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ACR 27179 – USPS System Change
Feb. 4, 2011


ACR 27179 modifies the Leave Accounting module of the Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel System (USPS) effective Feb. 4, 2011.


Military caregiver leave allows an employee to take up to 26 weeks to care for a service member during a single 12-month period on a per-covered service member, per-injury basis (which may be taken continuously, intermittently or on a reduced schedule basis). Modifications are needed to allow Military Caregiver as a new leave category for FMLA events.

Only certain reason codes should be allowed when entering Military Caregiver or Parental Leave and the system should not calculate a leave expiration date when a Parental Leave event is entered.


USPS has been modified to allow entry of Military Caregiver (MC) leave based on the same eligibility requirements as Family Medical (FM) leave. This new leave category is allowed as a valid entry on the Employee FMLA/Parental Leave Authorization (HO8U1) screen.

Note: Military Caregiver leave may be taken in conjunction with other FMLA events, but the hours used towards the FMLA event(s) will be counted against the 26 weeks allowed for Military Caregiver leave.

Additional edits have been created on HO8U1 to ensure valid reason codes are used when entering Military Caregiver or Parental Leave:

Also, a leave expiration date is no longer calculated for Parental Leave events entered on HO8U1.

Screens affected

Reports affected