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USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures
Cash in the State Treasury in USAS

USAS Screens Reports and Procedures

Cash Control Summary Inquiry (57) Screen

Note: The following 57 screen does not designate an AY; therefore, the balance includes all AYs. The correct balance to report is the fund cash balance (FUND CASH BAL). The available cash balance (AVAIL CASH BAL) has been reduced by cash reserved for payroll, (BT16) but these funds are still in the state treasury and should be reported. The inquiry month of 05 is the calendar month of May. The inquiry year of CY is fiscal year CY. Enter the number of the current calendar month to obtain the current cash balances.

 TEXAS  S057           UNIFORM STATEWIDE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM    06/11/09 06:13 PM 
 LINK TO:                  CASH CONTROL SUMMARY INQUIRY                   PROD 
   AGENCY:      APPR FUND: 0XXX  FUND:       AY:                              
 INQ TYPE: CB      (MA, PA, YA, CB, PY, PP)                                   
 INQ YEAR: CY      INQ MONTH: 05    AVAIL CASH BAL:     11,709,405.88         
                                     FUND CASH BAL:     23,098,943.57
 BT       TITLE                  AMOUNT  BT       TITLE                 AMOUNT 
 12 CASH REVENUES      1,363,841,112.33                                       
 15 CASH EXPENDITURES  1,350,461,386.53                      (Fund Cash 
 16 CASH RSRVD - PAYR     11,389,537.69                       balance is the 
 20 CASH TRANSFERS IN    446,106,764.62                       balance to
 21 CASH TRANSFERS OU    436,387,546.85                       report)

DAFR8660 Fund Cash History by Agency Including Shared Funds Report

DAFR8660 provides document level information for appropriated funds in USAS. It reflects activity in GL account 0045–Cash in State Treasury by fiscal month. See the following Report Request Profile (91) screen for details on requesting this report. The month for which detail is desired is designated by PERIOD (fiscal month). To receive activity for the entire year, twelve reports are required.

Note: Input a value of C in the SPEC SEL 1 field to order the report as the controlling agency. If an appropriated fund range is not specified, activity for all funds that an agency controls will be reported. When an agency controls the fund, they can receive a complete report of all activity in the fund; in contrast, if an agency shares the fund but does not control it, they will receive a report with only their activity in the fund.

 LINK TO:                REPORT REQUEST PROFILE                           PROD


   APPN YEAR:            PERIOD: 09               FY: CY  FREQUENCY: MONTHLY

         GRANT:   PROJECT:
       AGENCY: 7XX                           ORG CODE:
 PROGRAM CODE:                            NACUBO FUND:
  APPROP FUND: XXX  XXX  (Optional)              FUND:
  COMP OBJECT:                             AGY OBJECT:
      GL ACCT:                            AGY GL ACCT:
        GRANT:                                PROJECT:
   SPEC SEL 1: C                           SPEC SEL 2:
 LST RUN DATE: 20010605 LINES:  0000000                 STATUS CODE: A
 EFF START DATE: 12021993   EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE: 05102001

The DAFR8660 can be ordered by the controlling agency. The sign on the amount is the effect on cash. A plus sign is a debit to cash and a minus is a credit to cash. The ‘R’ reversal indicator can be disregarded for the effect on cash; however, it should be considered for the impact of the T-code. The subtotal amount is the net of the activity for the AY and the agency. Following the subtotal is the activity in the fund for the agency for the AY. If the net of the activity is $0.00, there will be activity in more than one agency. The ending balance for the AY is the total of the beginning balance for the AY and the net activity of all agencies included in the report. The ending balance in the fund for all AYs is the amount that the controlling agency would report.

DAFR8680 Detail Account Activity by Fund Report

The DAFR8680 report is like the DAFR8660 in that it is a document level report, but different in that it is possible to display activity in all GL accounts. If selected GL account detail is wanted, a range of GL numbers may be entered on the special select GL ACCT field. This report may be useful to account for payroll suspense fund activity or other suspense funds. This report will reflect activity in nominal accounts if included in the GL Account range selected. Keep in mind, however, that this is a document level report. If ordered for an operating fund with a lot of activity for all GL accounts, it could be a very large report.

Report CR_101 – Cash in State Treasury

Type Listing
Source GL table
Purpose To compare the Cash in State Treasury (CIST) amounts reflected on USAS 57 screen and the net of GL accounts 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0451. These amounts must be equal.


  1. Review report and determine the correct Cash in State Treasury amount.

    If the amounts are equal, no further action is needed because the amount on the 57 screen equals the amount reported on the USAS balance sheet. An adjusting entry is necessary when the amounts do not reconcile. Determine the correct amount and select the appropriate T-code to be used to adjust the GL balances. Direct any questions regarding T-codes to your financial reporting analyst.

  2. Ensure that the CIST amount on the 57 screen reconciles to the net of GL accounts 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0451.

    After you have entered correcting transactions, contact your financial reporting analyst to request an updated CR_101 report. Confirm that the CIST reflected on the 57 screen and the net of GL accounts 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0451 reconcile.

Report CR_101A – Cash in D23 Funds

Type Listing
Source General Ledger Table
Purpose To compare the Cash in State Treasury (CIST) amounts reflected on USAS 58 screen and the net of GL accounts 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0451. This report identifies all D23 funds classified as suspense funds. The net of GL account 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0451 must reconcile to USAS 58 screen.


  1. Review report and determine the correct Cash in State Treasury amount.

    If the amounts are equal, no further action is needed because the amount on the 58 screen equals the amount reported on the USAS balance sheet. An adjusting entry is necessary when the amounts do not reconcile. Determine the correct amount and select the appropriate T-code to be used to adjust the GL balances. Any questions regarding T-codes should be directed to your financial reporting analyst.

  2. Ensure that the CIST amount on the 58 screen reconciles to the net of GL accounts 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0451.

    After you have entered correcting transactions, contact your financial reporting analyst to request an updated CR_101A report. Confirm that the CIST reflected on the 58 screen and the net of GL accounts 0045, 0047, 0048 and 0451 reconcile.