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ACR 60196 – TINS System Change
Effective March 13, 2020


Effective March 13, 2020, TINS Application Change Request (ACR) 60196 automates the deposit voucher for the warrant hold offset process and implements a new TINS control report that identifies the payees and amounts credited against a hold source agency’s state debts. The new control report is available to the agencies via remote print and will no longer be emailed to each hold source agency. See Report Downloads for requirements to download reports.


Deposit vouchers to credit funds to the hold source agencies from the warrant hold offset process are manually processed by Payment Services. An itemized spreadsheet that identifies the payees and amounts credited to the hold source agencies is manually prepared and emailed to the agencies, requiring an agency email list be maintained and manually updated as needed.


This ACR eliminates manual processes by automating the Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS) deposit vouchers and implements a control report for the hold source agencies that identifies the payees and amounts credited against the agencies’ state debts. It also provides the report to the agencies via remote print to eliminate manual emails.

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For More Information

For questions regarding the new control report, contact Payment Services. For questions regarding the agency’s process to obtain remote print reports or to convert those reports to a spreadsheet, contact your agency’s technical staff.