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USPS Reports Guide
USPS Reports by Number

Report 996 Update Contribution Summary

This report displays all 401(k), 403(b), 457, and deductions for the current payroll. A message will print if a discrepancy between the current deduction and the authorized amount exist.

Note: An error message box prints across this report when a payroll fails due to a fatal error in USPS. The payroll will not process through to USAS until this error is fixed. The error is not always related to this report; it just prints here. Look at the Key Fields On Record and Additional Information to help identify what the problem is.

This report MUST be set up on HPDES for payroll processing.

Report Criteria

Category Payroll Administration
Distribution Agency
Frequency Runs with each payroll.
Sort Sequence Employee Number, Plan ID, Source of Money
Page Break  
Databases Used H0C, HID, HN1
Selection Criteria All records on the payroll.
Produce Output? Yes
Request Screen Not requestable by the agencies. Automatically runs with each payroll.
Posting Report? Yes – Updates USAS.
Additional Notes ** EDIT/REPORT RUN ** will display in the top left corner of the report if the report was produced from a trial/edit payroll. This report will generate twice only when a final payroll is rejected. Use the latest RUN TIME/DATE, which is found in the top right corner.

Report Headings

Displays the pay period warrant date.
Displays the employee's SSN.
Displays the employee's name.
Displays the vendor identification number.
Displays the plan ID.
403Tax Sheltered Annuity
457Deferred Compensation Plan
Displays a value indicating the source of money.
E1Employee pretax
E2Employee post tax
E3State of Texas paid
EL401(k) loan repayment
Displays the product code selected by the employee.
FAFixed annuity
MFMutual funds
SASavings account
CDCertificate of deposit
GFAGroup fixed annuity
VAVariable annuity
MMMoney market
TLTerm life insurance
WLWhole life
GVAGroup variable annuity
SCShare certificate
Displays the pay period warrant date.
Displays the current deduction for the product type indicated.
Displays a message indicating the authorized deduction amount and the difference between the actual and the authorized amounts.

Sample Report

    REPORT:   996                             UNIFORM STATEWIDE PAYROLL/PERSONNEL SYSTEM                             PAGE:     1    
    AGENCY:   XXX                                XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                            RUN DATE: XX/XX/20XX
                                             UPDATE CONTRIBUTION SUMMARY AS OF 09/01/20XX                        RUN TIME: 20:55:19 
    EMPLOYEE SSN  EMPLOYEE NAME                VENDOR  PLAN  SM  PROD CD  CHECK DATE   CURR AMT  MESSAGE                        0   
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX          9999   457   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      400.00                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX XXXX          8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       65.46                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX X             8888   401   EL    FA     09/01/20XX      242.49                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXX, XXXX X                  8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       60.36                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX X             8888   401   EL    FA     09/01/20XX       89.74                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXX, XXXX X             8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       17.03                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXX, XXXX XXX                8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      206.13                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXX, XXXXX XXXXXXX      8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       84.81                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX            8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX        1.97                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXX, XXXXXXX X              8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      550.69                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXX, XXXXX XXXXXXX      8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      195.52                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXX            8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       99.45                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXX, XXXXX X             8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       75.03                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX XXXXX         8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      524.13                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXX, XXXXX XXXX         8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      253.94                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXX X           8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX     1157.62                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX X             8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      620.28                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXX X              8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       38.74
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXX, XXXXXX X              8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       33.08                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXX X          8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      111.30                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXX, XXXXXXX               8888   401   EL    FA     09/01/20XX       98.08                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXX             8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      100.92                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXX X               8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      148.61                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXX, XXX XX                   8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX       34.32                                    
    00XXXXXXXXX   XXXXXX, XXXXXXX               8888   401   E1    FA     09/01/20XX      161.71                                    
                                                             END OF REPORT