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Overview of FMQuery – Payroll

Updated: April 16, 2015 – View Changes


FMQuery is a state-of-the-art business intelligence tool by Business Objects that gives secure yet broad analytical access to your agency’s financial data.

The tool is available for payroll data from the Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel System (USPS) and Standardized Payroll/Personnel Reporting System (SPRS).

Users with security access can pose their own queries against their agency’s data. State employees should complete the Web-based training and attend the hands-on class to effectively use the tool.

Note: Predefined as well as custom reports from certain USPS personnel records are available through FMQuery – SIRS.

Security Access

To be successful in using FMQuery – Payroll, users must:

  • Have an active user ID issued by the Comptroller’s office.
  • Have a detailed understanding of your agency’s payroll data.
  • Be authorized to see sensitive payroll data, including confidential address and deduction information.

To request access, please contact your agency security coordinator (Comptroller user ID required).

Training Available

Note: The FMQuery – BusinessObjects Training is available.

For More Information

Please contact your USPS or SPRS representative or call the Help Desk at (512) 463-4008.

Changes to This Document
Date Updates
04/16/2015 Added note about FMQuery upgrade delay
04/02/2015 Added information on Quick Start to Business Objects 4.1 class
05/19/2014 Updated to reflect current security requirements