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Electronic Processing of Revenues and Expenditures, Including Portal Activity (APS 029)

FPP J.001


Reconciling Program and Accounting Records

Agencies must reconcile agency program and accounting records to the transaction detail provided by the Comptroller’s office, USAS and payment processors so:

  • Transactions are accurately recorded in agency accounting and program records.
  • Fees due to agencies are properly accounted for and recorded.
  • Fees paid to payment processors are properly accounted for and recorded.

The source and types of detail vary with agencies’ payment and processing options.

Daily Activity Reconciliation

To assist with the daily activity reconciliation, the system-generated USAS document numbers for the revenue and expenditure transactions are linked to each other.

For the receipt of revenues (including online processing fees), the generated documents are formatted as F8XXXXXX.

For the payment of transaction fees, credit card fees and other charges associated with receiving payments, the generated documents are formatted as W8XXXXXX.

Note: The XXXXXX is system-generated, but identical for the related F8 and W8 documents.

The processing of W8 expenditure documents occurs in the next USAS cycle following the processing of the corresponding F8 revenue documents. On Aug. 31, the W8 documents process in the same Aug. 31 USAS cycle as the corresponding F8 documents to allow the revenues and expenditures to match in the same appropriation year.

All online processing fees received daily are posted into USAS as a lump sum. Multiple F8 and W8 documents can be created each day if multiple user applications are operational and the trace numbers received through the interface are uniquely identified.

Daily Reconciliation of Revenue Refund Activity

To assist with the daily reconciliation of revenue refund activity, the system-generated USAS document numbers for the revenue refund and expenditure reversal transactions are also linked to each other.

For the refund of revenue, the generated documents are formatted as R88XXXXX.

For the reversal of transaction fees, credit card fees and other charges associated with receiving payments (i.e., expenditures), the generated documents are formatted as W88XXXXX. The expenditure reversal occurs only if an automatic payment is made at the time of the original transaction.

Note: The XXXXX is system-generated, but identical for each day’s R88 and W88 documents.

The processing of W88 expenditure documents occurs in the next USAS cycle following the processing of the corresponding R88 revenue documents. On Aug. 31, the W88 documents process in the same Aug. 31 USAS cycle as the corresponding R88 documents to allow the revenue and expenditure refunds to match in the same appropriation year.

Chargebacks are included in regular refund documents R88XXXXX. Chargeback credits are included in regular deposit documents F8XXXXXX. Both chargebacks and chargeback credits and the associated original trace numbers are noted in an automated email notification to the respective agency personnel.

Electronic Files

Agencies receive two electronic files that contain electronic processing activity:

  • The first file, a raw file, provides detailed transactions, including certain credit card data.
  • The second file, a complete file, contains the same data, including USAS document number assignment.

Agencies can use these files to perform the reconciliation tasks discussed above.

USAS Reports

All successfully processed transactions are reported on the USAS:

  • DAFR7690 – Document Activity for Post Audit by ACO
  • DAFR8190 – Daily Document Activity Report
  • DAFR8200 – Daily Pre-Enc/Enc/Expend Transaction Register (2)
  • DAFR8200 – Daily Revenue/Receipts Transaction Register (3)

To receive any of the reports, agencies must establish a request on the USAS Report Request Profile (91). Various special selects are available to customize the reports.

Note: The DAFR018F – Deposit Corrections This Cycle (F Docs) is a USAS control report that will only generate if processing errors exist.