State Pass-Through Activities Tutorial
Lesson 2: Accounting Treatments
Fiscal Year-End Review
Agencies must consider the following rules regarding the state grant pass-throughs at the fiscal year-end:
- Disbursing agency COBJ 7614 or 7615 state grant pass-through expenditure must equal receiving agency COBJ 3725 or 3842 state grant pass-through revenue.
- COBJ 7614 or 7615 and COBJ 3725 or 3842 must equal the state grant pass-through amount on Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances or Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Position.
- All the state grant pass-through transactions must have the proper agency general ledger account (AGL). Transactions without the proper AGL do not post to the financial tables and must be corrected prior to fiscal year-end.
Next: Learning Check