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SPRS User Guide
SPRS Screens
001 Record

Screen ID Screen Name Description
SHRTCD RETURN-TO-WORK RETIREE INFORMATION Using a return-to-work retiree's SSN, hire date and Reason Code (010, 012, LEG), this inquiry screen displays eligibility indicators for longevity pay and BRP, longevity amount, and the proposed Retirement code. Values may require verification from the previous agency.
SPRSMM MAIN MENU Displays a list of screen menus to which the user has access.
SHBMBM BROADCAST NEWS MENU Displays a list of broadcast message screens to which the user has access.
SHBLBM BROADCAST NEWS LIST SCREEN Displays a list of all news messages created by the Comptroller's office. A selection of a record will link the user to the Broadcast News Screen (SHBSBM).
SHBSBM BROADCAST NEWS SCREEN Displays the complete news message.
SPMAIN PAYROLL MENU Displays a list of all screens containing payroll data to which the user has access.
SPAPPR ELECTRONIC APPROVAL SCREEN The screen on which an authorized employee at the agency must enter the approval or release of the payroll document on the day the agency submits to SPRS the batch for processing.
SPSTAT PAYROLL DOCUMENT STATUS SCREEN Displays payroll or cancellation document information that has been submitted to SPRS.
SPSLST PAYROLL DOCUMENT LIST Displays a list of payroll or cancellation documents submitted to SPRS along with a batch status code for the document. A selection of a record will link the user to the Payroll Document Status Screen (SPSTAT) for more information.
SPPLST PAYROLL HISTORY LIST Displays a list of all payment, cancellation, returned money, and SPRS only transactions for a particular employee. A selection of a record will link the user to the Payment Summary (SPPSUM) screen.
SPPSUM PAYMENT SUMMARY Displays an overview of a transaction processed for a particular employee including entitlements and/or deductions submitted to SPRS. A user can link to the Payment Detail (SPPHST), Entitlement/Benefit Detail (SPEHST), or the Deduction/St Match/Net Detail (SPDHST) screen.
SPPHST PAYMENT DETAIL Displays detailed information of a transaction processed in SPRS for a particular employee. Each detail transaction is displayed by the history sequence number. A user can link to the Entitlement/Benefit Detail (SPEHST) or the Deduction/St Match/Net Detail (SPDHST) screen.
SPEHST ENTITLEMENT/BENEFIT DETAIL Displays all entitlements and/or benefits applied to a transaction for a particular employee. Each transaction is displayed by the history sequence number.
SPDHST DEDUCTION/ST MATCH/NET DETAIL Displays all deductions, state match, and net pay applied to a transaction for a particular employee. Each transaction is displayed by the history sequence number.
SHMAIN PERSONNEL MENU Displays a list of all screens containing personnel data to which the user has access.
SHAUDT ACCEPTED PERSONNEL TRANSACTIONS Displays a list of all employee and job transactions (and reversals) that successfully processed in SPRS. A selection of a record will link the user to either the Employee Descriptive (SPEMPL) or Job Descriptive (SHJOBD) Information screen.
SHRJCT REJECTED PERSONNEL TRANSACTIONS Displays a list of all personnel transactions that did not successfully process in SPRS.
SHEMPL EMPLOYEE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION Displays employee level information for a particular employee.
SHJOBD JOB DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION Displays job information for a particular employee.
SHAENT AUTHORIZED ENTITLEMENT INFORMATION Displays a list of all entitlements authorized in personnel for a particular employee.
SHADED AUTHORIZED DEDUCTION INFORMATION Displays a list of all deductions authorized in personnel for a particular employee.
SHDDEP ACCEPTED DIRECT DEPOSIT TRANSACTIONS Displays a list of direct deposit transactions submitted and processed successfully in SPRS for a particular employee.
SHSRCH EMPLOYEE SEARCH SCREEN Allows a search by name for an employee within the user's agency group. A selection will link the user to the Accepted Personnel Transaction (SHAUDT) screen.
SPTLST ADDENDA RECORD TRANSACTION LIST Displays all the addenda records for an employee.
SPVLST HELD SDD VENDOR TRANSACTIONS Displays all held Status 'A' transactions by vendor, listed by payment date. The 'UNPAID BALANCE' field shows the total amount due the vendor. Payment Status Code Definitions
SPADSM PAYMENT ADDENDA RECORD SUMMARY Displays deduction information summarized by vendor, Case ID, Cause No, and Document number.
Changes to This Document
Date Updates
07/31/09 Added screens SPTLST, SPVLST and SPADSM.