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ACR 60547 – TINS Implements New Edits and Enhancements
Effective July 10, 2023


Application Change Request (ACR) 60547 for the Texas Identification Number System (TINS) implemented new edits for TINS maintenance on the payee master and mail code records as well as direct deposit transactions. Three TINS edits are implemented as enhancements for the agencies, and the description of an error message was updated. This ACR is effective July 10, 2023.

Issue 1

Payment Services manually monitors payee maintenance transactions processed by agencies. Queries are run daily to identify invalid TINS records that process successfully due to missing system edits. Invalid records result in Payment Services staff inactivating the payee records the day after they are set up by the agencies. This requires manual processing and notifying each agency of the inactivated TINS records and the reasons for inactivation.

Solution 1 – New Edits

Implement TINS edits to prevent invalid TINS records from processing. Generate error messages and include non-processed records with error codes and descriptions on the agencies’ daily TINS reports and CSV File: Processed, Non-Processed and Dropped Transactions (login required). See Exception (Error) Messages on TexPayment Resource for a list of error codes and descriptions.

The new edits include the following:

Issue 2

A TINS system limitation prevents agencies from submitting a payee setup and direct deposit setup for the same TIN on the same day’s batch file. Only the online process allows both transaction types to be processed on the same day.

When a mail code address is set up or changed online and the address is not available on the TINS validation software, the agency must submit forms to Payment Services to process their transactions with an address override.

If at least one mail code is secured on a TIN and the securing source agency is not the agency attempting to update the ownership type, agencies must submit a form to Payment Services to process the transaction.

A vague online error message is generated that does not provide enough information for the reason a payee setup fails.

Solution 2 – Enhancements

Enhance the direct deposit batch process to allow a payee setup and direct deposit setup on the same file. Minimize the need for agencies to submit forms to Payment Services by providing agencies access to the address override indicator and updates to the master record ownership type. Update an error message with a more descriptive message.

Contact Payment Services for questions.