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Post-FYE Rollover Activities

FPP T.003

Pre-FYE Rollover Activities

Note: The CAPPS Production Support staff will open a service ticket with the Short Description of Agency XXX FYE 2024 for each agency. This ticket will be used to capture all communication and documentation required to complete FYE processing.

Mass Position Data Changes (Reorg)

If your agency is planning to make mass Position Data changes effective Sept. 1, 2024 (for example, Mass Reorgs), contact the CAPPS help desk and CAPPS Production Support staff will provide a template for your agency’s use.

For agencies with a large number of changes to position data information (100 changes or more) for fiscal 2025, the CAPPS team will load your fiscal 2025 mass reorg spreadsheet during the outage window that begins Aug. 30, 2024.

Please note these important reminders:

  • A test spreadsheet must be attached to the service ticket no later than Aug. 2, 2024. The CAPPS Production Support staff will complete a test load and provide results to agencies for validation.
  • The final spreadsheet must be attached to the service ticket no later than Aug. 16, 2024. The CAPPS Production Support staff will attach final results to the applicable service ticket for agencies to validate.

Your agency must:

  1. Populate the Mass Position Data Changes spreadsheet with current position data and changes effective Sept. 1, 2024.
  2. Attach the spreadsheet to your agency’s FYE service ticket.

Department Budget Changes (BLS)

Department budgets are used in CAPPS HR/Payroll to accurately distribute payroll and payroll-related costs. Fiscal 2025 department budgets in CAPPS HR/Payroll will be established with an effective date of Sept. 1, 2024, as part of fiscal year-end processing.

Agencies will need to update their FYE service ticket indicating one of the following:

  • Copy the fiscal 2024 budget to fiscal 2025 – meaning no changes or only a few minor changes.
    – or –
  • Load the fiscal 2025 budget via spreadsheet.

Note: If your agency will require a subsequent budget load to coincide with the federal fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, 2024, please also note that in the service ticket.

For agencies with no changes or very few changes to budget information for fiscal 2024, the CAPPS team will copy your fiscal 2024 budget information to fiscal 2025. Any changes needed can be made online by the agency after the outage window.

For agencies with a large number of changes to budget information (100 changes or more) for fiscal 2025, the CAPPS team will load your fiscal 2025 budget via spreadsheet during the outage window that begins Aug. 30, 2024.

Please note these important reminders:

  • A test spreadsheet must be attached to the service ticket no later than Aug. 9, 2024. The CAPPS Production Support staff will complete a test budget load and provide results to agencies for validation.
  • The final spreadsheet must be attached to the service ticket no later than Aug. 23, 2024. The CAPPS Production Support staff will attach query results of the final fiscal 2025 budgets to the applicable service ticket for agencies to validate.

Position and Job Data Updates

Agencies must enter all position changes effective before Sept. 1, 2024, and job data actions effective on or before Aug. 31, 2024 (including any terminations effective Sept. 1, 2024), and make any corrections before 5 p.m. on Aug. 30, 2024:

  • Review all active positions and inactivate any that will not be needed in fiscal 2025. Inactivation must occur before 5 p.m. on Aug. 30, 2024.

    Important note: Any last-minute position changes that could impact the department budget load details must be communicated to the CAPPS team.

  • Review employees on disciplinary reduction (027) and temporary assignment (041). If the employees will be restored from disciplinary reduction or returned from temporary assignment with an effective date before Sept. 1, 2024, agencies must enter the appropriate action – Restore from Disciplinary Reduction (028) or Return from Temporary Assignment (042) – before 5 p.m. on Aug. 30, 2024.

    Note: As a part of the FYE rollover process, the CAPPS team will:

    • Return any employees from disciplinary reduction by entering a Restore from Disciplinary Reduction (028).
    • Return any employees from temporary assignment by entering a Return from Temporary Assignment (042).

    Employees on leave of absence from their job do not need to be returned from leave for FYE processing.

  • Ensure that all terminations effective Sept. 1 and earlier are entered in CAPPS by 5 p.m. on Aug. 30, 2024. CAPPS will allow Aug. 31 termination actions to be entered with an effective date of Sept. 1, 2024. However, no other Sept. 1 job data transactions or position data changes are permitted.