TINS Inquiry Web-Based Training
Lesson 1: What Is TINS?
The System, the Number, the Payee Record
TINS – The System
TINS stands for Texas Identification Number System, the Comptroller’s statewide database for tracking payee and payment information processed through the statewide accounting systems. TINS stores information on:
- State employees and vendors.
- Payments made by the state of Texas.
- Direct deposit instructions.
- Debtor hold information.
- TINS maintenance history.
TIN – The Number
A Texas identification number (TIN) is an 11-digit number that identifies a state payee. A TIN must be assigned to individuals and business entities before they can receive payments from the state if the payments are issued through the statewide accounting systems. The TIN is based on the identification number (ID) the payee gives the state agency when the payee is set up in TINS, such as:
- A Social Security number (SSN), assigned by the Social Security Administration.
- An employer identification number (EIN), assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), assigned by the IRS to individuals who do not qualify for an SSN and are required to file a federal tax return.
TIN – The Payee Record
The payee’s TIN record requires two parts: a payee master record and a mail code record. Each can be recalled with its specific inquiry screen.
Master and Mail Code Records
- A payee master record includes high-level information about the payee.
- A master record must include one initial mail code.
- A mail code serves as the payment instruction with the payee’s name and address.
- Additional mail codes can be set up on their own once the payee master and the initial mail code are set up.
- A mail code may also include direct deposit instructions.