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USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts

Issued: June 24, 2005
Updated: June 07, 2024 – View Changes

FPP A.045

Web Application

Petty Cash Certification


View entire document




Applicable to

State agencies and institutions of higher education.


To ensure the year-end Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS) balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts are correct, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts are asked to certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement.

Legal Citation

Texas Government Code, Sections 403.241 – 403.252


The Aug. 31 balances in agency imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts are included in the State of Texas Annual Cash Report published the first Monday in November. Table 19 in the report displays the fiscal year-end balances for each agency. The balances are based on USAS activity processed under the comptroller objects (COBJs) listed below.

Increase to Accounts COBJ
Imprest Cash 7900
Petty Cash 7904
Travel Cash 7905
Decrease to Accounts COBJ
Imprest Cash 3779
Petty Cash 3781
Travel Cash 3780

Agencies With Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts

For fiscal 2024, only the following agencies are required to reconcile and certify their USAS balances:

  • 102 House of Representatives
  • 103 Texas Legislative Council
  • 105 Legislative Reference Library
  • 212 Office of Court Administration
  • 221 Court of Appeals – First Court of Appeals District
  • 222 Court of Appeals – Second Court of Appeals District
  • 225 Court of Appeals – Fifth Court of Appeals District
  • 226 Court of Appeals – Sixth Court of Appeals District
  • 227 Court of Appeals – Seventh Court of Appeals District
  • 231 Court of Appeals – Eleventh Court of Appeals District
  • 232 Court of Appeals – Twelfth Court of Appeals District
  • 234 Court of Appeals – Fourteenth Court of Appeals District
  • 302 Attorney General
  • 303 Texas Facilities Commission
  • 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts
  • 305 General Land Office
  • 306 Texas State Library and Archives Commission
  • 307 Secretary of State
  • 320 Texas Workforce Commission
  • 323 Teacher Retirement System of Texas
  • 332 Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  • 347 Texas Public Finance Authority
  • 356 Texas Ethics Commission
  • 362 Texas Lottery Commission
  • 401 Texas Military Department
  • 405 Department of Public Safety
  • 407 Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
  • 409 Commission on Jail Standards
  • 448 Office of Injured Employee Counsel
  • 452 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
  • 454 Texas Department of Insurance
  • 458 Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
  • 473 Public Utility Commission of Texas
  • 476 Texas Racing Commission
  • 515 Texas State Board of Pharmacy
  • 529 Health and Human Services Commission
  • 530 Department of Family and Protective Services
  • 533 Executive Council of Physical and Occupational Therapy Examiners
  • 537 Department of State Health Services
  • 551 Department of Agriculture
  • 554 Texas Animal Health Commission
  • 578 State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
  • 580 Texas Water Development Board
  • 582 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
  • 601 Texas Department of Transportation
  • 608 Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
  • 644 Texas Juvenile Justice Department
  • 696 Texas Department of Criminal Justice
  • 701 Texas Education Agency
  • 710 Texas A&M University System
  • 737 Angelo State University
  • 771 Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • 772 Texas School for the Deaf
  • 802 Parks and Wildlife Department
  • 808 Texas Historical Commission
  • 809 State Preservation Board
  • 813 Texas Commission on the Arts

Petty Cash Certification Web Application

In June of each year, the Petty Cash Certification web application is available to reconcile and certify USAS and agency balances as described in the Instructions section below.


Contact your agency security coordinator to request access.


The May 31, 2024, balances are presented in the Petty Cash Certification web application by USAS cash account within each appropriated fund.

Each agency with USAS balances must:

  1. Log in to the Petty Cash Certification web application, choose the agency to reconcile and click Reconciliation Form.
  2. In the Agency Books column, record the amount of cash your agency has in the bank, safe or lockbox; also provide an aging of outstanding reimbursements for each account. Two automatic calculations take place:
    • The Agency Books amount automatically calculates as the sum of the cash in the bank, safe or lockbox plus all outstanding reimbursements.
    • The Discrepancy column automatically calculates as the difference between Agency Books and USAS Balance.
  3. In the COMMENTS field, provide an explanation for any discrepancy. Agencies with imprest accounts in USAS must also use this COMMENTS field to describe the purpose of the account and how it is used.
  4. After submitting the reconciliation form, complete and submit the certification form. Certifications are due by July 5, 2024.
  5. Enter all corrections in USAS* by July 19, 2024, to ensure accurate balances are recorded in USAS as of Aug. 30.

    Discrepancies between the agency’s books and USAS may be the result of documents processed in USAS that have coding errors in the COBJ. Refer to USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures (FPP A.031) for correct coding procedures.

*Note to CAPPS agencies: CAPPS agencies that track Petty Cash Appropriation 94992 will enter USAS corrections as stated above in Step 5 of the Instructions, along with manual entries into the CAPPS system.

*Notes to agencies:

(1) After the USAS deadline listed in Step 5 (July 19, 2024), agencies must not make further USAS corrections and/or adjustments to Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts. Additional corrections will affect balances recorded in USAS and in the State of Texas Annual Cash Report.

(2) Interest earned from petty cash accounts must be deposited with the Comptroller’s Treasury Operations Division into the General Revenue Fund 0001, unless the agency has statutory authority to retain the interest earnings in the fund the petty cash account was created. Refer to Travel Advance Account and Petty Cash Account (APS 010) (FPP A.044), to properly account for interest earned from petty cash accounts. For assistance, contact your agency’s Appropriation Control Officer (ACO) or Financial Reporting Analyst.

(3) Requests to increase, decrease, open and/or close out a petty cash account should be coordinated with the Comptroller’s office. Refer to Petty Cash Account (APS 010) (FPP A.044), to properly account for changes to petty cash accounts. For assistance, contact your agency’s Appropriation Control Officer (ACO) or Financial Reporting Analyst.

Changes to This Document
Date Updates
06/07/2024 Updated dates for 2024.
06/09/2023 Updated dates, agency list for 2023, and added note 3 to all agencies regarding changes to petty cash accounts.
06/10/2022 Updated dates and agency list for 2022, added note to all agencies regarding earned interest.
06/11/2021 Updated dates and agency list for 2021.