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HRIS Reporting Requirements – Higher Education
Chapter 3 – Submitting Personnel and Payroll Data

When Must Agencies Submit Their Data?

Personnel and payroll data must be submitted to HRIS at least once a month, but submitting data more often is recommended. Data for the month must be successfully processed by the 7th of the following month. For instance, data for March must be submitted by the following April 7th. This ensures new-hire and salary related personnel transactions are completed before the payroll processes. Data can be submitted 45 days into the future.

Data Processing and Exception Reports

Personnel and payroll data are processed nightly.

Institutions may submit one HRIS EFT per day. The cutoff time for accepting the daily transmission is 4 p.m. Data transmitted after 4 p.m. will be carried forward to the next evening’s processing schedule. Data sent after 4 p.m. on Friday will be processed on Monday evening. If more than one transmission is submitted before 4 p.m., the original transmission will be overlaid.

HRIS sends an exception report to your institution via EFT the morning after each batch cycle. The exception report lists all data errors that are identified during the editing process during nightly processing. The exception report lists each transaction in error as you sent it through batch, with a message indicating the error. There are three types of errors that will appear on the personnel exception report: fatal, warning and informational. Personnel transactions with fatal errors must be corrected and resubmitted through batch or online entry as soon as possible. Transactions with warning or informational messages process and are on the database; however, there may be something about the transaction that the agency needs to know.

Payroll has three types of error reports. Transactions that reject from the system are listed on the Payroll Exception Transaction Listing and will have the Batch ID number on the report. These transactions must be corrected and completely re-entered into the system, either through batch or online entry. Payroll exceptions will only print once after the initial batch processes.

Most payroll errors will go to a pending file and are listed on the Exception Transaction Listing where the Batch ID reflects Pending and the Action Code is P. Transactions on the pending file can also be corrected through the batch process or by online entry.

Your payroll pending file will print each time your institution triggers the pending file. Entering any payroll data for your institution online or through batch will trigger the balancing and posting routine for your pending payroll file. The pending payroll report is cumulative, and a transaction will appear on the pending report until it has been corrected. Once the transaction has been corrected, it will no longer print. Pending reports must be corrected as soon as possible because transactions will not be counted as timely until they are posted to the permanent tables.

Payroll reports also include Balanced/Out of Balance Reports for each voucher. One report for each outstanding voucher will print after the pending report. The Balanced/Out of Balance Report will list summary information for the voucher and details of any out of balance payments. Once a voucher is balanced and posted to the permanent tables, a final Balanced/Out of Balance Report will generate with the status of Posted and Balanced. All transactions within a voucher must be correct and balanced before the voucher will post to the permanent tables. The date that the voucher posts to the permanent tables is the date used to calculate timeliness and institution compliance.

Your HRIS representative is available to help the institution identify the cause of the exceptions, but the institution is responsible for analyzing reports and resubmitting the transactions needed to correct the exceptions and pending transactions. Promptly clearing exceptions is essential to maintaining the integrity of the HRIS database.

Two Methods of Submitting Data to HRIS

Agencies may submit personnel and payroll data to HRIS by EFT or by online entry.

For help in complying with HRIS data requirements, contact your HRIS representative.

How to Submit Electronic File Transfers to HRIS

To receive detailed procedures for submitting electronic file transfers to HRIS, contact the Comptroller’s System Input/Output (SIO) Group through the Help Desk at:

Note: Please request the “SIO Group” in your call or email to the Help Desk.

How to Fill Out the HRIS EFT Specifications Form – Reappointment EFTs Only

When you send HRIS Reappointment data via Electronic File Transfer (EFT) to the Comptroller’s office, you must also email to your HRIS contact the HRIS EFT Specifications form (73-162, Rev. 7-98/6).

The form must be emailed to HRIS at This allows for easy tracking of your submission.

Note: If the form you are now using does not match the one shown at the end of this chapter, your form is outdated. Please use the one included here as a master to make current copies.

To complete the HRIS EFT Specifications form, enter the following information:

Field Name Action Format
INBOUND Check box when sending EFT to HRIS EFT
OUTBOUND Do not check. For HRIS staff use only.  
DATE Current date EFT
AGENCY NAME Name of agency submitting EFT EFT
AGENCY NUMBER Three-digit agency number EFT
BATCH NUMBER Agency-assigned alphanumeric batch identifier (up to six characters and must be unique by header record) EFT
COMPUTER TYPE AND MODEL Manufacturer and model number of equipment used to create EFT EFT
OPERATING SYSTEM Operating system used to create EFT EFT
DATA FOR MONTH OF: Reporting month. EFT
NUMBER OF TOTAL RECORDS Number of classification and carrier records, personnel, payroll and total number of records in the batch. EFT
CONTACT NAME Enter name of person to contact if questions arise about the EFT submitted. EFT
CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER Contact’s telephone number EFT
TYPE OF DATA INCLUDED – INBOUND Mark all appropriate boxes indicating type of data included on EFT. EFT
TYPE OF DATA INCLUDED – OUTBOUND Do not enter. For HRIS staff use only.  
AGENCIES INCLUDED… Enter the number, name and number of records for each additional agency included on the EFT in the blanks below the AGENCY NUMBER, OTHER AGENCY NAME and NUMBER OF RECORDS headings. EFT
COMMENTS Enter any additional information as necessary. EFT

HRIS EFT Specifications

HRIS EFT Specifications form (73-162)

Weekly HRIS Audit Reports

A new Weekly Audit Batch and online Transactions Accepted Report identifies all the transactions that were submitted to HRIS via paper forms, magnetic tape/cartridge or through electronic file transfer (EFT) or online that were accepted on HRIS. This report provides your agency with a method of auditing the accuracy of the data reported to HRIS each week. The Comptroller’s office produces this report each Friday after the daily maintenance transactions have processed and will send the report to your agency through EFT.

The report displays the data by Agency Number, Batch ID Number, Record ID, Reason Code, and Social Security Number. Employee Job and Descriptive Information records (Record IDs 26 and 66) are displayed together by Social Security Number. All other records are displayed separately.

How to Submit Maintenance Transactions via Online Entry

For detailed procedures for entering maintenance transactions online, please refer to the HRIS Online Inquiry and Entry Guide – Higher Education.

Electronic File Transfer – HRIS Reports (Remote Print)

Institutions receive one HRIS output file a day via electronic file transfer (EFT). The file is transferred to the agency after nightly processing has been completed. Nightly processing usually occurs between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Report files are available for download from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day. Report files are purged after 7:00 p.m. in preparation for the next day’s file. Report files from Friday’s processing remain available for download until 7:00 p.m. on Monday.

Contact your HRIS representative for assistance in retrieving reports that were not downloaded before being purged.

The following reports are distributed to all agencies and institutions of higher education:

  • Exception Transactions Listings – Personnel and Payroll
  • Out-of-Balance Exception Reports – Payroll
  • Pending Transaction Listings – Payroll
  • Higher Education Audit Transaction Listings
  • Employees Without Jobs/Appointments
  • Employees Without Reappointment in Fiscal Year

Other statewide reports that are distributed to all institutions are listed and described in detail in the Statewide Payroll/Personnel Reports Guide (FPP D.002).

The Comptroller’s office will provide customized reports to suit your institution’s needs. Please contact your HRIS representative for assistance.

HRIS Personnel Sort Sequence

Personnel transactions in HRIS should be processed in date order. Records submitted to HRIS are sorted to help ensure employees’ personnel history and salary actions are in date order and are not recorded out of sync. Also, employee descriptive records must process before job records. Data in the HRIS reference tables must be submitted to define certain codes before they are used on subsequent records. For instance, classification codes must be submitted before job transactions that use classification numbers, will process successfully.

Records submitted to HRIS are processed in the following order:


  1. Record ID 12 – Agency Classification Codes
  2. Record ID 14 – Agency 403(b) Carrier Numbers
  3. Record ID 76 – SSN Changes

    Processed in following order:
    1. SSN
    2. Effective date
  4. Record ID 27 – Employee Descriptive Information
    1. Agency number
    2. Batch ID
    3. SSN
    4. Effective date
    5. Termination reason code reversals in ascending order:051–069 if reversal indicator = Y
    6. New hire reason codes in ascending order: 010–017, 099, 910
    7. All remaining reason codes in ascending order
  5. Record ID 67 – Employee Job/Appt Information
    1. Agency number
    2. Batch ID
    3. SSN
    4. Effective date
    5. In ascending order:
      • Job/appointment number
      • Reason code 099 (Conversion to HRIS)
      • Job/appointment and salary action reversals reason codes: 900 – 932 if reversal indicator = Y
    6. In ascending order:
      • Job/appointment number
      • Job/appointment and salary action reason codes: 900 – 932
    7. In ascending order:
      • Job/appointment number
      • All remaining reason codes

HRIS Payroll Sort Sequence

Payroll transactions in HRIS are sorted in a hierarchy and are interdependent on each other for accurate processing. Each record type depends on the record preceding it to process correctly and to ensure each individual payment is balanced.

After a Voucher (81) processes, Payments (83) process and refer to the voucher for certain information. If the voucher has not processed, then the payments will reject.

When the Entitlements (85) and Deductions (87) process they are tied back to the Payment (83) for editing and balancing. If the payment has not processed, the entitlements and deductions will reject.

HRIS identifies which records should be tied together for editing and balancing by using the key mandatory fields. The key mandatory fields must match exactly for the 83, 85, and 87 records that should be together. HRIS performs relational edits for each record type and keeps track of balancing within the records tied by their key mandatory fields.

The Voucher (81) record is a control record that uses summary totals and record counts of the tied transactions to ensure all transactions are submitted and processed. When all relational edits are met, each payment balances, and summary totals are equal to the submitted totals on the voucher, all records tied to the voucher will post to the permanent tables.

More information is available in the HRIS Online Inquiry and Entry Guide – Higher Education.

Records submitted to HRIS are processed in the following order:


  1. Record ID 81 – Voucher Transactions
    1. Agency Number
    2. Batch ID
    3. Voucher Number
    4. Fiscal Year
  2. 83 – Payment Transactions
    1. Agency Number
    2. Batch ID
    3. Voucher Number
    4. Fiscal Year
    5. Pay Period Effective Date
    6. Line Number
    7. SSN
    8. Appointment Number
    9. Pay Trans Type (Order by: OP, RP, SP, TP, AS, LS, SS, DA, DR, PA, CA, CE, Others)
    10. Pay Number
  3. 85 – Payment Entitlement Transactions
    1. Agency Number
    2. Batch ID
    3. Voucher Number
    4. Fiscal Year
    5. Pay Period Effective Date
    6. Line Number
    7. SSN
    8. Appointment Number
    9. Pay Trans Type (Order by: OP, RP, SP, TP, AS, LS, SS, PA, CE, Others)
    10. Pay Number
  4. 87 – Payment Deduction Transactions
    1. Agency Number
    2. Batch ID
    3. Voucher Number
    4. Fiscal Year
    5. Pay Period Effective Date
    6. Line Number
    7. SSN
    8. Appointment Number
    9. Pay Trans Type (Order by: OP, RP, SP, TP, AS, LS, SS, DA, DR, PA, CE, Others)
    10. Pay Number
  5. 89 – Fund Transfer Transactions
    1. Agency Number
    2. Batch ID
    3. Voucher Number
    4. Fiscal Year
    5. SSN
    6. From Appointment Number
    7. Sequence Number

Note: Refer to Appendix B, “Record Descriptions and Field Entry Tables” to determine which fields you need to enter for a given record. Refer to Appendix C, “Data Field Descriptions, Corresponding Records and Valid Code Values” for field definitions and valid code values.

Fiscal Year Reappointment Instructions

Institutions must use the following instructions and schedule when reappointing employees for the fiscal year.

Submitting EFT #1

Send classification information using Record ID 12 for the current fiscal year on the first EFT. Do not report the minimum and maximum salary amounts for classifications. The amounts are defaulted at $1.00 minimum and $9,999,999.99 maximum and the fields are protected on the record layout.

Also send new carriers for the 403b, 457 and Optional Retirement Programs (ORP) using Record ID 14. Carries are the companies that are authorized by your institution to provide 403B, 457 and ORP products to employees of your institution. Changes to current carriers are also reported using Record ID 14. Do not report carrier information if there are no new carriers or if there have not been any changes. Carrier records will not automatically expire when you leave the EFFECTIVE END DATE field blank on the data file.

Submitting EFT #2

Send reappointments on the second EFT using Record ID 67. Send a reappointment record for all employees who had appointments during the previous fiscal year and are returning for the current fiscal year. Use the appropriate reason code between 900 and 932.

  • A reappointment to the same position held in the prior fiscal year should be reported with reason code 900.
  • If an employee has both a promotion and reappointment on Sept. 1, send one transaction with reason code 920.
  • Likewise, if an employee has a merit increase and reappointment, send one transaction with reason code 925.

Note: When using reason codes 920-932, the actual monthly amount of the increase or decrease in salary must be reported in the SALARY ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT field.

Submitting EFT #3

Follow this procedure when preparing EFT #3 – Terminations.

  • Identify all employees who had appointments during the previous fiscal year. If any of these employees were not reappointed for the current fiscal year, report their termination with applicable Reason Code (059–069) on Record ID 27, with the employee’s termination date.
  • After EFT #3 has processed successfully, you will receive the Employees Not Reappointed report. It will list employees who were not reappointed, yet had appointments in the previous fiscal year and have not been terminated. It is important that you reconcile the information in this report against your institution’s records to ensure that the information in HRIS is accurate. HRIS uses the information that institutions submit to generate the Equal Employment Opportunity Report, Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) and Veteran Workforce Summary Report.

Resume regular schedule

After EFT #1, #2 and #3 have been submitted and the reappointment reporting process is complete, institutions must resume the required schedule of submitting monthly maintenance EFTs on or before the 7th of the following month.

Schedule for Submitting EFTs

The Comptroller’s office issues a Fiscal Policies and Procedures notice each summer announcing the due dates for the reappointment EFTs.