Equal Employment Opportunity Report – Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year for State Agencies and Institutions
2024 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Report Correction Instructions, Legend of Codes, Selection Criteria and Supporting Detail File Format for HRIS Institutions of Higher Education
This report is available with your daily downloads according to the Calendar in this FPP.
Correction Instructions
If you find any discrepancies in your agency’s EEO report, please submit an EFT with corrections or enter the corrections online using the actual effective date(s) of change(s) to HRIS.
The deadline for completing and submitting all corrections for the report period is 4 p.m. for batch submissions and 7 p.m. for online transactions on Oct. 29, 2024.
If you need help reporting data corrections to HRIS, contact your HRIS representative or call the help desk at (512) 463-4008.
Legend of Codes (Reporting Period: Sept. 1, 2023, through Aug. 31, 2024)
EEO-6 Job Categories
Click on any column heading to sort by that column.
Job Code as Reported |
Job Description | Job Code on Report |
1 | Executive/Administrative/Managerial | A |
2 | Faculty | P |
3 | Professional/Non-Faculty | P |
4 | Secretarial/Clerical | C |
5 | Technical/Paraprofessional | T |
6 | Skilled Craft Workers | S |
7 | Service Maintenance | M |
8 | Administrative (valid only for UT components) | A |
9 | Managerial (valid only for UT components) | A |
EEO-1 Job Categories
Click on any column heading to sort by that column.
Job Code as Reported |
Job Description | Job Code on Report |
1 | Officials/Managers | A |
2 | Professionals | P |
3 | Technicians | T |
4 | Sales | C |
5 | Office/Clerical | C |
6 | Craft Workers (skilled) | S |
7 | Operatives (semi-skilled) | M |
8 | Laborers (unskilled) | M |
9 | Service Workers | R |
EEO Race Codes
Click on any column heading to sort by that column.
Race Code | Description |
I | American Indian or Alaskan Native |
A | Asian |
B | Black |
H | Hispanic |
P | Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
W | White |
M | Two or More Races |
O | Race/Ethnicity Unknown |
Selection Criteria
- Employee type must be regular full time or regular part time.
- Categories listed include total number of employees, Caucasian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, other Americans, males and females. Columns display the total number of males and females in the workforce for Caucasian Americans, African Americans and Hispanic Americans by job category code.
- The EEO job category code reflected in the new hire section is determined by the EEO value reported at the time of hire.
- An employee’s EEO status in the Workforce Detail and Summary Reports is determined by using the EEO job category code in the most current report period.
- Regular full-time or part-time employees who are active anytime during the report period are counted in the total workforce figures.
- Reason codes 010, 015, 017, 510 and 910 are used to determine the new hire status.
- Employee records that reflect an H (HRIS) or S (SPRS) in the
field are extracted from the system indicated. - A regular full-time or part-time employee hired with one EEO job category code and changed to another EEO job category code in the same reporting period will be counted in the new hire figures with the original EEO job category code. The workforce figures will reflect the latest EEO job category for the reporting period.
- Any regular full-time or part-time employee who transfers to an institution of higher education will be counted in the new hire figures and in the workforce figures.
- Any regular full-time or part-time employee who is terminated and returns in the same reporting period as a regular full-time or part-time employee will be counted in the new hire figures separately for each hiring occurrence and in the workforce figures separately for each period of employment.
- When a newly hired employee is reported with multiple regular full-time or part-time jobs/appointments, the report program selects the job with the longest appointment period. If there are multiple full-time or part-time jobs/appointments with equal appointment lengths, the report program selects the job with the lowest job category code value.
Supporting Detail File Format
The file format for the supporting detail file for institutions of higher education is shown below. This is a raw data file that allows agencies to write their own reporting programs and create custom reports.
- Record Length: 43
- Recording Format: FB
- Layout:
Supporting detail file format layout.
Field Value Agency Number X(3) Social Security Number X(9) Name X(25) EEO Job Category Code
(on report)X(1) EEO Job Category Code
(as reported)X(1) Race Code X(1) Sex Code X(1) New Hire Indicator X(1) (Y or N) HRIS/SPRS Indicator X(1)
Note: Records are first sorted into workforce and new hire records. Within these two groups the records are sorted by EEO job category code on report, race and sex.