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Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)-4 Report

FPP G.003

USPS Agencies Correction Instructions and Report Criteria

Correction Instructions

If you find any discrepancies in your agency’s EEO-4 Report related to historic data in USPS for the reporting period, you must submit a Letter of Authorization Signature List for CAPPS HR/Payroll, HRIS, SPRS, USPS Data Changes (form 73-318).

Important: Letters of authorization (LOAs) for corrections for the reporting period must be submitted no later than 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023

Note: For help with reporting data corrections or to request a copy of the 2023 EEO-4 Report supporting detail file, please contact your SPRS representative or call the help desk at (512) 463-4008.

Report Criteria (Reporting Period: July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023)

The EEO-4 Report contains two parts, a Detail Report and a Summary Report.

Detail Report

The Detail Report lists employees by the EEO job category code sort order specified by the U.S. EEOC and includes assigned work hours and authorized salary columns.

The sort consists of:

Click on any column heading to sort by that column
Job Category Code as Reported and on Report Job Description
A Officials/Administrators
P Professionals
T Technicians
R Protective Services
Q Paraprofessionals
C Administrative Support
S Skilled Craft
M Service/Maintenance

Note: Report excludes EEO job category codes E (elected officials) and O (elected officials’ staff).

The section numbers listed to the left of the Detail Report indicate the section of the Summary Report where each Social Security number (SSN) will appear. If the SSN is listed more than once with different section numbers and/or different agency numbers, the SSN will appear in more than one section of the Summary Report and count only once in that section, unless the employee was rehired with a break in service.

Summary Report

The EEO-4 Summary Report is divided into three sections. Employees are categorized into sections based on the following criteria:

Section 1 – Full-Time Employees
  1. Employee must be regular full-time (CRF, URF or ERF) only.
    • CRF = classified regular full-time
    • URF = unclassified regular full-time
    • ERF = exempt regular full-time
  2. Report will include employees that are active and regular full-time anytime during the one-month window (June 1-30, 2023).
  3. If an employee’s total work hours in a single agency equal 40, the employee is considered full-time and is counted as CRF, URF or ERF.
  4. The employee is also counted as CRF, URF or ERF if dual employment exists and jobs total 40 work hours.
Section 2 – Other Than Full-Time Employees (Includes Temporary Employees)
  1. Employee must be other than regular full-time (ERP, CRP, URP, CTP, UTP, CTF or UTF) only.
    • ERP = exempt regular part-time
    • CRP = classified regular part-time
    • URP = unclassified regular part-time
    • CTP = classified temporary part-time
    • UTP = unclassified temporary part-time
    • CTF = classified temporary full-time
    • UTF = unclassified temporary full-time
  2. Report will include employees that are active and other than regular full-time anytime during the one-month window (June 1-30, 2023).
  3. If the employee’s total work hours in a single agency equal 40 and the employee is considered temporary, the employee is counted as CTF or UTF.
  4. The employee is counted as CTF or UTF if dual employment exists and jobs total 40 work hours.
Section 3 – New Hires During Reporting Year – Permanent Full-Time Only (July 1-June 30)
  1. Employee must be regular full-time (CRF, URF or ERF) and a new hire, reason code 010 only.
  2. Direct transfers and legislative mandates are not included in this section; however, new hires may also appear in Section 1 or Section 2.
  3. Reporting period: July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023 (one federal year).
Information in the Summary Report

Statewide Summary Report by Agency — This report shows totals in each EEO-4 job category code for each agency by salary for total employees, total males for each race (American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, white or two or more races) and total females for each race (American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, white or two or more races).

  1. An employee who is active and works two part-time jobs in a single agency, job one for 20 hours, $10,000, job category code technical (T), and job two for 20 hours, $20,000, job category code professional (P), will show on the Detail Report as EEO job category code P with 40 total assigned work hours. The Summary Report for this employee will reflect an accumulated salary of $30,000 under job category code P in Section 1.
  2. An employee who is active and employed by more than one state agency will appear at the agency where the employee works the most hours, is paid the highest authorized salary, and by which sort order reflects the highest EEO job category code or has the latest start date. Each agency’s data will appear on the EEO-4 Detail Report. The authorized salary will reflect an accumulated total in the Summary Report for that specified agency.
    • An employee who is active and works two part-time jobs in two different state agencies, agency one for 15 hours, $20,000, job category code P, and agency two for 20 hours, $20,000, job category code A, will be reported at the agency where he or she works 20 hours, with an accumulated salary total of $40,000 in EEO job category code A. This employee appears in Section 2.
  3. Incoming transfers and legislative mandates may be included in Section 1 or Section 2, but will not be included in Section 3, new hires. The state of Texas is considered one jurisdiction by the U.S. EEOC. Only reason code 010, new hires, is reported in Section 3.
  4. Status changes during the federal year will be reflected as follows: The employee’s status at the time of hire (for employees hired July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023) will be reported in Section 3; the employee’s status, if changed June 1-30, 2023, will be reflected in Section 1 or Section 2.