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HRIS Online Inquiry and Entry Guide
Chapter 5 – Payroll Online Data Entry

Setting Up and Maintaining Payroll Screens

Log on to HRIS through USAS. From the HRIS Main Menu screen, use the following steps to access the payroll screens:

  1. Enter PR in the ENTER OPTION field at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Press Enter. The HRIS Payment Update Menu screen appears.
USER123  F48CPRPR                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 01:30:21 
      ALT CMD: ____           PAYMENT UPDATE MENU                               
 MENU: PR   OPTION: VE                                                          
                       OPTION          NAME                                     
                       ------     ------------------------------                
                         CA       CANCELLATION AND ADJUSTMENT                   
                         FT       FUND TRANSFER SCREEN                          
                         PD       PAYMENT DEDUCTION ENTRY SCREEN                
                         PE       PAYMENT ENTITL ENTRY SCREEN                   
                         PP       PAYMENT ENTRY SCREEN                          
                         VE       VOUCHER ENTRY SCREEN                          
 -ENTER- -F1-  -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12- 
               PVSC  MAIN                                                   END 


Voucher Entry Screen: PRVE

Perform the following steps to add or change a payment voucher record on the Voucher Entry screen (Record ID 81).

  1. Enter VE in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRVE.

  2. Press Enter. The Voucher Entry screen appears.
  USER123  F48CPRVE                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 09:37:25 
      ALT CMD: ____          VOUCHER ENTRY SCREEN                PAGE:         1 
   ACTION CODE:    _                AGENCY NO: ______                           
   AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________  FISCAL YR: ______                           
   VOUCHER TRANS-CODE: ___       PAY END DATE: ______                           
         PAYROLL TYPE: ___       PAYMENT DATE: ______                           
                                  VOUCHER AMT: _____________                    
 VOUCHER NBR PAYMENTS :______                                                   
                             LOCAL FUND (Y/N): _                                
 -ENTER- -F1-  -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12- 
               PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                       END 
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     

  1. Enter key mandatory fields:

    ACTION CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter action code:

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    AGENCY VOUCHER (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the agency voucher number. This number can only be used once during the fiscal year. The field is alphanumeric and left-justified.

    AGENCY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter agency number.

    FISCAL-YR (Key Mandatory)
    Enter fiscal year in which this transaction is effective.

  2. Press Enter to continue.
  3. Enter the mandatory and available fields:

    VOUCHER TRANS-CODE (Mandatory or Protected)
    Enter the code that defines the type of payroll submitted.

    022 Regular Payroll
    023 Supplemental Payroll
    031 Voucher Cancellation
    050 Deposits of Receipts
    092 Warrant Issue, Reimbursement
    089 Fund Source Transfer

    This field is protected for Local Payrolls.

    PAY END DATE (Mandatory)
    Enter last day of the payment period for payments included on the voucher.

    PAYROLL TYPE (Mandatory)
    Enter type of payroll processed:

    WKL Weekly
    BIW Biweekly
    TWM Twice Monthly
    MON Monthly
    LUM Lump Sum
    OTP Overtime
    SUP Supplemental

    PAYMENT DATE (Mandatory)
    Enter date warrant was issued or direct deposit was effective.

    Enter the number of payments in this voucher.

    VOUCHER AMT (Mandatory/Protected)
    Enter total of actual gross paid in dollars and cents for a particular voucher, including employer matching amounts for FICA. This field is protected for vouchers with transaction code 031 (Voucher Cancellation) or 050 (Deposits of Receipts).

    LOCAL FUND (Mandatory)
    Enter Y (Yes) if payment is made from non-appropriated funds (local) or N (No) if from appropriated funds.

  4. Press Enter to process information.

    If successful, HRIS accepts the voucher information and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen.

    If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen; correct the information as the error message indicates.

    Note: Now you are ready to enter the employee's payment information on the Payment Entry Screen (PRPP).

Payment Entry Screen: PRPP

Perform the following steps to add, change or delete a payment record on the Payment Entry screen (Record ID 83).

  1. Enter PP in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRPP.
  2. Press Enter to continue. The HRIS Payment Entry Screen appears. If you navigated directly from the PRVE screen, the system displays key information from the PRVE screen.
USER123  F48CPRPP                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 02:39:15 
     ALT CMD: ____          PAYMENT ENTRY SCREEN                PAGE:         1 
   ACTION CODE: C_                                                             
    PAY EFF DT: _____              LINE: ___            PAY NO: _________       
           SSN: ___                 JOB __          TRANS TYPE: ___             
         FUND: ____        EMPL SEQ NO: _______     ACTUAL GROSS: ___________  
PAY AMOUNT: _  _____0.00      PCT TIME: ______     PAY CANCEL DT: ______       
           ORIG VOUCHER: ______ ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   ORIG FISCAL YR:  ___      
                                                     ---- TOTALS ----          
         HOURS TYPE     ACTUAL HOURS                 ENT:                      
            ___           ________                   PAY:                      
            ___           ________                   DED:                      
            ___           ________                   BAL:                      
ENTER- -F1-  -F2- -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
            PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                       END   
  1. Enter any remaining key mandatory fields:

    ACTION CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter action code:

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    The action code displays as C (default). Change to A to add a new record. Change to D to delete a record.

    AGENCY VOUCHER (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the agency voucher number. If you navigated from PRVE, the agency voucher number should already be displayed.

    AGENCY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    FISCAL YR (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the four-digit fiscal year the transaction is effective.

    PAY EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter beginning date of pay period for which a payment is effective. Payment may be for current period or prior period.

    LINE (DISTRIB-LINE-NO) (Mandatory)
    Enter the line number agency assigned to a warrant.

    PAY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the agency-assigned payment number.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter employee's Social Security number.

    JOB (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the job number of the position for which the employee was paid. Before the payment will process in HRIS the job assignment must be setup on the Employee Job screen (HEEJ) and must be active on the pay period effective date. However, casual employees are not set up on the personnel side and are reported with JOB 000 for payroll.

    TRANS-TYPE (Key Mandatory or Protected)
    Enter transaction type from payment detail:

    CA Cancellation
    DA Deduction Adjustment
    DR Deduction Refund
    LS Lump Sum Payment
    OP Overtime Payment
    PA Payment Adjustment
    RP Regular Payment
    SP Supplemental Payment
    TP Task/Temporary Payment
    SS Salary Spread Payment
    AS Adjusted Salary Spread
    CE Correcting Entry
  2. Press Enter to continue.

    Employee’s name now displays. If reporting for a casual employee (Job/Appt. number 000), the message Non-Reportable Employee displays.

  3. Enter the mandatory and available fields.

    FUND (Mandatory or Available)
    Enter fund number. The PCA Code may be reported on the Entitlement Record if the PCA is set up in USAS and infers the NACUBO subfund number. Report the Fund number or PCA code, but not both.

    EMPL SEQ NO (Available)
    Enter employee sequence number assigned to transaction from the payment record.

    ACTUAL GROSS (Mandatory or Protected)
    Enter total gross salary paid to employee in dollars and cents. This amount is the sum of all entitlements reported on PRPE (85 record ID). This field is unavailable for cancellations, deduction adjustments, payment adjustments or deduction refunds.

    PAY AMT SIGN (Mandatory or Available)
    Enter if payment amount is positive, negative or zero. The system will assume positive payment amount if left blank.

    Z Enter Z when the pay amount is zero.
    + Positive amount (default)
    Negative amount

    PAY AMOUNT (Mandatory or Protected)
    Enter amount of warrant or direct deposit payment. Protected for Cancellation.

    PCT TIME (Available or Protected)
    Enter the time percentage actually worked in the pay period for the job/ appointment being reported. Percent time is derived by dividing the number of hours worked in a pay period by the number of hours available in a pay period and multiplying that figure by 100. Percent time must be reported when using the following entitlement codes:

    BSY Base Salary
    SSP Student Status Payments
    HLY Hourly (Temp. only)
    OTP Overtime Pay

    Percent time may not be reported when using the TSK entitlement code.

    PAY CANCEL DT (Protected)
    This field unavailable on this screen. Use the PRCA online screen for cancellations.

    ORIG VOUCHER (Protected)
    This field unavailable on this screen. Use the PRCA screen.

    ORIG TRANS TYPE (Protected)
    This field unavailable on this screen. Use the PRCA screen.

    ORIG FISCAL YR (Protected)
    This field unavailable on this screen. Use the PRCA screen.

    HOURS TYPE (Mandatory or Protected)
    Enter the hours type when reporting payments for overtime, compensatory time and the lump sum payment of vacation and sick leave.

    AL Lump-Sum Annual Leave
    CT Compensatory Hours
    OT Overtime Hours
    SL Lump-Sum Sick Leave

    ACTUAL HOURS (Mandatory or Protected)
    Enter hours or portions of hours up to two decimal places relating to a specific function. Always enter hours when entering information in the HRS_TYPE field.

  4. Press Enter to process the information.

    If successful, HRIS accepts the payment and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen.

    If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen. Correct the information as the error message indicates.

    TOTALS (Display)
    When successful, the payment amount displays in the PAY indicator of the TOTALS field. The BAL indicator displays an out-of-balance condition because the entitlements and deductions have not been entered. When all screens of a payment have been entered, the BAL indicator should be blank, indicating that the payment is balanced.

    Note: You are now ready to enter the employee's entitlement information on the Payment Entitlement Entry screen (PRPE).

Payment Entitlement Entry Screen: PRPE

  1. Enter PE in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRPE.

  2. Press Enter to continue. The Payment Entitlement Entry Screen appears. The system also displays key mandatory information previously entered on the PRPP screen.
USER123  F48CPRPE                   HRIS                   MM/DD/YYYY 01:33:15 
      ALT CMD: ____     PAYMENT ENTITLEMENT ENTRY SCREEN           PAGE:        
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________   AGENCY NO: ___   FISCAL YEAR: ____           
 PAY EFF DT: ________        LINE: _____       PAY NO: _____________            
 SSN: _________  JOB NO: ___  TRANS TYPE: __      ----TOTALS-----               
 NAME:                                            PAY:                          
 ACT     PCA    COMP   AGENCY  ENTITL  ENTITL   ENTITLEMENT                     
 ---   ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   ---------------  ---  --------  
  _     _____   ____    ____    ___     ___                       _   ________  
  _     _____   ____    ____    ___     ___                       _   ________  
  _     _____   ____    ____    ___     ___                       _   ________  
  _     _____   ____    ____    ___     ___                       _   ________  
  _     _____   ____    ____    ___     ___                       _   ________  
  _     _____   ____    ____    ___     ___                       _   ________  
  _     _____   ____    ____    ___     ___                       _   ________  
 ENTER-- F1--- F2--- F3--- F4--- F5--- F6--- F7--- F8--- F9---F10- -F11- -F12-- 
              PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                      END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     

  1. Press Enter again.

    The employee name displays in the NAME Field and the payment amount displays in the TOTALS field. The BAL indicator displays an out-of-balance amount due to the missing entitlement and deduction records. The amount displayed is the amount of the payment record previously entered on the PRPP screen.

  2. Enter the key mandatory fields:

    ACT CD (Key Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    PCA CODE (Available or Key Mandatory)
    Enter the PCA code that is set up in USAS. If the PCA does not infer the NACUBO subfund number, the PCA field must be left blank and the fund number (from the FUND field on the PRPP screen) must be reported. Report either the PCA code or fund number, but not both.

    COMP OBJ CD (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the number used in USAS to identify a category of expenditures. Enter the comptroller object or agency object, but not both.

    AGENCY OBJ CD (Key Mandatory)
    The agency object must be set up in USAS and infer the comptroller object. Enter the agency object or comptroller object, but not both.

    ENTITL CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the entitlement code that describes the payment.

    1XM One-time merit award
    ALP Annual Leave Pay
    AWD Award Pay
    BSY Base Salary
    CAR Car Allowance
    CLO Clothing Allowance
    CRT Certification/Advanced Degree Pay
    CSS Cost of Living Salary Supplement
    CTP Compensatory Time Pay
    ENR Enrichment
    EXP Expense Allowance
    FFS** FFCRA Paid Sick Care
    FFL** FFCRA FMLA Paid Leave
    HAZ Hazardous Duty Pay
    HLY Hourly (Temporary Hourly only)
    HOU Housing Allowance (including utilities)
    LDP Location Differential Pay
    LOG Longevity Pay
    MLS Meals
    MSC Miscellaneous Entitlement
    OCP On Call Pay
    OTP Overtime Pay
    PRB Performance Bonus
    SCH Scholarship Allowance
    SDP Specialty Differential Pay
    SEV Severance Pay
    SHD Shift Hours Differential Pay
    SLP Sick Leave Pay
    SPA Augmentation/Special Augmentation
    SRB Retention Bonus (Not authorized after 8/31/2005)
    SSP Student Status Payments (College Work Study/ Student Status only)
    STI Stipend/Extra Duty Pay
    SUP Salary Supplementation*
    TOP Teaching Overload
    TSK Task (Casual employees only)
    * For presidents and chancellors only.
    ** Effective April 1, 2020, through Dec. 31, 2020.

    ENTITL SEQ NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the three-digit sequence number for each entitlement code. This number is used to differentiate among occurrences of the same entitlement code and is mandatory even if there is only one occurrence of the entitlement.

    +/– (Available)
    Enter if entitlement amount is positive or negative. System assumes positive if left blank.

    AMOUNT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the exact amount of the entitlement in dollars and cents.

  3. The system will accept seven entitlement codes per screen. When a page is full, press Enter to process the current screen. Then press F8 to go to a new page to enter additional data.
  4. Press Enter to process the information.

    If successful, HRIS accepts the Payment Entitlement record and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen.

    If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen. Correct the information as the error message indicates.

    TOTALS (Display)
    The payment and entitlement amounts now display in the TOTALS field. The BAL indicator reflects an out-of-balance amount that should be the amount of deductions left to enter.

    Note: Now you are ready to enter the employee’s deduction information on the Payment Deduction Entry screen (PRPD).

Payment Deduction Entry Screen: PRPD

  1. Enter PD in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRPD.

  2. Press Enter. The Payment Deduction Entry Screen appears and the system displays key information from the previous screens.
USER123  F48CPRPD                   HRIS                  MM/DD/YYYY  03:34:21 
     ALT CMD: ____      PAYMENT DEDUCTION ENTRY SCREEN            PAGE:        
          SSN: XXXXXXXXX JOB-NO: XXX      TRANS-TYPE: XX       PAY:            
NAME:                                                          DED:            
 A  DED-CODE   SEQ  +/- DED-AMT                    FEE     STA-CONTR OTH-CONTR 
 - ----------  ---  ------------ --------------  --------  -------------------- 
 _    ___      ___   _  ________   _________      ______    _______   _______  
    _______     _     ________                      __      __________________ 
 _    ___      ___   _  ________   _________      ______    _______   _______  
    _______     _     ________                      __      __________________ 
 _    ___      ___   _  ________   _________      ______    _______   _______  
    _______     _     ________                      __      __________________ 
 _    ___      ___   _  ________   _________      ______    _______   _______  
    _______     _     ________   ______________     __      __________________ 
    _______     _     ________                      __      __________________ 
ENTER- -F1-  -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9- -F10- -F11-  -F12- 
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                       END  

  1. Press Enter to continue.

    The employee name displays in the NAME field and the payment and entitlement amounts display in the TOTALS field. The BAL indicator displays an out-of-balance amount, which should reflect the remaining deduction amount to be entered.

  2. Enter the mandatory and available fields.

    A (Action Code) (Key Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    DED-CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the code to identify the appropriate deduction.

    401 Texa$aver [401(k)]
    403 Tax Sheltered Annuity
    457 Deferred Compensation
    AWH Additional Withholding
    BAN Bankruptcy
    BON Bond
    CAT 457 Catch-up Deduction
    CCD Charitable Contributions
    CHI Child Support
    CON Contribution for Certain Organizations
    CSP College Savings Plan
    CUF Credit Union Fees
    CUP Credit Union Payment
    DBT Assignment, Transfer or Pledge
    DEF Deferred salary spread payments (Agency 755 only)
    EIC Earned Income Credit
    ENG English Proficiency Course
    FIT Federal Income Tax Withholding
    FGO Federal Wage Garnishment Orders
    INS Insurance
    LEV Tax Levy
    LOC Local Withholding
    LON Loan Repayment [401(k) loans only]
    MSC Miscellaneous Deductions*
    ORD Employee Organization Membership Dues
    ORP Optional Retirement
    PAR Parking
    PRD Recoup Overpayment of Compensation
    PRO Texas Protects
    SPI Service Purchase Installment
    SPM Spousal Maintenance
    STA State Withholding
    TOB Tobacco User Premium Differential
    TPF Texas Tuition Promise Fund
    TRB Teacher Retirement System (TRS) Buybacks
    TRS TRS Retirement
    TTF Texas Tomorrow Fund

    *Any deduction not specifically shown should be reported as MSC (Miscellaneous). Examples: transportation passes, club memberships, recreational sports memberships.

    SEQ (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the three-digit sequence number assigned to the deductions. This number is used to differentiate among multiple occurrences of the same deduction code, and is mandatory if there is only one occurrence of the deduction.

    +/– (Available)
    Enter value to specify whether the deduction actual amount will be positive (+) or negative (–). If left blank, the system assumes positive (+) amount has been entered.

    DED-AMT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter exact amount actually withheld from employee's salary for a specific deduction in dollars and cents.

    WAGES (Mandatory, Available or Protected)
    Enter wages amount if required by deduction code.

    FEE (Available)
    Enter fee amount associated with an authorized deduction code.

    STA-CONTR (Protected)
    Do not enter this field. State-paid contribution has been replaced by BRP.

    OTH-CONTR (Protected)
    Do not enter this field. Other premium contribution is no longer reported.

    EMP-MATCH (Mandatory or Available)
    Enter employer's required matching amount for deduction code FIC (FICA) only.

    T-I (Protected)
    Do not report – this field will default based on the deduction code.

    CARRIER-PROD (Mandatory or Available)
    Enter carrier number assigned to a benefit or defined contribution plan.

    FUND-CAT (Protected)
    Do not report.

    LOCAL-FUND-REF (Protected)
    Do not report.

  3. The PRPD screen accepts five deduction codes per screen. When a page is full, press Enter to process the current screen. Then press F8 to go to a new page to enter additional data.
  4. Press Enter to process the information. If successful, HRIS accepts the transaction and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen. If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen. Correct the information as the error message indicates.

    TOTALS (Display)
    Once successful, the DED indicator displays the total deduction amount, along with the payment and entitlement amounts. The payment is in balance when the BAL indicator is blank.

    A number with a negative (–) sign indicates that the payment or deduction is greater than the entitlement. Check your payment (PRPP) and deduction (PRPD) screens to identify missing or inaccurate information.

    A number with a positive (+) sign indicates that the entitlement is greater than the payment or deduction.

    Check your entitlement (PRPE) screen to identify missing or inaccurate information.

Cancellation/Adjustment Screen: PRCA

This screen is used to submit cancellations/adjustments online. The PRCA screen is for use online only, and is a combination of the 83, 85 and 87 records. As long as the original payment has posted, the PRCA screen will allow you to process the following Pay Trans Types:

CA Cancellation – cancel an employee’s entire warrant/direct deposit. PA Payment Adjustment – cancellation of an employee's net pay and specific deductions or net pay only.
PA Payment Adjustment – cancellation of an employee's net pay and specific deductions or net pay only.
DA Deduction Adjustment – adjustment of a deduction that was either overpaid or underpaid.
DR Deduction Refund – refund of an amount that was overpaid to a specific deduction.

How to Process a Cancellation (CA)

Perform the following steps to process a cancellation (CA) on the Cancellation/Adjustment screen.

  1. Enter CA in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRCA.

  2. Press Enter. The Cancellation/Adjustment screen appears.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ _____0.00  PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     

  1. Enter the following key mandatory fields.

    AGENCY VOUCHER (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the number of the voucher containing the cancellation. Do not use the original payment voucher number.

    AGENCY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    FISCAL YEAR (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the fiscal year this transaction is effective. Do not cross fiscal years.

    PAY EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of original payment being canceled.

    LINE NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter line number of payroll containing the cancellation.

    PAY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter pay number of original payment being canceled.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter Social Security number of employee receiving cancellation.

    JOB/APPT NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter job/appointment number of the original payment being canceled.

    PAY TRANS TYPE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter CA.

  2. Press Enter to continue.
  3. The name of the employee receiving the cancellation displays. If cancellation is for a casual employee, Non-Reportable displays.
  4. The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields for payment information, identified in bold print on the screen below.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ _____0.00  PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     

  1. Enter the mandatory and available fields to process a payment cancellation.

    ACTION (Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    FUND (Available)
    Enter fund number of payment being canceled.

    PAY AMOUNT SIGN (Display)
    Z will display to allow the system to accept a zero amount.

    PAY AMOUNT (Display)
    0.00 will display.

    PCT TIME (Protected)
    Do not report for cancellation (CA).

    ORIG FY (Mandatory)
    Enter fiscal year of original payment being canceled. Do not cross fiscal years.

    ORIG VOUCHER (Mandatory)
    Enter voucher number of original payment being canceled.

    ORIG TRANS TYPE (Mandatory)
    Enter pay transaction type of original payment being canceled.

    PAY CANCEL DT (Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of cancellation.

    CA CODE (Available)
    Enter cancellation code to identify type of cancellation being processed. This code must be identified on the agency-defined Ref-Cancel-Code Table.

    COMMENTS (Available)
    Two lines are available for comments. Text will wrap.

  2. Press Enter to process the information.

    If successful, HRIS accepts the cancellation and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen.

    If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen. Correct the information as the error message indicates.

    Note: The cancellation transaction is not immediate and occurs during overnight processing when the system matches the cancellation transaction to the original posted transaction and creates the offsets. You will receive an error message on your pending report the next day if the original transaction is not found or if the original transaction is in a pending voucher.

How to Process a Payment Adjustment (PA) – Net Pay Only

Perform the following steps to process a payment adjustment (PA) – net pay only – on the Cancellation/Adjustment screen.

  1. Enter CA in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRCA.

  2. Press Enter. The Cancellation/Adjustment screen appears.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ _____0.00  PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     

  1. Enter the following key mandatory fields.

    AGENCY VOUCHER (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the number of the voucher containing the cancellation. Do not use the original payment voucher number.

    AGENCY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    FISCAL YEAR (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the fiscal year this transaction is effective. Do not cross fiscal years.

    PAY EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of original payment being adjusted.

    LINE NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter line number of payroll containing the adjustment.

    PAY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter pay number of original payment being adjusted.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter Social Security number of employee receiving adjustment.

    JOB/APPT NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter job/appointment number of the original payment being adjusted.

    PAY TRANS TYPE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter PA.

  2. Press Enter to continue.
  3. The name of the employee receiving the payment adjustment displays. If adjustment is for a casual employee, Non-Reportable displays. Once a payment, entitlement or deduction is entered, it displays in the TOTALS field.
  4. The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields representing the payment (83 – PRPP) and entitlements (85 – PRPE) being adjusted.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 14:23:05 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ _____0.00  PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     
  1. Enter the mandatory and available fields to process the payment adjustment.

    ACTION (Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    FUND (Available)
    Enter fund number of original payment being adjusted.

    PAY AMOUNT SIGN (Mandatory)
    Enter negative sign (–).

    PAY AMOUNT (Mandatory)
    Enter the pay amount from the original payment. You can find the original payment on the Posted Payment Transaction Inquiry screen (ISPP).

    PCT TIME (Protected)
    Do not report for payment adjustment.

    ORIG FY (Mandatory)
    Enter fiscal year of original payment being adjusted. Do not cross fiscal years.

    ORIG VOUCHER (Mandatory)
    Enter voucher number of original payment being adjusted.

    ORIG TRANS TYPE (Mandatory)
    Enter pay transaction type of original payment being adjusted.

    PAY CANCEL DT (Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of adjustment.

    CA CODE (Available)
    Enter cancellation code to identify type of cancellation being processed. This code must be identified on the agency defined Ref-Cancel-Code Table.

    COMMENTS (Available)
    Two lines for comments. Text will wrap.

  2. Enter the following entitlement data to continue with the payment adjustment.

    ACT (Action) (Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    PCA (Key Mandatory or Available)
    Enter PCA from original payment, if reported.

    COMP OBJ (Key Mandatory or Available)
    Enter comptroller object from the original payment, if reported.

    AGY OBJ (Key Mandatory or Available)
    Enter agency object code from the original payment, if reported.

    ENT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter entitlement code from the original payment.

    SEQ (Key Mandatory)
    Enter entitlement sequence number from the original payment.

    ACT AMT (Actual Amount) (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the adjusted entitlement amount, immediately preceded by a negative sign (–). When added together, the adjusted entitlement amount must equal the PAY AMT on the payment record (PRPP).

  3. Press Enter to process the information. If successful, HRIS accepts the payment and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom left of the screen. The entitlement description also displays, including the entitlement and payment amounts. Verify the payment is balanced. The payment is balanced when the BAL indicator of the TOTALS field is blank.

    If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen; correct the information as the error message indicates.

    Note: The payment adjustment transaction is not immediate and occurs during overnight processing when the system matches the payment adjustment transaction to the original posted transaction and creates the offsets. You will receive an error message on your pending report the next day if the original transaction is not found or if the original transaction is in a pending voucher.

How to Process a Payment Adjustment (PA) – Net Pay and Specific Deductions

Perform the following steps to process a payment adjustment (PA) – net pay and specific deductions – on the Cancellation/Adjustment screen.

  1. Enter CA in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRCA.
  2. Press Enter. The Cancellation/Adjustment screen appears.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ ______     PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     
  1. Enter the following key mandatory fields.

    AGENCY VOUCHER (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the number of the voucher containing the cancellation. Do not use the original payment voucher number.

    AGENCY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    FISCAL YEAR (Key Mandatory)
    Enter fiscal year this transaction is effective. Do not cross fiscal years.

    PAY EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of original payment being adjusted.

    LINE NO (Key Mandatory)
    Line number of payroll containing the adjustment.

    PAY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter pay number of original payment being adjusted.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter Social Security number of employee receiving adjustment.

    JOB/APPT NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter job/appointment number of the original payment being adjusted.

    PAY TRANS TYPE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter PA.

  2. Press Enter to continue.
  3. The name of the employee receiving the payment adjustment displays. If for a casual employee, the message Non-Reportable displays.
  4. The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields representing the payment (83 – PRPP) and entitlement (85 – PRPE) transactions, identified in bold print on the screen below.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ ______     PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     
  1. Enter the mandatory and available fields to process a payment adjustment for net pay and specific deductions.

    ACTION (Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    FUND (Available)
    Enter fund number of original payment being adjusted.

    PAY AMOUNT SIGN (Mandatory)
    Enter negative sign (–).

    PAY AMOUNT (Mandatory)
    Enter pay amount from the original transaction. You can find the original amount on the Posted Payment Inquiry screen (ISPP).

    PCT TIME (Protected)
    Do not report for payment adjustment.

    ORIG FY (Mandatory)
    Enter fiscal year of original payment being adjusted.

    ORIG VOUCHER (Mandatory)
    Enter voucher number of original payment being adjusted.

    ORIG TRANS TYPE (Mandatory)
    Enter pay transaction type of original payment being adjusted.

    PAY CANCEL DT (Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of adjustment.

    CA CODE (Available)
    Enter cancellation code to identify type of cancellation being processed. This code must be identified on the agency defined Ref-Cancel-Code Table.

    COMMENTS (Available)
    Two lines for comments. Text will wrap.

  2. Enter the following entitlement data to continue with the payment adjustment for net pay and specific deductions.

    ACT (ACTION) (Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    PCA (Mandatory or Available)
    Enter PCA from original payment, if reported.

    COMP OBJ (Key Mandatory or Available)
    Enter comptroller code from the original payment, if reported.

    AGY OBJ (Key Mandatory or Available)
    Enter agency object from the original payment, if reported.

    ENT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter entitlement code from the original payment.

    SEQ (Key Mandatory)
    Enter entitlement sequence number from the original payment.

    ACT AMT (Actual Amount) (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the adjusted entitlement amount with a negative sign (–).

  3. Press Enter to continue.
    Once the payment and entitlement records are processed, they display in the appropriate TOTALS indicators.
  4. Press F11 to advance to the deduction screen.

    The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields representing specific deductions being adjusted, identified in bold print on the screen below.

    Key fields from page 1 are also displayed.

USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:58:21 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: 1B________      AGENCY NO: XXX            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR:                     PAY EFF DT: 09011998       ENT:            
           LINE: 00001                   PAY NO: 01___________  PAY:            
 SSN: 555555555      JOB/APPT NO: 001   PAY TRANS TYPE: PA      DED:            
 NAME: *** NON REPORTABLE EMPLOYEE ***                          BAL:            
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                           PA/E        END   
 9076 ENTER CHANGES                                                             
  1. Enter the following key mandatory, mandatory and available fields:

    AC (Action Code) (Key Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    DED CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter original deduction code being adjusted.

    SEQ NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter sequence number of original deduction code being adjusted.

    +/– (Mandatory)
    Enter negative sign (–).

    Note: Once sign has been entered, it will affect everything across that record. Do not leave blank.

    DEDUCT AMOUNT (Mandatory)
    Enter the amount from the original payment for the deduction(s) being adjusted.

    WAGES AMOUNT (Available)
    Enter wages amount if required by deduction code.

    FEE AMOUNT (Available)
    Enter fee amount from original deduction, if reported.

    Enter employer matching amount if adjusting deduction code FIC from original payment, if reported.

    CARRIER NUMBER (Available)
    Enter carrier number from original deduction, if reported.

    VENDOR ID NUMBER (Available)
    Enter vendor ID number from original deduction, if reported.

  2. Press Enter to process the information. If processing is successful, HRIS accepts the payment adjustment and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen.

    The deduction, payment and entitlement amounts display in the TOTALS field, reflecting whether or not the amounts are balanced. If the BAL indicator is blank, it is in balance.

    If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen; correct the information as the error message indicates.

    Note: The payment adjustment transaction is not immediate and occurs during overnight processing when the system matches the payment adjustment transaction to the original posted transaction and creates the offsets. You will receive an error message on your pending report the next day if the original transaction is not found or if the original transaction is in a pending voucher.

How to Process a Deduction Adjustment (DA)

Perform the following steps to process a deduction adjustment (DA) on the Cancellation/Adjustment screen.

  1. Enter CA in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRCA.

  2. Press Enter. The Cancellation/Adjustment screen appears.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ ______     PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     

  1. Enter the following key mandatory fields.

    AGENCY VOUCHER (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the number of the voucher containing the cancellation. Do not use the original payment voucher number.

    AGENCY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    FISCAL YEAR (Key Mandatory)
    Enter fiscal year this transaction is effective. Do not cross fiscal years.

    PAY EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of original payment being adjusted.

    LINE NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter line number of payroll containing the adjustment.

    PAY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter pay number of original payment being adjusted.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter Social Security number of employee receiving adjustment.

    JOB/APPT NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter job/appointment number of the original payment being adjusted.

    PAY TRANS TYPE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter DA.

  2. Press Enter to continue.
  3. The name of the employee receiving the deduction adjustment displays. If for a casual employee, the message Non-Reportable displays. Once the payment information is entered, it displays in the TOTALS field. The amount reflected in the BAL indicator is the amount of deduction adjustment.
  4. The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields representing the payment information (usually found on the PRPP screen).
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ ______     PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                         
  1. Enter the mandatory and available fields to process the deduction adjustment.

    ACTION (Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    FUND (Mandatory or Available)
    Fund number of original payment being adjusted.

    PAY AMOUNT SIGN (Mandatory)
    If adjustment is due to an underpayment, enter negative sign (–). If adjustment is due to an overpayment, enter positive sign (+).

    PAY AMOUNT (Mandatory)
    Enter the amount of the deduction being adjusted.

    PCT TIME (Protected)
    Do not report for deduction adjustment.

    Enter original fiscal year of original payment being adjusted.

    ORIG VOUCHER (Mandatory)
    Enter voucher number of original payment being adjusted.

    ORIG TRANS TYPE (Mandatory)
    Enter pay transaction type of original payment being adjusted.

    PAY CANCEL DT (Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of adjustment.

    CA CODE (Available)
    Enter cancellation code to identify type of cancellation being processed. This code must be identified on the agency defined Ref-Cancel-Code Table.

    COMMENTS (Available)
    Two lines for comments. Text will wrap.

  2. Press Enter to continue.

    Note: The bottom portion of the first screen is not used.

  3. Press F11 to advance to the deduction screen. The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields representing specific deductions being adjusted, identified in bold print on the screen below.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:58:21 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: 1B________      AGENCY NO: XXX            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR:                     PAY EFF DT: 09011998       ENT:            
           LINE: 00001                   PAY NO: 01___________  PAY:            
 SSN: 555555555      JOB/APPT NO: 001   PAY TRANS TYPE: PA      DED:            
 NAME: *** NON REPORTABLE EMPLOYEE ***                          BAL:            
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                           PA/E        END   

  1. Enter the key mandatory, mandatory and available fields to identify the original deductions being adjusted.

    Note: Key fields from page 1 display. If you have several adjustments, you can enter page 1 information for each Social Security number before advancing to page 2. Then enter page 2 information for each Social Security number reported on page 1.

  2. Enter the following key mandatory, mandatory and available fields:

    AC (ACTION CODE) (Key Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    DED CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter original deduction code being adjusted.

    SEQ NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter sequence number for original deduction code being adjusted.

    +/– (Available)
    Enter value to specify whether the adjustment amount will be positive (+) or negative (–). Once sign has been entered, it will affect everything across that record. If left blank, record assumes (+) positive amount has been entered.

    DEDUCT AMOUNT (Mandatory)
    Enter adjustment amount.

    WAGES AMOUNT (Available)
    Enter wages amount if required by deduction code.

    FEE AMOUNT (Available)
    Enter fee amount from original deduction, if reported.

    Enter employer matching amount if adjusting deduction code FIC from original payment.

    CARRIER NUMBER (Available)
    Enter carrier number, if reported on original payment.

    VENDOR ID NUMBER (Available)
    Enter vendor ID number, if reported on original payment.

  3. Press Enter to process the information. If successful, HRIS accepts the Deduction Adjustment and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen. The deduction and payment amounts display in the TOTALS field and the BAL indicator is blank if this is a balanced payment.

    If processing is unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen; correct the information as the error message indicates.

    Note: The deduction adjustment transaction is not immediate and occurs during overnight processing when the system matches the deduction adjustment transaction to the original posted transaction and creates the offsets. You will receive an error message on your pending report the next day if the original transaction is not found or if the original transaction is in a pending voucher.

How to Process a Deduction Refund (DR)

Perform the following steps to process a deduction refund (DA) on the Cancellation/Adjustment screen.

  1. Enter CA in the OPTION field of the Payment Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter PRCA.

  2. Press Enter. The Cancellation/Adjustment screen appears.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ ______     PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     
  1. Enter the following key mandatory fields.

    AGENCY VOUCHER (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the number of the voucher containing the cancellation. Do not use the original payment voucher number.

    AGENCY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    FISCAL-YEAR (Key Mandatory)
    Enter fiscal year this transaction is effective. Do not cross fiscal years.

    PAY EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of original payment being adjusted.

    LINE NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter line number of payroll containing adjustment.

    PAY NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter pay number of original payment being adjusted.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter Social Security number of employee receiving adjustment.

    JOB/APPT NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter job/appointment number of original payment being adjusted.

    PAY TRANS TYPE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter DR.

  2. Press Enter to continue.
  3. The name of the employee receiving the deduction refund displays.
  4. The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields for the payment (83 – PRPP) transaction, identified in bold print on the screen below.
USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:34:39 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: _______________      AGENCY NO: ___            -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL YEAR: ____                PAY EFF DT: ________       ENT:            
        LINE NO: _____                   PAY NO: _____________  PAY:            
 SSN: _________      JOB/APPT NO: ___   PAY TRANS TYPE: __      DED:            
 NAME:                                                          BAL:            
 ACTION: _  FUND: ____  PAY AMOUNT: _ ______     PCT TIME: ______  ORIG FY: ____ 
 ORIG VOUCHER: _______________   ORIG TRANS TYPE: __   PAY CANCEL DT: ________  
 CA CODE: __   COMMENTS: _______________________________________________________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
  _     _____      ____      ____      ___    ___                       ________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                 DED   END   
 9107 ENTER KEY INFORMATION                                                     
  1. Enter the mandatory and available fields to process the deduction refund.

    ACTION (Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    FUND (Available)
    Enter fund number of payment being refunded.

    Enter a positive sign (+) or leave blank as the system defaults the record as positive.

    PAY AMOUNT (Protected or Mandatory)
    Enter the amount of the deduction being refunded.

    PCT TIME (Protected)
    Do not report for deduction refund.

    ORIG VOUCHER (Mandatory)
    Enter voucher number of original payment being refunded.

    ORIG TRANS TYPE (Mandatory)
    Enter pay transaction type of original payment being refunded.

    PAY CANCEL DT (Mandatory)
    Enter effective date of refund.

    CA CODE (Available)
    Enter cancellation code to identify type of cancellation being processed. This code must be identified on the agency defined Ref-Cancel-Code Table.

    COMMENTS (Available)
    Two lines for comments. Text will wrap.

  2. Press Enter to continue.

    Note: The bottom of this screen is not used for a deduction refund.

  3. Press F11 to advance to the deduction screen.
  4. The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields representing the deduction information (Record ID 87), identified in bold print on the screen below.
  USER123  F48CPRCA                  HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 13:42:28 
      ALT CMD: ____     CANCELLATION/ADJUSTMENT SCREEN           PAGE:         1 
 AGENCY VOUCHER: 1B_____________        AGENCY NO: XXX          -----TOTALS----- 
    FISCAL-YEAR: ____                  PAY EFF DT: 090196       ENT:            
        LINE NO: 00001                  PAY NO: 1____________   PAY:            
 SSN: 555555555      JOB/APPT NO: 000   PAY TRANS TYPE: PA      DED:            
 NAME: *** NON-REPORTABLE EMPLOYEE ***                          BAL:            
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
  _   ___   ___  _ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ______________ 
 ENTER- -F1- -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-  
             PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                           PA/E        END   
 9076 ENTER CHANGES                                                             

  1. Enter the following key mandatory, mandatory and available fields:

    AC (ACTION CODE) (Key Mandatory)

    A Add
    C Change
    D Delete

    DED CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter original deduction code being refunded.

    SEQ NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter sequence number of original deduction code being adjusted.

    +/– (Mandatory)
    Enter a negative sign (–). Once sign has been entered, it will affect everything across that record.

    DEDUCT AMOUNT (Mandatory)
    Enter adjustment amount.

    WAGES AMOUNT (Available)
    Enter wages amount if required by deduction code.

    FEE AMOUNT (Available)
    Enter fee amount from original record, if reported.

    Enter employer matching amount, if refunding deduction code FIC from the original payment, if FIC is being refunded.

    CARRIER NUMBER (Available)
    Enter carrier number from original payment, if reported.

    VENDOR ID NUMBER (Available)
    Enter vendor ID number from original payment, if reported.

  2. Press Enter to process the information. If successful, HRIS accepts the deduction refund and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen. The deduction and payment amounts display in the TOTALS field. The BAL indicator will be blank if this is a balanced transaction. If processing is unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen; correct the information as the error message indicates.

    Note: The deduction refund transaction is not immediate and occurs during overnight processing when the system matches the deduction refund transaction to the original posted transaction and creates the offsets. You will receive an error message on your pending report the next day if the original transaction is not found or if the original transaction is in a pending voucher.