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USAS Comptroller Objects That Require Pre-Payment Audit and/or Descriptive/Legal Text for Purchase Documents

FPP I.008

USAS COBJs that require DLT and pre-payment audits by other oversight entities

The following COBJs require DLT and pre-payment audits and approvals by oversight agencies other than the Comptroller’s office.

The specific action codes issued for each pre-payment audit requirement are noted in the chart below. Use the USAS Document Tracking Inquiry (37) screen to monitor the document’s status and verify when the applicable action code has been issued.

7204 Insurance Premiums and Deductibles – Approval by the State Office of Risk Management (SORM) (Action Code 860)
7205 Employee Bonds – Approval by SORM (Action Code 860)
7216 Insurance Premiums – Approval by the Office of Attorney General (Action Code 909)
7239 Consultant Services – Approval by the Office of the Governor (Action Code 875)
7445 Rental of Aircraft – Approval by the Texas Department of Transportation (Action Code 885)