09/27/24 |
Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
We care about what you think! Please take a moment to fill out Fiscal Management’s online customer service survey. We depend on your feedback to improve our operations and better meet your needs. The survey has three main questions that should take less than a minute to answer, plus an opportunity to provide additional feedback. You can access the survey until Friday, Oct. 4. Please share this email and survey link with any staff that may interact with Fiscal Management and our statewide systems. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions.
08/22/24 |
Military Workforce Reporting Due
Military Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on military hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Military Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 17 and must be submitted by Sept. 24. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Military Workforce Reporting Criteria in Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines.
08/06/24 |
Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
07/18/24 |
Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
07/11/24 |
New Overtime Rule Blocked
New Overtime Rule Blocked
A federal district court has issued an injunction that blocks the enforcement of the Department of Labor’s new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) rule for Texas government employees. For more information, see Federal Overtime Changes Effective July 1, 2024. Note: The Comptroller of Public Accounts does not provide guidance on FLSA, overtime exemptions or related employment law issues.
05/21/24 |
Military Workforce Reporting Due
Military Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on military hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Military Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available June 18 and must be submitted by June 26. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Military Workforce Reporting Criteria in Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines.
02/23/24 |
Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
02/22/24 |
Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Reporting Due
Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on military hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Military (formerly Veteran) Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available March 18 and must be submitted by March 26. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Military Workforce Reporting Criteria in Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines.
02/16/24 |
Military (Formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Reports Due
12/14/23 |
Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Fiscal Management urges all agencies to review and further strengthen internal processes and procedures for requesting system or security changes. To avoid security threats, it is best to validate requests by a method other than email. In the past, hackers harvested credentials such as user IDs, passwords, email addresses, etc., then used the credentials to access systems and gather data or other sensitive information. Now, hackers target the credential with the most transparency — email addresses. They hijack an email account, change the password, then use the email address to request the agency to provide sensitive information or make detrimental changes to the user’s profile, such as changing direct deposit instructions. This is what makes these hacks so dangerous. Everything about the email appears legitimate, because it is. Since the email account is compromised, the traditional strategy of training users to identify illegitimate email will not work. Only a second level of validation will ensure the instructions received were from the intended user. See Fraud Prevention Recommendations for more tips, or contact your agency’s information security office for more information and/or to discuss and implement security improvements for your agency.
09/28/23 |
Reminder – Complete Our Customer Service Survey by Sept. 29
09/15/23 |
Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
08/25/23 |
Emergency Leave Reporting Due
08/10/23 |
Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
07/18/23 |
Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
05/19/23 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages (such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary to maintain any of these forms on your agency’s website, ensure the forms require login and are the most current version.
05/18/23 |
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior College form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available June 16 and must be submitted by June 23. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines.
03/03/23 |
Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
02/16/23 |
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior College form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available March 16 and must be submitted by March 23. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines.
12/30/22 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
12/02/22 |
Reminder – Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due
11/17/22 |
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior College form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 16 and must be submitted by Jan. 13. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines.
09/23/22 |
Reminder – Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
09/16/22 |
2022 Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
08/18/22 |
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Community/Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Due
Public community and junior colleges must provide quarterly data on veteran hiring and employment by completing the Comptroller’s electronic Veteran Workforce Reporting for Public Community/Junior Colleges form. The online form (with required veteran complaint reporting included) will be available Sept. 16 and must be submitted by Sept. 23. See Public Community and Junior Colleges Veteran Workforce Reporting Criteria in Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information, including form criteria, instructions and quarterly reporting deadlines.
08/11/22 |
Reminder – Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
07/19/22 |
Annual Certification of Estimated ORP State Contributions Due
03/18/22 |
Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management