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USPS Process Guide
Appendix D – Screens by Category

Applicant Tracking

HMFU1 Applicant Information – Update
HMFU2 Additional Applicant Information – Update
HMFU3 Applicant EEO Information – Update
HMGU1 Job Application – Update
HMGU2 Applicant New Hire – Update
HMHU1 Applicant Interview Schedule – Update
HMKU1 Posting Education & Experience – Update
HMWLS Applied Postings – Display
HMXNM Applicant Phonetic Name Access – Display
HMXXX Phonetic Name Selection – Display
HN2U1 Applicant Test Results – Update
HN3LS Posting Directory – Update
HN3U1 Posting Identification – Update
HN3U2 Supplemental Posting Info – Update
HN4U1 Posting Job Description – Update
HNKAT Applicant Tracking Report Request – Update
HNKDF Applicant Tracking Defaults and Flags – Update
HOGLS Applicants by Posting – Display

Benefits Administration

H9QU1 Plan Identifying Information – Defined Contribution – Display
H9QU3 Plan Identifying Information – Defined Contribution – Display
H9QU4 Plan Identifying Information – Spending Acct Plan – Display
H9QU6 Plan Identifying Information – Retirement – Display
H9RU4 Plan Eligibility Rules – Spending Accounts – Display
HAT30 Sources of Money-Health & Welfare – Display
HAT01 Sources of Money-Defined Contributions – Display
HATU4 Contribution Rules – Spending Account – Display
HATU6 Sources of Money-Retirement –Display
HMSU1 Vendor and Product Information – Update
HMTU1 Group Insurance Participant Information – Update
HMTU2 Flexible Participant Information – Update
HN1LN Loan Repay (401K) Contributions Screen – Update
HN1LO Loan Repay (457) Contribution Screen – Update
HN1R1 Texa$aver Roth 401k Contribution Screen – Update
HN1R7 Roth 457 Contribution Screen – Update
HN1U1 Texa$aver 401(K) Contribution Screen – Update
HN1U2 Defined Contribution History – Display
HN1U6 Optional Retirement Plan Information – Update
HN1UA 403(b)/457 Defined Contribution Current Election – Update
HN1UF 403B/457 Contribution Screen (LOA) – Display
HN1UK Defined Contribution – MTD/QTD (LOA) – Display
HN1UL Defined Contribution – YTD/LTD (LOA) – Display
HN1UP Defined Contributions-AMT/CUR (LOA) – Display
HN1UX Defined Contribution – Vendor (LOA) – Display
HN1UZ Defined Contribution History – Display
HNBU1 Maximum Contributions Allowed by IRS – Display
HNCU1 Contributions Taken Year-to-Date (LOA) – Display
HNCUT Contributions Transfer Year-to-Date –Update
HNKBA Benefits Report Requests – Update
HNSHL Insurance Premiums – Display
HNSU3 Plan Option ID Information-Health & Welfare – Display
HNSU4 Coverage Calculation Rules-Health & Welfare – Display
HNSU5 Premium Calculation Rules-Health & Welfare – Display
HODCS Commuter Spending Account Deduction – Display
H0BBA Employee Benefits Information – Display
H0BDC Employee Active Defined Contribution – Display
HRHMT HMT Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRHN1 HN1 Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRHNC HNC Transaction Audit Record – Display

Employee Information System

HMEDN Agency Domain Names – Display
HMELV Leave Summary on Web Message – Display
HMERN Earnings Statement on Web Message – Display

Leave Accounting

HM8U1 Leave Balances (LOA) – Display
HM8U2 Leave Balances – Display
HM9CM Employee Leave Request With Comments
HM9U1 Employee Leave Request – Update
HM9UZ Employee Leave Activity Detail (LOA) – Display
HMAU1 Agency Rules (Updated by Payroll Policy) – Display
HMBU1 Agency Accrual Rules – Display
HMCU1 Employee Leave Accruals – Update
HMCUZ Employee Leave Accruals (LOA) – Display
HMDU1 Year Month Calendar – Display
HMOU1 Sick Leave Pool Balances (LOA) – Display
HMOU2 Sick Leave Pool Balances –Display
HN9U3 Leave Balance Inquiry By Leave Type – Display
HNFU1 Holidays – Display
HNKLA Leave Accounting Report Request and Flags – Update
HNKLM Leave Accounting Message – Update
HO8U1 Employee FMLA Authorization – Update
HO8UZ Employee FMLA Authorization (LOA) – Display
HOCRT Physician Certified Hours History – Update
HP9U2 Sick Leave Pool Activity – Update
HPRLA Leave Report Options – Update
HQ9U1 Donor Sick Activity
HRHM9 HM9 Deleted Transaction Audit Record – Display

Payroll Administration

H1J01 System Bank Information – Display
H1KLS Pending Transactions – Display
H1KU1 Pending Transactions – Display
H10AS Employee Automatic Entitlements – Display
H10SP Employee Entitlements – Update
H3SRS Payroll End of Period Clear of Accumulators – None
HHM01 Tax Reporting Transmitter Information – Display
HHN01 Tax Reporting Return Address – Display
HHN02 Tax Reporting Return Contact Information – Display
HHO01 Tax Reporting Hardware Information – Display
HIF01 Tax Reporting Local Information – Update
HIK01 Box Entry Map – Display
HIL01 Report Record Map Entry –Display
HIM01 Magnetic Tape and State Specific Form Indicators – Display
HIN01 Tax Reporting Group Calculation Data – Display
HIO01 Tax Reporting Grp Calculation Data Special Pay – Display
HIS01 Tax Reporting Group Calculation Data State Codes – Display
HIS02 Tax Reporting Group Calculation Data Local Codes – Display
HITPR W-2PR Forms Report Control Information (Report 79) – Display
HITPS Tax Data Posting Report Control Information – Display
HITPT Tax Data Posting Report Process Switches – Display
HITW2 W-2 Forms Report Control Information – Display
HITWM W-2 Federal Magnetic Tape Report Control Info – Display
HITWS W-2 State Magnetic Tape Report Control Info – Display
HIX01 Tax Reporting Payer Identification Information – Display
HIY01 Tax Reporting Payer Address Information – Display
HJ101 Tax Reporting Employee Address Information – Display
HJ102 Tax Reporting Employee Report Designators – Display
HJ201 Tax Reporting Employee Identification Data 1 – Display
HJ202 Tax Reporting Employee Identification Data 2 – Display
HJ301 Tax Reporting Group Type Amounts –Display
HJ401 Tax Reporting W-2 Control Information – Display
HJ402 Tax Reporting W-2 Federal Amounts – Display
HJ501 Tax Reporting W-2 State/Local Amounts – Display
HJ502 Tax Reporting W-2 State/Local Amounts – Display
HJ601 Tax Reporting Group Type Amounts – None
HJ001 Tax Reporting Employee Name Information – Display
HJP01 Tax Reporting State Information – Display
HLQ01 System Tax Formula Definitions – Display
HLQ02 System Tax Constants/Factors – Display
HLR01 Tax Limits By Marital Status – Display
HLS01 System Tax Tables – Display
HLT01 System Tax Locality Data – Display
HLU01 Tax Calculation Method Description – Display
HLU02 Tax Calculation Method Description – Display
HMEDE Deductions Not Taken Messages – Display
HN6U1 Payroll Voucher/Run Setup – None
HN7U1 PCA/Index Special Pay Override – Update
HNK10 Credit Union Interface Request – None
HNK61 Agency Accounting Extract – None
HNKER ERS Selection Criteria – Display
HNKPA Payroll Report Requests and Flags – Update
HNKRQ Payroll Period End Requests –Update
HNKU3 Period End Processing – Display
HNKU7 Report Request Screen – Display
HNKU8 Membership Dues Report – Display
HNMDH Employee Deduction Detail History – Display
HNWDS Employee Active Deduction Detail – Display
HNYU1 Child Support Detail – Update
HNYU2 Credit Union Sub-Deduction Detail – Update
HNYU3 Agency Payables Sub-Deduction Detail – Update
HNYU4 Charitable Contributions Detail – Update
HNYU5 Membership Dues Sub-deduction – Update
HNYU7 Guaranteed Student Loan – Update
HNYU8 PrePaid College Tuition – Update
HNYU9 Spousal Maintenance Detail – Update – Update
HNYUA Sub Deduction Adjustments/Reversals –Update
HNYUZ Child Support Detail (LOA) – Display
HNZU1 Child Support Detail History – Display
HNZU2 Credit Union Deduction Disbursement Detail – Display
HNZU3 Agency Payables Disbursement Detail – Display
HNZU4 Charitable Contributions Disbursement – Display
HNZU5 Membership Dues Deduction Disbursement Detail – Display
HNZU7 Federal Garnishment Disbursement Detail – Display
HNZU8 PrePaid College Tuition – Display
HNZU9 Spousal Maintenance Detail – Display
H0101 Tax Unit Federal Employer Identification Data – Display
H0201 Tax Unit State Identification Numbers – Display
H0301 Tax Unit S.U.I. Rates – None
HO3U1 Pay Period Information Table – Display
HO4U1 TCODES Table (GL & USAS) – Display
H04U1 Bond Alternate Name Information – Update
HO5U1 Object Codes (USAS-GL) – Update
H0801 Tax Unit SUI Identification – Display
H09U1 Deduction Payment Name and Address (LOA) – Display
H0ATA Employee Agency Paid Tax Accumulations (LOA) – Display
H0ATB Employee Tax Table Accumulations (LOA) – Display
H0ATC Employee Company Paid Tax Accumulations(LOA) – Display
H0ATE Tips Accumulations – Display
H0ATX Employee State and Local Tax Status – Update
H0AUT Manual Employee Transfer Tax Information – Update
H0BCA Verification of Contribution Amounts – Display
H0BPA Employee Pay and Hour Accumulation (LOA) – Display
H0BPT Calendar Year Payroll Totals – Display
H0BTP Employee YTD Third Party & Tips (LOA) – Display
H0BTT Employee YTD Tax & Taxable Amounts (LOA) – Display
H0BUI Employee Direct Deposit, Checking/Savings – Update
H0BUN Employee Pay and Labor Information – Update
H0BUT Employee YTD Tax and Taxable Amounts (LOA) – Display
H0CCF Agency Factors – Display
H0CCH Shift Differential Rates/Factors – Display
H0CCS Agency Processing Status – Display
H0CFL Agency Flags – Display
H0CUS Agency Processing Options – Display
HODAJ Deduction Adjustment – Update
HOEU1 Third Party Address Table – Update
HOEU2 Third Party Address Table List – Display
HOEU3 Third Party Address Table List – Display
H0HAC User Defined Alpha Numeric Constants – Display
H0HHP Employee Payment History – Display
H0HHS Employee Status History – Display
H0HLS Payroll History Summary – Display
H0HT1 Employee Tax History I – Display
H0HU1 Employee Payment History (Actual) – Display
H0HU2 Employee Payment History (Warrant Detail) – Display
H0HU3 Employee Payment History – Display
H0I01 System Processing Information (System Date) – None
H0K01 System Control Information – None
HOLEG Legislative Employee Longevity History – Display
HOLGV Employee Longevity History – Display
H0L01 System S.U.I. Limits – None
H0MDE Employee Deduction History – Display
H0MSP Employee Special Pay History – Display
H0NT1 Earnings History Tax Information 1 – Display
HO0U1 PR3 Mail Code Set-Up – Update
H0PPD Agency Percentage Deductions – Display
H0VCD Agency Deductions – Display
H0WCP Agency Entitlement Set up – Display
H0ZBT Bankruptcy and Tax Levy Deductions – Update
H0ZDC Employee Deductions (LOA) – Display
H0ZDS Employee Deductions – Display
H0ZSB Savings Bond Deductions (LOA) – Display
H0ZUC Employee Deductions – Update
HP6LS Payroll Voucher History – Display
HP6TX Payroll Taxes by Voucher – Display
HPCAN Warrant/Direct Deposit Reversals and/or Reissues – Update
HPCAP Warrant/Direct Deposit Reversals and/or Reissues – Claims Override – Update
HPERS Pension Waiting Period Status – Display
HPFLS Period End Processing History – Display
HPFUZ Period End Processing History (LOA) – Display
HPHLS Summarized Employee Payment Listing – Display
HPHSM Summarized Employee Payment History – Display
HPKDL Pending Transaction Delete Request – Update
HPSJS Job Schedules – Update
HQALS Payment Addenda Detail – Update
HQEMP Addenda Transaction List – Update
HQSUM Payment Addenda Summary – Update
HQVND Addenda Vendor Summary – Update
HRHNY HNY Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRH0A H0A Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRH0Z H0Z Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRINC Retirement Bonus Update – Display
HRSDL Online Batch Deletion – Update
HRSSR Data Entry SSN Search – Update
HRSU1 Payroll Batch Balancing (IBC) Multi-Batch Screen – Update
HRSUB Payroll Batch Balancing (IBC) Screen Changes – Update
HS450 Payment Reversal – Display
HS460 Payment Reversal and Reissue – Display
HSCU1 Payroll Transaction Run Control – Update
HSCU2 Warrant Run Control – Display
HSCU3 Electronic Approval/Release Processing –Update
HSCUL Payroll Transaction Run Control – Display
HS020 Data Base Print Request – None
HSRPQ Transaction RPQ – Earnings History Report Control – Update
HTMMB Manual Pay Balancing – Display
HTMU1 Employee Manual Pays 1 – Update
HTMU2 Employee Manual Pays 2 – Update
HTMU3 Employee Manual Pays 3 – Update
HTOUA Employee Deduction Refund/Adjustments – Update
HTPSA Employee Special Pay Adjustments – Update
HTQTA Employee Tax Refund/Adjustment – Update
HUADL Online Batch Deletion – Update
HUASR Data Entry SSN Search – Update
HUATX Online Batch Deletion – Update
HUAU1 Standard Time Reporting – Update
HUAU3 Time Card Short – Update
HUDU1 Deduction Override – Update
HUEU1 Special Payments – Update
HUEUC Constitutional Per Diem Payments – Update
HUEUD Paid Deduction Refund – Update
HUEUZ Lump Sum Payments for Transfers – Update
HUXU1 Bonus Payment Screen – Update
HUZU1 Payroll Lump Sum Special Payments – Update

Personnel Management

H4BU1 Individual Skills – Update
H5K01 Employee Job Service Awards – Update
H5LU1 Education History – Update
H5M01 Professional License & Memberships – Update
H5OLS Employee Course Information (List) – Update
H5O01 Employee Course Information – Update
H5SU1 Test Results – Update
H61U1 Performance Appraisal – Update
H60LW Employee LWOP History – Update
H6001 Employee LWOP History (LOA) – Update
H7MLS Employee Assignment Directory (List) – Display
H7OLS Job Class Directory – Display
H7W01 Skills Description – Update
HDTU1 Emergency Contact Data – Update
HGOU1 Course Identification – Update
HGOU2 Training Course List – Display
HGU01 Course Description – Update
HGXU1 Section Identification – Update
HGY01 Section Rating – Update
HH501 Course Registration – Update
HH5U1 Course Completion Information (List) – Update
HH801 Instructor Certification – Update
HH8U1 Certified Instructor List (List) – Display
HHCU1 Instructor Assignment & Schedule – Update
HIDU1 Individual Identification – Update
HIDU2 Miscellaneous Individual Information – Update
HIDU3 Individual Military Service – Update
HIDUZ Individual Identification (LOA) – None
HIE01 Test Identification – Update
HIG01 Section Dates – Update
HIH01 Instructor Rating – Update
HM601 Employee/Agency Association List – Display
HMPDS Employee Assignment Information – Display
HMPFX New Hire Correction – Update
HMPHR Employee Assignment Change – Update
HMPNH New Hire – Update
HMPSC Employee Schedule Change – Update
HMPUE Employee Assignment – MSR Correction – Update
HMPUK Employee Assignment Information (LOA) – Display
HMPUL Employee Assignment Salary Change (LOA) – Display
HMPUS Employee Position Assignment Swap – Update
HN8U1 Prior State Service – Update
HN8UK Prior State Service Time (LOA) – Display
HNALS Position Assignment Service History – Display
HNHAT Employee History Audit Trail – Display
HNHBK Personnel Action Backout – Update
HNHDH Employee History – Dock Hours Correction – Update
HNHLS Position Assignment Service History – Display
HNHU1 No Title – Position Assignment History – Display
HNHUE Employee History – Misc. Correction – Update
HNHUK No Title – Position Assignment History (LOA) – Display
HNIU1 Employee Disability Data – Update
HNK11 HR Daily Extract Request (Report 550) – Update
HNK50 HR Extract Rebuild Request (Report 50) – Update
HNKPM Personnel Management Report Requests – Update
HNLU1 Salary Cap Balances – Display
HNLU2 Salary Cap Adjustments – Display
HNLU3 Balance Adjustments – Display
HNNEP Salary Exceptions – Update
HNXAT HMPFX, H0BFX & HNHBK Audit History – Display
HNXU1 No Title – HMPFX, H0BFX & HNHBK Audit History – Display
HNXUK No Title-HMPFX, H0BFX&HNHBK AudHist (LOA) – Display
HO1U1 Position Labor Distribution – Display
HO2U1 Position Labor Distribution – Update
HO2UZ Position Labor Distribution (LOA) – Update
H0BCS Employee User Defined Data (LOA) – Display
H0BFX Employee Termination Correction – Update
H0BGP Employee Status Information (LOA) – None
H0BHR Verification of Earnings – Display
H0BID Basic Employee Identification – Display
H0BIN Employee Transfer of Information – Update
H0BLS Employee List – Display
H0BU1 EEO-4 Employee Information – Display
H0BU4 Interagency Employee Setup – Update
H0BUD Employee Automatic Taxing Information – Update
H0BUS Employee Status Information – Update
HOHAZ Total Hazardous Duty Service – Update
HOHUK Total Hazardous Duty Service (LOA) – Display
HOHUZ Total Hazardous Duty Service (LOA) – Display
HOOLS Agency Organization Code Listing – Display
HO0UZ Additional Individual Info (LOA) – Display
HP8U1 Employee State Service – Update
HPBRP Employee BRP Correction – Display
HPXU1 Back Out of Terms – None
HRALS Return to Work Retiree State Service – Display
HRBRP Employee BRP Indicator History – Display
HRCLS Agency History Listing – Display
HRCUK Agency History (LOA) – Display
HRELS Retiree List – None
HRHID HID Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRH0B H0B Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRHO0 HO0 Transaction Audit Record – Display
HRX01 Monitor Table Definition – None
HS2DD Agency/Employee/Individual Delete (LOA) – Display
HS2U1 SSN Change (LOA) – Display

Position Control

H7OU1 Job Class Table – Update
H7S1A Classified Pay Table – Display
H7S1B Classified Pay Table – Display
H7S1C Classified Pay Table – Display
H7SAA Classified Pay Table – Display
H7SBB Classified Pay Table – Display
H7SCC Classified Pay Table History – Display
H7SLS Pay Table – Update
HDWE4 EEO-4 SMSA/Function Information – Update
HMJU1 Extended Location Table – Update
HMLU1 Functional Job Class Table – Update
HMMU1 PCA/Index Validation – Update
HMQU1 Rollover Parameters – Display
HNJU1 Location Table – Update
HNKPC Position Control Report Requests and Flags – Update
HNKU9 Position Control Interface – Display
HNNLS HNN Counts – Display
HNNU1 Job Class Table Change – Update
HNORG Organization Table – Update
HNOUZ Organization Table (LOA) – Display
HNPDS Position Display – Display
HNPFY Position Table for Fiscal Year End Maint – Update
HNPLS Position Directory – Display
HNPU1 Position Table Maintenance – Update
HNPUK Position Table (LOA) – Display
HNPUL Detailed Position Expenditures (LOA) – Display
HNQFJ Fiscal Year-End Functional Job Class Mass Chg – Update
HNQMC Fiscal Year End Mass Change Information – Update
HNQPO Fiscal Year End PCA W/I Org Mass Change Info – Update
HNTEX Authorized Exempt Job Classes – Display
HNVJC Job Class Conversion – Display
HO9U1 Division Names – Update
H0CCN Agency Name and Address – Update
H0CE4 EEO-4 Agency Information – Update
HPALS Active Positions – Display
HPFYE FYE Rollover Request History – Display
HPOLS Active Positions by Organization Code – Display


HNKLO Batch Lockout Processing – Update
HNKSR USPS Security Report Request – Update
HO6SG Electronic Signature Central Profile Table – Display
HR2LO User Security and Lockout – Update


CDDLS Millennium Data Dictionary – None
CMOLS Optimized Menu Maintenance Screen – Display
CMONU Main Menu – Display
CMOXX Link from CMONU – Display
COSLS Millennium Optimized Screen List – Display
CPSBR Millennium Security Profile – Display
CPSLS Millennium Security Profile – Display
CPSSL Millennium Security Profile – Display
CPSUP Millennium Security Profile –Display
CTSBR Millennium Security Profile – Display
CTSCH Copy/Move Security Records – None
CTSER Millennium Sign On Security – None
CTSLS Millennium Sign On Security – None
CTSSO Millennium Sign On Maintenance – None
H11LS HR:M Entity List – None
H1101 Entity Definitions – None
H11XX HR:M Entities (Internal Use) – None
H1TCT Tax Reporting Payer Contact Information – Display
H1T02 T02 Report Setup Edit Table – None
H1TR8 Agency Reason Code Decode Table – None
H1TR9 Generalized Edit & Encode/Decode Tables – None
H1TZZ Generalized Edit and Encode/Decode Tables – Display
H1WCA HR:M Report Writer Calculation Data – None
H1WPS HR:M Report Writer Posting Entries – None
H1WSL HR:M Report Writer Selection Data – None
H1WUA HR:M Report Writer Calculation Data – None
H1WUL HR:M Report Writer Selection Data – None
H1WUS HR:M Report Writer Posting Entries – None
HL201 Encode/Decode Screen Associations – None
HL001 Encode/Decode Screen Associations – None
HM7NM Employee Phonetic Name Access – Display
HM7XX Phonetic Name Selection – Display
HNKU1 Report Selection Dates – Display
HNKYE Year-end Parameters – Display
H0CLS Agency Listing – Display
H0GLS Batch USPS Error Messages – None
H0KDL Delete Utility Record Type – None
H0QLS Report Writer List of Active Reports – None
H0Q01 Report Writer Active Control Data – None
H0QUG Report Writer List of Active Reports – None
H0QUX List of Active Reports – None
H0S01 Report Writer Active Fields – None
H0S02 Report Writer Active Fields – None
H0XCR Agency Report Set ups – Display
HPDES Agency Report Destination Table – None
HPJLS Agency Location Codes Listing – Display
HPRPT Agency Report Profiles – Display
HR3LS Millennium Security Profiles – Display
HRHL1 Agency/Employee Audit History – Display
HRHL2 Employee Audit History – Display
HRV01 Transaction Definition for Batch Input – None
HRW01 Specific Edits for Batch Transactions – None
HS5B1 Report Writer Inquiry – None
HS5B3 Report Writer Standard Report Set up – None
HSRPT Standard Report Request – Update
TERAT Millennium Error Messages – None
TERBR Millennium Error Messages – None
THPBR Millennium Help for Data Fields – Display
THPLS Help Re-direction – Display
THUBR Customer Help for Data Fields – Display
TMESG Millennium Broadcast Message – Display
UBYER Millennium Security Access Agency Entry Error – Display
UBYLS USPS Security Access – Restriction Edit – Display
UBYM2 Millennium Security Access Screen Entry Error – Display
UBYOR Organization Location Error – Display
UBYPR Organization Location Error – Display
UBYU1 USPS Message System Detail – Display
UBYU0 USPS Message System Listing – Display
UBZU1 USPS Message System – Display
UBZU0 USPS Message System – Display