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Restricted Expenditures — Communications
DIR Network Security Services

Each state agency must use the network security services provided through the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Network Security Center to the fullest extent possible. A state agency may not purchase network security services unless DIR determines the agency’s requirement for those services cannot be met at a comparable cost through the Network Security Center.


Network Security
The protection of computer systems and technology assets from unauthorized external intervention or improper use. The term includes detecting, identifying and countering malicious network activity to prevent the acquisition of information or disruption of information technology operations. (Texas Government Code Section 2059.001(3))
State agency
  • A department, commission, board, office or other agency in the executive branch of state government created by the state constitution or a state statute.
  • The Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, a court of appeals or the Texas Judicial Council.
  • A university system or an institution of higher education as defined by Texas Education Code Section 61.003, except a public junior college.( Texas Government Code Sections 2151.002)

Sources [+]

Texas Government Code Section 2059.102(c)–(d).