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Salary Benefit Appropriation Allocations (APS 019)

FPP A.042

Instructions for Transferring Employee Retirement Appropriations – Higher Education Only

Establish PCAs

Institutions must establish program cost accounts (PCAs) in USAS using the Program Cost Account Profile (26) screen. The PCAs must infer program code 3991, and may infer the agency fund, the ORP receiving appropriation number (97646) or teacher retirement (other E&G) receiving appropriation number (99323).

Transfer Transaction

Committed Budget

Create a committed budget transfer with a budget revision document type A, batch type 1 using the coding blocks in the following tables.

ORP (Both GR and Other E&G)

Transfer out of higher education ORP appropriation:

Agency Number T-Code/Title Appropriation Number COBJ Appropriated Fund/Agency Fund/PCA
902 012/Appn Transfer Out – Exp 13010 – Higher Education ORP 7000 0001/0001/13010 or 0999/0999/13010

Transfer into agency benefit appropriation:

Agency Number T-Code/Title Appropriation Number COBJ Appropriated Fund/Agency Fund/PCA
XXX 018/Appn Transfer In – Exp 97646 – Higher Education ORP 7000 02XX or 0001/Determined by Agency/Determined by Agency
TRS (Other E&G)

Transfer out of higher education TRS retirement appropriation:

Agency Number T-Code/Title Appropriation Number COBJ Appropriated Fund/Agency Fund/PCA
323 012/Appn Transfer Out – Exp 13009 – Higher Education TRS Retirement 7000 0999/0999/13100

Transfer into agency benefit appropriation:

Agency Number T-Code/Title Appropriation Number COBJ Appropriated Fund/Agency Fund/PCA
XXX 018/Appn Transfer In – Exp 99323 – Higher Education TRS Retirement 7000 02XX/Determined by Agency/Determined by Agency

Note: The agency general ledger account (AGL) number is required for these transactions.