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Entering Higher Education Expenditure Activity in USAS for USAS/ABEST Reconciliation

FPP B.011

Object Codes

Amounts entered in USAS for D23 Fund 7999 can be at a summary level using the following object codes:

LBB Object
of Expense
LBB Object Code Title
7010 1001 Salaries and Wages
7535 1002 Other Personnel Costs
7545 1005 Faculty Salaries (Higher Education Only)
7009 1010 Prof Sal-Faculty Equivalent (Higher Education Only)
7011 1015 Prof. Sal-Extension (Texas Agricultural Extension Service Only)
7253 2001 Professional Fees and Services
7304 2002 Fuels and Lubricants
7300 2003 Consumable Supplies
7524 2004 Utilities
7101 2005 Travel – In-State
7111 2005 Travel – Out-of-State
7462 2006 Rent – Building
7406 2007 Rent – Machine and Other
7546 2009 Other Operating Expense
7679 3001 Client Services
7547 5000 Capital Expenditures

Note: For appropriated funds held outside the state treasury, institutions must enter the expenditure information using valid program cost accounts (PCAs) so the expenditures post to the proper program code/strategy found on the agency’s strategic crosswalk. PCA 99999 cannot be used.