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USPS Reports Guide
USPS Reports by Number

Report 082 Payment Edit Reports to Treasury

This report produces a file of warrants issued that are sent to the Comptroller of Public Accounts Treasury Operations Division and displays all errors from the interface. The fund number will be displayed for the error being reported.

Report Criteria

Category Payroll Administration
Distribution Agency, Comptroller of Public Accounts – Treasury
Frequency Runs with final payrolls.
Form 114
Sort Sequence
Options H0XCR Sort
Employee Number, Warrant Number 916
Page Break  
Databases Used H0C, H0B, H0H, HID, H0M
Selection Criteria Warrants paid on the current final payroll.
Produce Output? Yes – file sent to treasury
Request Screen HPRPT – Set up to run automatically with each final payroll.
Posting Report? No
Additional Notes  

Report Headings

Displays the fund number from the interface for each error being reported.

Sample Report

    REPORT:    82                             UNIFORM STATEWIDE PAYROLL/PERSONNEL SYSTEM                             PAGE:     1    
    AGENCY:   XXX                                           XXXXX XXXXXX                                         RUN DATE: XX/XX/20XX
                                         PAYMENT DATA REPORTED TO TREASURY DEPT. ERROR REPORT                    RUN TIME: 21:14:02