Electronic Processing of Revenues and Expenditures, Including Texas.gov Portal Activity (APS 029)
Processing Exceptions
Default Deposits – Texas.gov Transactions Submitted to the State Treasury
Texas.gov deposit (F8) and refund/charge-back (R88) transactions may not successfully process in USAS with the coding block provided by the agency. Instead, they may post to the default fund 9000 (F8) or 9001 (R88) for the following reasons:
- Texas.gov deposits and refunds with original document numbers (F8xxxxxx or R88xxxxx) that have a default coding block because:
- The total of the detail records and the summary record amount sent to the Comptroller’s Treasury Operations Division by the Texas.gov vendor do not equal each other. These are flagged as being defaulted (D) on the Texas.gov complete file that Treasury Operations sends to the agency.
- At the time Treasury Operations receives funding notification from the bank, there are no supporting details received from the Texas.gov vendor. These will be identified via an email from Treasury Operations to the affected agency. These transactions will not be included on any complete file. Treasury Operations will notify DIR and the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division when defaults occur for this situation. DIR will enter a Texas.gov program ticket on behalf of the impacted agency asking the Texas.gov payment processing vendor to provide transaction details about the defaults, which will be shared with DIR and the agency. Impacted customers with authorized access can request default transaction details by entering a request through the Shared Technology Services portal.
- The coding block sent on the Texas.gov deposits (F8) to USAS is invalid in USAS, causing a default deposit to be generated in USAS using a default document number YFxxxxxx (instead of the original F8xxxxxx document number) and a default coding block of fund 9000.
- The coding block for R88 docs sent via Texas.gov refunds is invalid in USAS, causing the transaction to error off and requiring Treasury Operations to correct the transaction so it can process in USAS.
Note: Online processing fees should be identified separately during default correction, as DIR will invoice agencies for the Texas.gov online processing fees related to all transactions that post to default.
Refunding Revenue
A revenue refund is initiated by the agency when a customer requests refunded monies that were paid previously. Many refunds are requested because of duplicate customer payments. The amount of the refund will include the amount for the permit, license, tax or other charge, and online processing fee (if charged). The online processing fee is returned to the customer, but the agency will not receive a refund of processing costs on the original transaction. Data from the Texas.gov payment engine may be used to process a refund in USAS.
If an agency processes refunds in the Texas.gov payment engine, the specific trace number related to the original receipt must be recalled. There are two Texas.gov payment engine refund screens an agency may encounter. Depending on the refund screen presented, the steps required to perform the refund will vary.
At a high level, an agency should review three fields from each USAS coding block for accuracy:
- Amount
- T-Code
The table below identifies original USAS T-codes and the changes required to T-code or USASOTHER when refunds are processed.
Original Value T-Code | Original Value USASOTHER |
New Value T-Code | New Value USASOTHER |
195 | XXXXX | 153 | No change to USASOTHER |
188 | XXXXX | 156 | No change to USASOTHER |
179 | XXXXX | 179 | Append |REV*R| to USASOTHER contents |
173 | XXXXX | 173 | Append |REV*R| to USASOTHER contents |
265 | XXXXX | 265 | Append |REV*R| to USASOTHER contents |
- When the original value of T-code is a 195, the new value for T-code should be 153.
- When the original value of T-code is a 188, the new value for T-code should be 156.
- The new value of USASOTHER is not required to change when the T-code becomes a 153 or a 156.
T-codes 179, 173 and 265 work differently than T-codes 195 and 188:
- When the original value of T-code is a 179, the new value for T-code should remain 179 but the new value of USASOTHER must be changed. The value of |REV*R| must be appended to the existing contents of USASOTHER.
- When the original value of T-code is a 173, the new value for T-code should remain 173 but the new value of USASOTHER must be changed. The value of |REV*R| must be appended to the existing contents of USASOTHER.
- When the original value of T-code is a 265, the new value for T-code should remain 265 but the new value of USASOTHER must be changed. The value of |REV*R| must be appended to the existing contents of USASOTHER.
To process in USAS, a R88 document will be generated automatically. If the refund involves a payment transaction, a W88 document will be generated automatically also.
It is possible for the R88 document to fail due to lack of funding. In this instance, the R88 document will process against agency fund 9001 instead of the original coding block. After the W88 document processes, increasing funding in the original coding block, the agency will need to transfer the amount from agency fund 9001. The coding information below must be used in USAS to clear the amount with a document type J, batch type 2.

CAPPS agencies manually enter or automatically import the R88 document journals from USAS to GL to record Texas.gov refunds. These journals use the below appropriation numbers in CAPPS with a blank T-code.
CAPPS cash receipt agencies automatically load R88 documents from the CAPPS treasury load interface that will apply the refunds to the original deposit. CAPPS cash receipts sends and posts these transactions to the CAPPS GL with a blank T-code.
Agency Number |
T-Code/Title | Appropriation Number |
COBJ | Appropriated Fund/Agency Fund/PCA |
Affected Agency | 153R/Returned Items – State Treasury Deposit |
00000 | 3789 | Determined by Agency/9001/99901 |
Affected Agency | 153/156/173R/179R* | Determined by ACO or Agency | XXXX* | Determined by Agency |
* The T-code used to clear the refund must have the same general ledger and budget effect as on the original deposit. The comptroller object is the same as on the original deposit. |
Charge Back
A charge back occurs when a customer requests a refund through a credit card issuer rather than the agency. Once the charge back is processed through the automated system, the Comptroller’s office will generate a transaction that is identical to the normal return item process. The charged back amount will include the amount for the permit, license, tax or other charge as well as the online processing fee (if charged). The online processing fee is returned to the customer, but the agency will not receive a refund of processing costs on the original transaction.
To process in USAS, a R88 document will be generated automatically. The R88 document will process against agency fund 9001. Because the charge back decreases revenue, the agency transfers this reduction against the original received revenue. The following USAS coding information must be used to clear the amount with a document type J, batch type 2.

CAPPS agencies automatically import and load the R88 document from USAS to GL to record the charge back using the appropriation numbers below. These journals are already recorded in USAS and have a blank T-code in CAPPS.
CAPPS CR agencies automatically load R88 documents from the CAPPS Texas.gov treasury load interface that applies the refund to the original deposit. CAPPS CR sends and posts these transactions to the CAPPS GL with a blank T-code.
Agency Number |
T-Code/Title | Appropriation Number |
COBJ | Appropriated Fund/Agency Fund/PCA |
Affected Agency | 153R/Returned Items – State Treasury Deposit |
00000 | 3789 | Determined by Agency/9001/99901 |
Affected Agency | 153/156/173R/179R* | Determined by ACO or Agency |
XXXX* | Determined by Agency |
* The T-code used to clear the charge back must have the same general ledger and budget effect as on the original deposit. The comptroller object is the same as on the original deposit. |
Charge Back Credit
If an agency successfully disputes a charge back, then a credit transaction will be generated automatically in USAS using an F8 document. This transaction will deposit funds to agency fund 9000.
Because the charge back credit increases revenue, the agency transfers this amount to where the original deposit was received. The following coding information must be used to clear the amount in USAS with a document type J, batch type 2.

CAPPS agencies automatically import and load charge back credits using an F8 document. Record this transaction with a blank T-code in CAPPS.
CAPPS agencies also create a journal entry with a document type J to record the transfer out of default for the charge back credit using the appropriation numbers below. Create this journal entry with the original deposit T-code.
CAPPS cash receipt agencies create a cash receipt correction using a document type J to record the charge back credit using the appropriation numbers below. Use a blank T-code for this journal entry.
Agency Number |
T-Code/Title | Appropriation Number |
COBJ | Appropriated Fund/Agency Fund/PCA |
Affected Agency | 195R/Record Deposit of Revenue in Treasury – Reverse | 00000 | 3788 | Determined by Agency/9000/99900 |
Affected Agency | 188/195/173/179* | Determined by Agency |
XXXX* | Determined by Agency |
* The T-code used to clear the charge back credit must have the same general ledger and budget effect as the original deposit. The comptroller object is the same as on the original deposit. |
Coding Errors
If an automated deposit or expenditure posts to the wrong coding block in USAS, use normal correction activity to correct it.
For revenues, agencies must ensure consistency with comptroller objects, appropriation years, budget impact and general ledger posting.
For expenditures, refer to Correcting Bookkeeping and Cost Allocation Entries (APS 021) (FPP A.013) for policy and coding block information.
The agency should re-verify coding information it electronically submits if the miscoding is a continual problem. Additional Texas.gov/USAS interface testing is required if coding information must be changed.
Starting Sept. 1 of each fiscal year, transactions received in USAS will process with the new appropriation year. Due to timing of transactions received at the end of each fiscal year, items may not process because of coding errors. Agencies may need to perform normal correction activities to post to appropriate USAS coding blocks.

If an expenditure posts to the wrong coding block in USAS and the voucher has been processed and posted in CAPPS, create an adjustment or multi-voucher adjustment in CAPPS. Copy the voucher information into the adjustment voucher using the Copy From Source Document – Voucher worksheet. The copied original voucher/voucher line and distribution will have a negative amount. You can then add another voucher line(s)/ distribution line(s) voucher to the adjustment voucher for the same amount as the copied original voucher line(s)/distribution line(s) with the negative amount, netting both voucher line(s)/distribution line(s) to zero. The new voucher line/distribution line will have the correct coding block. This in-and-out transaction results in an adjustment voucher with zero total amount. The CAPPS accounting entry template/T-code for the adjustment voucher will be 408. Once processed and posted in CAPPS AP and GL, the voucher is eligible for processing in USAS.