ProjectONE Report to the 82nd Legislature
Executive Letter

January 2011
The Honorable Rick Perry, Governor
The Honorable David Dewhurst, Lieutenant Governor
The Honorable Joe Straus, Speaker of the House
Members of the 82nd Legislature
Members of the Legislative Budget Board
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We are pleased to present the report on ProjectONE, the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project for the state of Texas, in accordance with Section 2101.040, Texas Government Code, and Section 17.03(d) of Article IX, General Appropriations Act. This groundbreaking effort will create a host of benefits for the state of Texas by providing the following:
- a single set of accounting systems for all state agencies to improve accuracy and efficiency
- real time and reliable information on the state’s revenue and spending
- simpler and more transparent reporting on the state’s business
Over the last year, ProjectONE established collaboration among the Comptroller’s office, the Department of Information Resources, the five Health and Human Services agencies and the Texas Department of Transportation. This unprecedented collaboration will create a new, statewide financial and payroll system that will integrate functions into a single, secure system that meets the state’s business needs.
With this system, lawmakers and taxpayers will see enhanced accountability and transparency for government operations and funding. Data will be available across agencies in real-time and will enable the state to maximize funding. By automating processes, the system also will reduce payroll errors while freeing agency staff to focus on mission-critical tasks.
ERP promises to provide the tools needed to shine the brightest light on the state’s finances, give decision makers seamless access to state data and allow the state to make better use of the information at its fingertips. Texas decision makers will have an unmatched ability to count every dollar – and make every dollar count.
On behalf of the ProjectONE team, thank you for your time and effort on behalf of Texas government. We look forward to addressing any questions or comments you may have on this exciting initiative.
Susan Combs