TINS Inquiry Web-Based Training
This web-based training (WBT) is for state agency staff responsible for searching payee and payment information in the Texas Identification Number System (TINS). This introductory course focuses on inquiry and information lookup screens.
This WBT course is a prerequisite for these TINS WBT courses:
- TINS Online Entry Web-Based Training
- TINS Direct Deposit Web-Based Training
- TINS Warrant Hold Web-Based Training
- To introduce new users to TINS and enable them to navigate the system using two optional methods: using the individual screen names (IDs) or a menu-driven screen to access individual inquiry screens.
- To provide an understanding of how various TINS screens are used to research payees, payments and TINS maintenance history.
- To prepare TINS users to enter information into TINS and meet the prerequisite for the TINS Online Entry Web-Based Training.
Course Exam
On successful completion of the end-of-course exam, you will receive one hour of continuing professional education (CPE) credit.
Fiscal Management Training Center
Before beginning the course, be sure you can log on to Training Center, where you will take the end-of-course exam.
If you haven’t set up a Training Center account, you should do so now.
Start: Training