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USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures
Profile Review for Fund Profile (D23)

Risk Areas

Insufficient GAAP Funds

Agencies should have adequate D23 profiles established to accommodate all reported GAAP funds in the combining statements of the annual financial report (AFR). Additionally, agencies should establish the relationship between funds, GAAP funds and GAAP fund types to aggregate financial data correctly on the combined statements of the AFR.

Changing the Appropriated Fund Field

Because both appropriations and cash are controlled at the appropriated fund level, making changes to the APPROPRIATED FUND field on the D23 profile is limited to central user classes only.

Changing the appropriated fund on a D23 profile will not correct previously posted data in the financial tables – it only affects future transactions. When changes are made to the appropriated fund on a D23 profile, it results in fund cash activity and balances for the same agency fund appearing in two separate appropriated funds. This is a serious error that can corrupt the financial data in USAS and cause financial inquiries, reports and the State of Texas Annual Cash Report to have invalid information. If balances have already posted to the D23 fund, the APPROPRIATED FUND field must not be changed under any circumstances – even if the posted balances are in a prior fiscal year.

If an agency finds a D23 fund is mapped to an incorrect appropriated fund, the agency must:

  1. Establish a new D23 fund mapped to the correct appropriated fund.
  2. Transfer balances from the old D23 fund to the new D23 fund.
  3. Inactivate the old D23 fund.

For further assistance, agencies should contact their appropriation control officer.

Setting the Agency Budget Fund Level Indicator

When the following indicators are improperly set, the Agency Budget (AB) financial table does not update when transactions post:

  • AGENCY BUDGET (fund level indicator) on the Fund (D23) Profile
  • AGY BUD PRG LEVEL IND on the Program Cost Account (26) Profile
  • AGY BUD ORG LVL IND on the Index Code (24) Profile

When all of these indicators are set to 0 and an Index Code is used on a transaction, the AB table is not updated. This affects system and table balances, a critical part of system data integrity. Therefore, at least one of the indicators above must be set to post to the AB table (that is, contain a value greater than 0) for all records of the related profile. To maintain consistent table posting, the indicator should not be changed during the year or from year-to-year for the related profile.

One exception exists: When the AGY BUD PRG LEVEL IND and the AGENCY BUDGET fund level indicator on all related profile records are set to 0 and the agency does not include an Index Code on the transaction — either directly input or inferred — the required elements (Agency, Appropriation Year, Fiscal Year and Balance Type) will post to the AB table.

The OBJ LVL field on the Appropriation Number Profile (20) also affects posting to the AB table. However, its setting does not affect system out-of-balance conditions.

Note: System and financial table balance monitoring occurs on a transaction-by-transaction basis. When the index (if applicable), PCA and fund entered on a transaction have profile records where AB indicators are set to 0, the AB table is not updated, and an out-of-balance condition is detected. USAS System Managers monitor the DAFR8480, System Reconciliation Exceptions report, for out-of-balance conditions.

Changing the GAAP Fund or GAAP Fund Type Fields

USAS report-generation programs use the D23 profile GAAP FUND and GAAP FUND TYPE values to produce GAAP-based financial reports. GAAP fund and GAAP fund type are looked up at the time of report generation and do not post to the financial tables. However, USAS uses the GAAP fund type to determine the fund balance/net position general ledger (GL) account and to update the account balances in the GL financial table during certain USAS processes.

Making changes to the GAAP FUND and GAAP FUND TYPE fields on the D23 screen is limited to central user classes only. This is to:

  • Ensure all balances on the GL financial table are reported properly.
  • Reduce the corrective actions and agency coordination required when these fields are changed.

If an agency determines a GAAP FUND or GAAP FUND TYPE change to the D23 profile is necessary, the agency should contact their financial reporting analyst. The analyst:

  • Evaluates the fund.
  • Processes the D23 profile change, as appropriate.
    – and –
  • Contacts the agency with additional instructions.

If the value in the GAAP FUND TYPE field is changed mid-year, USAS transactions may be necessary to correct GL balances.

For more information, see User Changes on the D23 Profile in the Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities (FPP A.036).

Fund Profiles Needed for Year-End-Close Processing

In the year-end-close profile rollover programs, the targeted profiles must meet certain criteria to be created for the next year. Agencies must ensure that all funds profiled in CY meet the rollover criteria; otherwise, the agency must manually create the profiles for the new FY. The conditions that enable a profile to be rolled forward automatically are:

  • Status = A.
  • EFF END DATE greater than 083120CY or blank.
  • Status = A for D22 profile of the inferred APPROPRIATED FUND.
  • Status = A for the D24 profile of the inferred GAAP FUND.