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USPS Reports Guide
USPS Reports by Number

Report 597 Actual/Forecasted Time Forfeitures as of MM/DD/CCYY

This report automatically generates compensatory time lost (CTL), holiday compensatory time lost (HCL), compensatory disaster lost (CDL), compensatory emergency lost (CEL), and employee wellness lost (EWL) as well as projected lost time for the next three months. This information can be printed on the employee leave statements if Report 537 is requested the same night. If Report 537 flag is E (Edit), Report 597 must be an E or Blank.

Lost time is calculated by taking the number of hours from HM9U1 of CT, HC, CD, CE or EW transferred in (I), earned (E) or awarded (A) within the specified range and subtracting it from the employee's available balance from HM8U2.

Note: Any leave in requested status will not be evaluated.

A positive number indicates lost time and will result in a lost time entry being inserted on HM9U1 with RPT597 entered in OPID field. The required time frame to use CT, HC, CD, EW, or CE is determined by the LOSTMO field on HMAU1. So for an agency set to 12 months, the required time frame would be one year prior to the LA PROCESS DATE.

Some legislative agencies forfeit comp time only at the end of the even numbered fiscal years. Those agencies must have the LOSTMO field on HMAU1 set to 99. That will cause comp time in excess of the employee's maximum vacation carry forward amounts to be forfeited.

Note: Military leave lost (MLL) will be displayed for informational purposes only. Military leave will be lost at the end of the federal fiscal year (9/30/XX) and only after Report 598 has been run.

Report Criteria

Category Leave Accounting
Distribution Agency
Frequency Upon Request
Sort Sequence
Options HPRLA
Org Code, Emp SSN 1
Org Code, Name 2
Page Break
Options HPRLA
None N
Org Code Y

HNKLA – REPORT FISCAL YEAR, LA PROCESS DATE (last day of the month). LA process date month year cannot be greater than last 156 ACCR DT month year. For legislative agencies using Lost Mo value of 99, must run Report 537 with Report 597 at the end of the even numbered fiscal years.


Databases Used H0B, H0C, HID, HM8, HM9, HNH, HNK, HMA, HPR
Selection Criteria All CTE, HCE, CDE, CTI, CEE, HCI, CDI, CEI, and EWA entries with a START DATE within the period of time ending on the LA PROCESS DATE and going back the number of months indicated in the LostMo field on HMAU1.
Produce Output? Yes
Request Screen HNKLA
Posting Report? Yes
Additional Notes

It is necessary to have, at the least, a year's worth of history on HM9U1 for this report to give completely accurate results due to the calculation method. All lost time should be carefully reviewed up until then. The amount of history required is based on the LostMo field on HMAU1.

The Leave Report Options (HPRLA) screen can be used to mask the Social Security number (SSN) and to select a valid sort and/or page break.

Report Headings

Displays the employee's organization code.
Displays the employee's SSN (masked or entire SSN will display depending on the HPRLA selection).
Displays the employee's name.
Displays the leave type code.
MLMilitary Leave
CTCompensatory time
HCHoliday compensatory time
CDCompensatory disaster time
CECompensatory emergency time
EWEmployee wellness time
Displays the status of the leave.
Displays the number of hours lost or projected to be lost if not taken.
Displays the results of the time forfeiture process.

WARN-EXP MM/DD/YYYY – The leave shown will be lost on the day indicated, if not used before then. Leave is always forfeited on the last day of the month, if not used before then.

LOST-EXPIRED – An entry was made on HM9U1 to forfeit the leave indicated.

Sample Report

    REPORT:   597                             UNIFORM STATEWIDE PAYROLL/PERSONNEL SYSTEM                             PAGE:     1    
    AGENCY:   XXX                                       XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                   RUN DATE: XX/XX/20XX
                                                  ACTUAL/FORECASTED TIME FORFEITURES                             RUN TIME: 22:20:32 
                                                           AS OF 07/31/20XX                                                         
 ORG CODE     EMP SSN       EMPLOYEE NAME                   ACTY   STAT   LOST      MESSAGE                                         
 00110110110  XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX X                CT      P     1:15     WARN-EXP  08/31/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX X                CT      P    13:00     WARN-EXP  09/30/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXXXX, XXXXXX X                CT      P     1:30     WARN-EXP  10/31/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXX, XXXXXXXXX                 CT      P     5:00     WARN-EXP  08/31/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXX, XXXXXXXXX                 CT      P     1:15     WARN-EXP  09/30/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXXXXX, XXXX X                 CT      P     0:30     WARN-EXP  10/31/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXX, XXXXXX                    CT      P     3:00     WARN-EXP  09/30/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXX, XXXXXX                    CT      P     2:30     WARN-EXP  10/31/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXXXXXXX, XXXX                 CT      P     5:00     WARN-EXP  10/31/20XX                            
              XXX-XX-XXXX   XXXXXX, XXXX X                   CT      P     3:00     WARN-EXP  10/31/20XX