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USPS Reports Guide
USPS Reports by Number

Report 507 Assignment Rollover Edit Listing or Assignment Rollover Update Listing

This report is automatically run during the assignment rollover at FYE and will display the roll results. It can be requested as an update (U) or an edit (E). It can also display all the detailed roll information or only the summary totals.

This report displays any assignment that could not be rolled and those that rolled needing additional maintenance. Following these errors and warnings are the assignments that rolled successfully. Changes made through the mass change screen (HNQMC) will be applied to the employee during this process.

  • An update will move an employee into a 09/01/XXXX position record using reason code FXX and change the assignment date on HMPHR to 09/01/XXXX. The projected expenditure and projected lapse will recalculate on HNPU1 in the event the assignment is not synchronized.
  • An edit will not update the assignment; it will only generate the expected roll results and errors.

Report Criteria

Category Personnel Management
Distribution Agency
Frequency Annually at Fiscal Year-End
Sort Sequence Employee Number, Position Number
Page Break  
Databases Used H0C, H0I, H1T, HMQ, HMM, HML, HMP, HN7, HNP, HNQ, HNJ, HNO, H7S, H7O, HNK, HNH
Selection Criteria All active assignments where the effective date is greater than 08/31 of the old fiscal year and less than 09/01 of the current fiscal year.
Produce Output? Yes
Request Screen HMQU1: EMPLOYEE ASSIGNMENTS (HMP) – E for edit or U for update. List detail for rolled records? (Y/N) – select one.
Posting Report? Yes – Updates H0B, HMP, HNH, HNO, HNP
Additional Notes This report can be run as many times as needed to complete the assignment rollover.

Report Headings

Displays the employee's SSN being rolled.
Displays the position number assigned to the employee being rolled. An asterisk after the position number indicates the position is new and created by the mass change screen HNQMC.
Displays the results of the rollover. The job class code, salary, group, step, organization code, and annual salary will display for each assignment that rolled successfully. All error messages need to be researched and corrected.
Displays the total number of records that were rolled manually and by the rollover process. Warnings and errors will also display.

Detailed records are produced depending on the HMQU1 switch.

Sample Reports

     REPORT:   507                             UNIFORM STATEWIDE PAYROLL/PERSONNEL SYSTEM                                                            PAGE:      1
     AGENCY:   XXX                                                   XXXXX  XXXXX                                                                RUN DATE: XX/XX/20XX
                                                   ASSIGNMENT ROLLOVER  EDIT  WARNING LISTING                                                    RUN TIME: 1:00:00
 EMPLOYEE #  POSITION                                                                                                       
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1097      **WARNING** PCA P14002 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1074      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1085      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1094      **WARNING** PCA P14002 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1104      **WARNING** PCA P14002 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1035      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1084      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1082      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1103      **WARNING** PCA P14002 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1276      **WARNING** PCA P14801 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1017      **WARNING** PCA P14002 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1073      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1036      **WARNING** PCA P14002 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1107      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1121      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1176      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1315      **WARNING** PCA P14006 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1337      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1099      **WARNING** PCA P14002 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1300      **WARNING** PCA P14006 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1184      **WARNING** PCA P14006 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1055      **WARNING** PCA P14007 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1280      **WARNING** PCA P14801 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1291      **WARNING** PCA P14801 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
 XXX-XX-XXXX 1195      **WARNING** PCA P14001 NOT IN USAS FOR NEW FY                                                        
     REPORT:   507                             UNIFORM STATEWIDE PAYROLL/PERSONNEL SYSTEM                                                   PAGE:      2
     AGENCY:   XXX                                       XXXX  XXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX                                                    RUN DATE: XX/XX/20XX
                                                  ASSIGNMENT ROLLOVER  EDIT  WARNING LISTING                                            RUN TIME: 1:10:00
                                                 TOTAL ASSIGNMENTS ROLLED BY REPORT 507: 
                                                        HNH ROWS INSERTED                   1                              
                                                        USAS PCA WARNINGS                  64                      
                                                        OVER HNTEX WARNINGS                 0                              
                                                        OTHER WARNINGS                      8                              
                                                        ERRORS - ROWS NOT ROLLED            0                              
                                                        HMP ROWS ROLLED                   269