A Plan for the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for the State of Texas
Executive Letter

December 15, 2008
The Honorable Rick Perry, Governor
The Honorable Tom Craddick
The Honorable David Dewhurst
Members of the 81st Texas Legislature
Ladies and Gentlemen:
In accordance with House Bill 3106 of the 80th Texas Legislature, the Enterprise Resource Planning Advisory Council is pleased to submit A Plan for the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for the State of Texas.
It has been our pleasure to work together on this very important project and work with the ERP project team. We are grateful for the time, energy and expertise state agency and higher education staff have devoted to this imperative effort to closely study our state information systems.
The enclosed report represents many months of effort between state agencies and institutions of higher education in an unprecedented collaboration. ERP Advisory Council meetings began in February 2008 and were held throughout the year. In addition, five key ERP workgroups and a CIO/CFO committee were launched to meet and delve deeper into more complex discussions.
Meeting agendas, minutes, materials and workgroup/committee descriptions are available on our ERP project websitea.
As you know, ERP is simple in theory but extremely complex in practice. But the benefits it may offer are critical. To preface the findings presented in our report, A Plan for the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), we first offer the attached quick overview.
We have evaluated this plan as it relates to each of our respective interests and needs, and conclude that it creates an integrated and workable platform that will provide the desired reporting uniformity across state agencies and institutions of higher education.
We support this plan and believe it is our state’s best interest to consider its implementation. We look forward to addressing any questions or comments that you may have.
Susan Combs
Council Coordinator &
Comptroller of Public Accounts
Martin Hubert
Deputy Comptroller
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
ERP Advisory Council Members