Note: If this field remains blank, the system defaults to the first day of the employee’s next regular payroll period. If a monthly employee has been paid for the current month and this field is not entered, the date is set to the first of the next pay period. If a monthly employee has not been paid for the current month and this field is not entered, the date is set to the first day of the current month.
If a semimonthly employee has not been paid in the current month and this field is not entered, the date is set to the first day of the current payroll month. If a semimonthly employee has been paid for the second half of the current pay period and this field is not entered, the date is set to the first day of the next payroll month.
If an employee is hired in the current pay period and has not been paid and this field is not entered, the date is set to the employment date. If an employee is hired in the current pay period and has been paid and this field is not entered, the date is set to the beginning of the next pay period.