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Pay Cards for Payroll/Retirement Net Pay

FPP P.004

Agency Instructions

The following instructions apply to agencies that use the following statewide accounting and payroll systems:

  • Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS).
  • Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel System (USPS).
  • Standardized Payroll/Personnel Reporting System (SPRS).
  • Centralized Accounting and Payroll/Personnel System (CAPPS).

1. All agencies, including the state retirement systems, must:

  • Provide retainable hard copies of the Fee Disclosures, English (Fee Disclosures, Spanish) to a pay card applicant prior to enrollment, in accordance with Regulation E (REG E).
  • Instruct employees and annuitants to complete and return the Pay Card Enrollment Authorization (74-224) to their payroll or travel office or retirement system.
  • Review the enrollment forms for legibility and completeness.
  • Sign the State Agency Use Only section of the enrollment form certifying the required disclosure documents were received by the payee before enrollment.

2. Certain agencies, including the retirement systems, that require their staff obtain access to the bank’s system to process their payees’ enrollment forms must:

  • Sign and submit a memorandum of understanding with the Comptroller’s office prior to requesting access to the bank’s pay card system.
  • Be granted security access to the bank’s pay card system by their agency security coordinator (Comptroller user ID) (login required).
  • Enter the enrollment form information directly into the bank’s pay card system.
  • Use the assigned employees’ pay card account information to update their internal systems, as needed.

3. All other agencies must submit the enrollment forms to Fiscal Management’s Payment Services section by one of the following methods:

  • Encrypted email to
  • Fax to (512) 936-0052.
  • U.S. mail to:

4. Payment Services:

  • Enters the enrollment form information into the bank’s pay card system.
  • Provides the agencies with a report that lists the payees’ assigned pay card account information. Agencies will then use the report to update their internal systems, as needed.

5. All agencies should review their daily direct deposit reports as a quality control tool to ensure the accuracy of the pay card account information and to maintain their payees’ pay card information in their internal systems, as needed.