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USPS Reports Guide
USPS Reports by Number

Report 857 "Terminated Employees With Active Deductions"

This report will display terminated employees who have certain active deductions that require special handling by the agency. If the standard deductions included do not meet an individual agency's needs, each agency can determine which deductions should be included on the report and provide a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to set up an agency level Encode/Decode table 957 specifying which deductions should be included in the report.

Report Criteria

Category Payroll Administration
Distribution Agency
Frequency Monthly; Upon Request
Form 111
Sort Sequence
Options HNKPA
Employee Name with no page break 1
Organization Code, Employee Name with no page break 2
Organization Code, Employee Name with page break 3
Page Break & Total First Level – Organization Code (request option 3)
Parameters HNKPA – START DATE, END DATE and/or HPRPT derived from HOCUS CURR MONTH flag.

Note: Once Report 857 short option is set, it will remain on the HNKPA screen. The parameters can also be established on HPRPT to run automatically.

Databases Used HID, H1T, HNH, H0Z, H0C, HNK
Selection Criteria If requested from HNKPA, all employees terminated on or between START DATE and END DATE on HNKPA with active deductions at the time the employee terminates or the deduction has an end date equal to the term month and year. If the report is generated with a payroll and is based on a HPRPT set up, the dates will be calculated based on the HOCUS CURR MONTH flag.

Note: If the agency automatically receives the report with payrolls and also requests the report on HNKPA, the system will only generate ONE report using the HPRPT set up.

Produce Output? Yes
Request Screen HNKPA – 3 sort options are available:
1 Employee Name (with no page break)
2 Organization Code (with no page break)
3 Organization Code, Employee Name (with page break)

HPRPT – Set up to run automatically with all payrolls or just final payrolls to receive the report with payrolls (all or just finals), a Letter of Authorization (LOA) should be mistted with a screen print of the HPRPT.
Posting Report? No
Additional Notes  

Report Headings

Displays the employee's name.
Displays the employee's Social Security number.
Displays the termination reason code (057, 060, 063, 064, 065, 067, 068 and 069). The extended reason code will also display, when applicable.

Note: When requesting this report, a historical report could reflect reason codes no longer used.

Displays the effective date of the termination (mm/dd/ccyy).
Displays the employee's pay frequency as either monthly or semi-monthly.
Displays whether the employee is eligible for hazardous duty pay. If indicator = 'N', display as blank; else display value Y, 8, or 9.
Displays the three digit alpha abbreviation of the employee's deductions active during the term month and year along with the two-digit deduction number displayed in ( ). The standard deductions included on this report can be viewed on Encode/Decode Table 957. To view the 3-character description for all deductions, view Encode/Decode Table 885.
CHI (14) BAN (16) LEV (19) SPM (20) FWG (21) TAD (30)
TDN (31) THI (32) TDL (33) TRM (36) TDR (37) ADD (40)
DEN (41) HEA (42) OPT (43) STM (44) LTM (45) DEP (46)
LON (52) 401 (53) 457 (54) 403 (55) LN2 (56) TUI (59)
BON (61) BON (62) BON (63) BON (64) BON (65) BON  66)

Sample Report

  REPORT:   857                             UNIFORM STATEWIDE PAYROLL/PERSONNEL SYSTEM                             PAGE:     1    
  AGENCY:   XXX                                     XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX                                 RUN DATE: XX/XX/20XX
                                            TERMINATED EMPLOYEES WITH ACTIVE DEDUCTIONS                        RUN TIME: 21:56:28 
                                                     02/01/20XX - 02/28/20XX                                                      
       EMPLOYEE NAME                     SSN       ORG CODE    TERM RC/EXT     TERM DT     MNTHLY/SEMI     HAZDTY IND             
      ACTIVE DEDUCTIONS                                                                                                           
    XXXX, XXXX X                     XXX-XX-XXXX   001002000       060/       02/08/20XX        M                                 
         TAD (30)   TDN (31)   TOL (33)   STM (44)   LTM (45)