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TINS Inquiry Web-Based Training

Lesson 1: What Is TINS?

Components of a TIN

The 11-digit TIN is consists of three components:

One-digit PREFIX  +  nine-digit BASE NUMBER  +  one-digit CHECK DIGIT  =  11-digit TIN

The following table shows the relationships between these components. All TINs have a system-assigned check digit as the 11th digit using an algorithm that ensures each TIN is unique.

(one digit)
(nine digits)
(one digit)
1 EIN System assigned
2a SSN or ITIN System assigned
3b Comptroller-assigned or agency repeater TIN System assigned
7c System-assigned for SSN- and ITIN-based numbers System assigned

aThe 2 prefix TINs for an SSN or ITIN are allowed only on inquiry screens and are required on some EFT transactions.

bThe 3 prefix Comptroller-assigned TINs are used for various reasons including:

  • As Comptroller taxpayer numbers, they are restricted to Comptroller use only.
  • As state agencies’ 3 TIN based on their three-digit agency number.
  • For foreign entities and individuals who do not qualify for an EIN, SSN or ITIN and are due a state payment.

cThe 7 prefix TINs are system-assigned to protect SSNs and ITINs by converting the payees’ 2 prefix TINs to an 11-digit 7 TIN.

Next: Learning Check