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USPS Process Guide
Introduction –


We have described the basics of getting started in USPS. Some of the key items that were covered include:

  • USPS allows you to access and maintain human resource data online and perform real-time maintenance.
  • You can move between applications quickly and easily, using common procedures for working with data, regardless of your application.
  • Menus allow you to access USPS data without having to know screen names. Menus are available for each USPS application.
  • The Command Line appears at the top of every USPS screen and contains the COMMAND, COMMAND QUALIFIER and SCREEN NAME fields.
  • Subcommands maintain data, execute quick commands and link immediately to other screens within the same database.
  • You may use USPS help to get information on any field in the USPS system.
  • Program function keys (F1 through F12) help you perform many operations easily. For example: accessing USPS HELP, moving between link levels, getting more information on system error messages and other operations.