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USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures
Profile Review for Fund Profile (D23)

Reports and Procedures

Report PCU101 – Consolidated Funds with Wrong GAAP Fund Type

Type Exception
Source D23 profile table, Appropriated Fund Profile (D22) table and Agency Profile (D02) table
Purpose The report identifies the D23 profile records for funds to be consolidated into appropriated fund 0001 – General Revenue (GR) that infer incorrect GAAP fund types.


  1. State Agencies: This report identifies all instances when GAAP fund type is 02*, 11, 12 or 15 and consolidated fund is 0001. These are not valid combinations; therefore, the GAAP fund type must be changed to 01. See “Risk Areas,” sub-section D, Changing the GAAP Fund or GAAP Fund Type Fields for further explanation in this guide.

    *Valid exceptions to fund type 02 include several of the 5XXX funds.

  2. Higher Education Agencies: This report identifies all instances when GAAP fund type is not 05 and consolidated fund is 0001. The combinations included in this report are not valid combinations; therefore, the GAAP fund type must be changed to 01. See “Risk Areas,” sub-section D, Changing the GAAP Fund or GAAP Fund Type Fields for further explanation in this guide.
GAAP Fund Type Number GAAP Fund Type Name
01 General
02 Special Revenue
03 Debt Service
04 Capital Projects
05 Enterprise
06 Internal Service
10 Pension Funds
11 Capital Asset Basis Conversion Adjustment
12 Long-Term Liab Basis Conversion Adjustment
15 Discrete Component Units
18 External Investment Trust Funds
19 Permanent Funds
20 Private-Purpose Trust Funds
21 Other Basis Conversion Adjustments
22 Custodial Funds

Report PCU106 – Fund Profile Posting Levels and Lookups

Type Listing
Source D23 profile table and the D22 profile table
Purpose The report lists selected data elements contained on the D23 and the D22 Profile records.


  1. Verify the local fund indicator (LCL FND IND on report) is Y for appropriated fund = 9999 and N for all other appropriated fund numbers. Appropriated fund 9999 is Funds Held Outside of Treasury.

    When the local fund indicator is set to Y, the system will not produce a state warrant.

  2. Verify the posting-level indicator settings for the agency budget fund level indicator (AB IND on report).

    Maintain consistency of indicator settings within an agency across all funds. For central D23 profile setups, Funds 8000- 9999, the Comptroller’s office will make corrections.

    • If an agency budget is used and an agency elects to control the budget by fund, set the AB IND for all D23 profiles to 2.
    • If an agency budget is used and an agency elects to control the budget by appropriated fund, set the AB IND for all D23 profiles to 1.
    • If an agency elects to have no control of the budget by fund or appropriated fund, set the AB IND for all D23 profiles to 0.

    Caution: See “Risk Areas,” sub-section C, Setting the Agency Budget Fund Level Indicator in this guide.

    If an agency budget is not used, set the AB IND for all D23 profiles consistently to 2, 1 or 0. A setting of 2 or 1 will ensure that the AB table is updated, which is important for table and system balance. A setting of 0 will not update the AB table.

    Caution: See “Risk Areas,” sub-section C, Setting the Agency Budget Fund Level Indicator in this guide.

  3. Review the posting level indicator settings for the appropriation fund level indicator (AP IND), cash control fund level indicator (CC IND) and cash control organization level indicator (ORG LVL).

    When setting these posting-level indicators, remember that funding edits for the primary financial tables are made at the level of the elements posted to the control key of the tables. Posting-level indicators are set at the beginning of each fiscal year and should not be changed during the year.

    The appropriation fund level indicator (AP IND on report), cash control fund level indicator (CC IND on report) and cash Control organization level indicator (ORG LVL on report) are controlled on the D22 profile. Review the indicators for consistency.

Report PCU113 – Fund/GAAP Fund Roll Up

Type Listing
Source D23 profile table, the GAAP Fund Profile (D24) table and the GAAP Fund Type Profile (D21) table
Purpose The report lists the roll ups to GAAP fund and GAAP fund type, established on the D23 profile records.


Compare the report to your last AFR and verify:

  1. GAAP fund relationships are profiled to accommodate reporting requirements.
  2. All of the GAAP funds in the Combining Statements are listed on the report.
  3. Each GAAP fund is associated with the correct GAAP fund type, as represented on the Combined/Combining Statements.

Report PCU155 – D23 Profiles That Will Not Roll Forward to Next FY

Type Exception
Source D23 profile table, D22 profile table and D24 profile table
Purpose The report identifies D23 profiles that will not roll forward to the next FY due to any of the following:
  • The D23 status is I (inactive).
  • The D23 EFF END DATE is 083120CY or a prior date.
  • The D22 status is I (inactive) for the inferred APPROPRIATED FUND on the D23 profile.
  • The D24 status is I (inactive) for the inferred GAAP FUND on the D23 profile.


  1. Verify that status code (STAT CODE on report) is A for all funds to be used in the reporting period.
    • Review the STATUS CODE.
    • Verify the value is not set to I (inactive) for profile records that need to be rolled forward.
  2. Verify the profile dates.

    Effective end date (D23 END DATE on report) identifies the date a profile record is no longer available for use. Verify that the value is not set to 083120CY or prior for CY profile records that you want to roll forward to FFY.

    Note: A value of 083120CY or an earlier date prevents the rollover of a CY profile record to FFY. A value of 090120CY or a later date allows a CY profile record to roll forward to FFY. When the field is left blank, a value of 12319999 is returned to the database but no value appears online.

    Last process date (D23 LAST PROC DATE on report) identifies the date of the last modification to the profile record. No verification is needed.

    Effective start date (D23 EFF START DATE on report) identifies when a profile record becomes available for use. For FFY profiles, verify that the value is set to 090120CY or prior.

    Note: When new profiles are established, this field defaults to the current effective date from the System Management (97) profile.

  3. Verify Appropriated Fund and GAAP Fund profile status.

    The D23 profile will not roll forward if either the inferred Appropriated Fund (APPD FUND STAT on report) or GAAP Fund (GAAP FUND STAT on report) is inactive. If the D23 fund is needed in the next fiscal year:

CAPPS Central Agencies

If an Agency Fund (D23) in USAS is inactivated, CAPPS agencies will need to inactivate that same Agency Fund in CAPPS after all known CAPPS transactions have been processed.

Report PCU102B – D23 Profiles That Have Changed the Appropriated Fund

Type Exception
Source D23 profile table and General Ledger Table
Purpose The report identifies where the appropriated fund posting to the General Ledger Table is different from the appropriated fund inferred by the D23 profile.


Verify the amounts posted to the appropriated funds on the General Ledger Table are correct.

Differences between the appropriated fund posting to the General Ledger (GL) financial table and the appropriated fund on the D23 profile occur when the value in the APPROPRIATED FUND field of the D23 profile is changed after balances have posted to the D23 fund.

For a particular D23 fund, the appropriated fund posted to the General Ledger table must remain consistent throughout all fiscal years. Any differences in the appropriated fund value posted to the GL table must be corrected — all corrections must be coordinated with your appropriation control officer.

An appropriated fund value on a D23 profile can only be changed if balances have not posted to the D23 fund.

Example: An agency has an established D23 profile that has not been used for transaction entry, but an incorrect appropriated fund was entered when the D23 profile was established.

A change in a balance between two years indicates that a difference was posted in the most current of the two years. No change in a balance during the three years presented in this report indicates that the difference originated before the three years presented in this report.

CAPPS Central Agencies

Discrepancies found on this report may indicate potential imbalances within the General Ledger (GL) and Commitment Control (KK). For assistance with clean-up, contact your agency’s CAPPS Support Team.