment. Comments are limited to 255 characters. Click submit comments. The message comments accepted appears. Choose a link button to navigate to the desired location.


Each row has a specific six-digit line number. For instance, budget revisions are found on line number 300100. Each row must be verified for accuracy. If the amounts are not correct, analyze the GR queries and the USAS Appropriation Record Inquiry (62) screen. Make any necessary budget adjustments in USAS. There are five sources of information for the GR Reconciliation web application:

  1. Prior Year ACFR Balances — These balances are entered by the Financial Reporting section. The ending PY balances are verified against ACFR balances. If you have a question about this information, contact your financial reporting analyst. In the layout, the rows updated by this spreadsheet are denoted with the ACFR abbreviation.
  2. USAS DataUSAS updates approximately 56 fields. In the layout, the rows updated by USAS are denoted with the U-Report # abbreviation. If the populated number does not appear to be correct, see the detail with the report number. In addition, the USAS Appropriation Record Inquiry (62) screen provides the same data.
  3. Agency Input Fields — These fields may require the agency to enter amounts in order to balance. In the layout, the rows that need to be updated by the agency are denoted with an A abbreviation.
  4. Financial Reporting Input Fields — There is one row in Calculation I (line 590000) and one row in Calculation II (line 900000) for financial reporting entry. These are only used for exceptions and there is no way to balance the column without the use of this row. Contact your financial reporting analyst if you need amounts entered into these fields. The financial reporting analyst will also enter comments to document the reasons for the necessity of the use of the field. In the layout, a financial reporting analyst may only update the rows and cells denoted with an F abbreviation.
  5. Calculated Fields — These fields are not stored on the database but are calculated and viewed when using the application. When a download is performed, these rows have built in formulas that are passed to the spreadsheet. In the layout, the rows that are calculated fields are denoted with a C abbreviation.

Calculation I

Calculation I takes the audited prior year legislative appropriation balance (GL 9000) and shows all current fiscal year operating statement activity (appropriation and CIST activity) including:

  • Legislative appropriation revenue
  • Additional appropriation revenue
  • Lapses
  • Legislative transfers in/out

The calculation represents what should be reported as the current year ending legislative appropriation balance on the balance sheet/statement of net position. Calculation I can be viewed as the operating statement calculation of the GR reconciliation.

To verify the ending legislative appropriation balance calculated by the operating statement activity is correct, compare it to the Calculation II ending balance.

Calculation II

Calculation II calculates the ending legislative appropriation balance per the Appropriation Inquiry (62) screen. Whereas Calculation I relates to the operating statement activity, Calculation II relates to the balance sheet.

Because Calculation II is pulled from the 62 screen, clearing any difference between Calculation I and Calculation II by entering an amount in Calculation II line 900000 “FRS only” must be thoroughly researched. Entering an amount on line 900000 is inferring there is something incorrect on the agency’s 62 screen and entries are needed in USAS to make the correction to the 62 screen. Make sure this is the case before requesting an “FRS only” entry in Calculation II. If possible, process the necessary USAS entries so the GR Reconciliation web application is updated with the corrections. The updated GR reconciliation may not require a “FRS only” adjustment once the entries are made.

Difference between Calculation I and Calculation II

When the difference line equals zero, the calculated ending legislative appropriation balance is equal to the 62 screen.