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Miscellaneous Expenditures — Seminars, Conferences…
Secretary of State

Any registration fee collected by the secretary of state to pay the expenses of a conference, seminar or meeting in excess of the actual cost of the conference, seminar or meeting may be used to pay the expenses of a different conference, seminar or meeting for which:

  • No registration fees were collected.
  • The registration fees collected were insufficient to cover the total expenses.

Source [+]

Rider 7 in the appropriations to the Secretary of State in the General Appropriations Act (GAA).

Documentation Requirements [+]

  1. A state agency must retain documentation in its files showing:
    1. how the seminar or conference relates to the duties and functions of the agency;
    2. if fees were charged to persons attending the seminar or conference; and
    3. a proper justification for not using state-owned or state-occupied facilities for the seminar, conference or administration of a group examination if those facilities were not used, the agency is not included in Article X of the GAA and the funds used are not appropriated in that article.
  2. The comptroller objects used to pay the cost of sponsoring a seminar, conference or administration of a group examination must reflect the nature of each purchase, e.g., food - 7315, room rental - 7470, equipment rental - 7406.