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SPA Process User’s Guide
Chapter 5 – Updating Property Funds

Updating Property

The Update Property (PAPUPD) screen allows agencies to update property information on active property.

Fields that can be updated include:

  • Rec Date
  • In-Service Date
  • Desc
  • Class Code
  • Quantity
  • Voucher Number
  • Vouch Date
  • Req No
  • P.O. No
  • Model yr
  • Appr Md
  • Condition
  • Manuf
  • Serial Nd
  • Comment
  • Software
  • Impairment Indicator, Impairment Amount and Impairment Date
  • County
  • Commodity
  • Loc 1, 2, 3
  • Resp First, Mid, Last

Note: The SPA system will not allow:

  • A class code update on a prior fiscal year property if the new class code value is not in the same AFR category as the old class code value.
  • An update to the useful life when a class code change on a prior fiscal year property is entered using a new class code value that is in the same AFR category as the old class code value.


  1. Access the Update Surplus Property (PAPUPD) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field.
  3. Enter the component number in the COMPONENT field.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Make any changes required, however before adding IMPAIRMENT information, contact your SPA analyst.
  6. Press Enter. The message Record Updated appears.

Updating Property Financial Information

The Update Financial Information (PAAVAL) screen allows agencies to update financial information on active property.

Fields that can be updated include:

  • Acq Method
  • Grant Number
  • Project Number
  • Comptroller Object
  • Agency object
  • Appropriation No
  • Appraisal Method
  • Component Replacement cost
  • Comment

Note: If property was purchased with more than one fund, it may have more than one accounting record. Use the F8 key to view all additional funding information, if any. If the fund needs to change, see “Updating/Correcting a Fund” in this chapter.


  1. Access the Update Financial Information Property (PAAVAL) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field.
  3. Enter the component number in the COMPONENT field.
  4. Enter the fund number in the FUND field.
  5. Press Enter.
  6. Make any changes required.
  7. Press Enter. The message Updates Complete appears.

Updating Debt Financed Property

The Update Debt Financed (PAMSTR) screen allows agencies to update debt financed information on property that has an acquisition method of 08.

Fields that can be updated include:

  • Debt Finance Method
  • Lease Supplement No
  • Amt Financed
  • Finance Term
  • Insured Value
  • Paid Off Flag
  • Paid Off Effective Date


  1. Access the Update Debt Financed (PAMSTR) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter any required changes in the DEBT FINANCE METHOD, SERIES/LEASE SUPPLEMENT NO and FINANCE TERM fields by typing over the existing information.

    Note: DO NOT change the DEBT FINANCE METHOD when the PAID OFF field value is Y.

  3. Change the amount in the AMOUNT FINANCED field if necessary.
  4. Change the insured value in the INSURED VALUE field if necessary.
  5. Change the paid off indicator in the PAID OFF field. Valid values are Y (yes) or N (no).
  6. Enter date that the property was paid off in the PAID OFF EFFECTIVE DATE field.
  7. Press Enter. The message Record Updated appears.

Updating Property Location and Responsible Person

The Update Location Screen (PALUPD) allows agencies to update property location and the name of the person responsible for the property.

Fields that can be updated include:

  • Location 1
  • Location 2
  • Location 3
  • First Name
  • Middle Initial
  • Last Name


  1. Access the Update Location (PALUPD) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field.
  3. Press Enter. The location information for that property number appears.
  4. Tab to the LOCATION fields and make necessary changes.
  5. Tab to the RESPONSIBLE PERSON field and make necessary changes.
  6. Press Enter. The message Record Updated appears.

    Note: Property location and responsible person information can also be changed on the Update Property screen (PAPUPD), if you have a security level of 01 or 03.

Updating Property in Suspense

The Update Property In Suspense (PAACQU) screen allows agencies to update acquisition method and other information on property in suspense (Acquisition Method 13).

From fields that can be updated:

  • Acq Method
  • Eff Date (if acct. period is open)
  • Fund (can change fund amount only as you convert to an active property)
  • Acq Cost
  • Voucher No
  • Description
  • Cpnt Comment


  1. Access the Update Property in Suspense (PAACQU) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field.
  3. Enter the component number in the COMPONENT field.
  4. Enter the effective date in the EFFECTIVE DATE field (using MM-DD-YYYY format).
  5. Enter the fund (if one exists) in the FUND field.

    Note: If the proper four-digit fund number is not used, the following error message appears: Property Accounting Record Not In Suspense. Before beginning, verify that the key information is correct in order to pull up the proper record.

  6. Change the acquisition method in the ACQ METHOD field.
  7. Press Enter.
  8. Make any necessary changes or corrections.

    Note: The system edits for proper new fund (must be a valid agency fund). Acquisition method 02 requires a comptroller object. Acquisition methods 05 and 09 require an appraisal method and acquisition method 08 requires the financial information on the screen be completed.

  9. Press Enter. The message Information Has Been Updated appears.

    Note: To verify that property is out of suspense, look at the Financial History screen. The action code should show an I to indicate initial setup of property.

Updating (Changing) the Property Number

The Change Property Number (PANCHG) screen allows agencies to change the property number of an active record. The SPA system will not allow a property number to be changed to one that currently exists.

If an agency puts in a new bar code system, it enables the agency to change all its property numbers in batch. It also allows an agency to correct a numbering system that was unintentionally entered into SPA.


  1. Access the Change Property Number (PANCHG) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the current property number in the CURRENT PROPERTY NO. field.
  3. Press Tab once.
  4. Enter the new property number in the NEW PROPERTY NO. field.
  5. Press Enter. The message Property Number Change(s) Occurred appears.

    Note: Property number changes occur on the property number level. If any component of a property number has been disposed of, the system does not allow a property number change. When a property number is in a pending disposal method of 02, 05, 6b, 7a, 7b or 19, it cannot be changed. This ensures the audit trail for a property number is preserved.

Updating Inactive Property

The Update Inactive Property (PAUDIS) screen allows agencies to update these two fields on deleted property:

  • Commodity Code
  • Proceeds from Sale


  1. Access the Update Inactive Property (PAUDIS) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field.
  3. Enter the component number in COMPONENT NUMBER field.
  4. Press Enter. The disposed property record which was requested appears on the screen. If property was disposed with any of the surplus disposal methods, the lower half of the screen displays the surplus information that was entered during the disposal process.

    Note: If there is no disposal method on the property number entered, the message Property Component Not Found appears.

  5. Update the fields available for entry.
  6. Press Enter. The message Record Updated appears.

Updating Fund Value

The Update Fund Value (PAUVAL) screen allows agencies to increase or decrease value at the entity fiscal year level for each fund and component by using only the amount of change. It shows total property component count, total property fund count and total property value. The screen also shows the new fund and component value when Enter is pressed.

The depreciable entity fiscal year(s) are now displayed for each fund in PAUVAL and listed in ascending order by fund and entity fiscal year. Both increases and decreases are available to be made at the fund/entity fiscal year levels that have value. However, increases only can be performed on fund records in the available entity fiscal year(s) determined by the agency open date (See Appendix F – “Data Dictionary”). To add value in a new depreciable entity fiscal year(s), a zero-value record is available to each fund for the aforementioned available entity fiscal year(s).

Additionally, this screen is used to remove invalid zero-value fund records when there is another fund for that component with value. See “Updating/Correcting a Fund” procedures.

Lastly, this screen has the ability to process multiple transactions at one time. The transactions must be processed per screen and are not saved if the user scrolls to another page in a property that spans multiple screens.

Note: A new fund can be added to a property number in the Update Financial Information (PAAVAL) screen. The reactivation of an inactive fund can be performed in this screen as well.


  1. Access the Update Fund Value (PAUVAL) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Press Enter. The Update Fund Value screen appears. The system-generated agency number appears in the AGENCY field.
  3. Enter the property number to be updated in the PROPERTY field.
  4. Enter the component number in the COMPONENT field or leave the blank default to display all components.

    Note: The spacebar cannot be used to blank out the value in the COMPONENT field to display all components. Use the key set up for the Erase EOF function in the Keyboard Options found under Options -> Keyboard of the BlueZone session.

  5. Press Enter.
  6. In the A/D field, enter A to add value or D to decrease value on the line of the fund/entity fiscal year that you would like to increase or decrease.
  7. Enter the amount of the change in value in the AMT OF CHANGE field.
  8. Enter the effective date that the increase or decrease in value took place in the EFFECTIVE DATE field. The EFFECTIVE DATE must be within the available fiscal year(s) determined by the agency open date. Increases can only be performed on fund records in the entity fiscal year levels within this period while decreases can be done on both current and prior entity fiscal years.
  9. Press Enter. The message Press F4 to Update Information or F5 to Cancel appears.

    Note: The NEW FUND BALANCE and the TOT PROPERTY VALUE will reflect the change once the F4 is pressed.

  10. Press F4. The message Information Has Been Updated appears.

    Note: When there is more than one fund, a fund can be decreased to a value of zero (0), however, when you recall the property you see that the fund for the component has been removed from the property altogether. This is the proper procedure to inactivate inappropriate/invalid funds from the SPA system. The reactivation of an invalid fund can be performed on the Update Financial Information (PAAVAL) screen.

Updating Hard Disposal Methods

The Update Hard Disposal Methods (PAUHDM) screen allows agencies to change disposal methods 03, 04, 08–18, 20–30. Only agencies exempt from the surplus process can use disposal methods 04 and 22.

Users that can update this screen have a designated title code of P (property manager) or A (alternate property manger) and a security profile of 01.

Fields that can be updated include:

  • New Disposal Method
  • Reason for Change

Note: Soft Disposals Methods are changed in the Disposal of Property (PADLET) screen. Soft disposal methods include 05, 6b, 7a, 7b and 19.


  1. Access the Update Hard Disposal Methods (PAUHDM) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number to be updated in the PROPERTY field.
  3. Enter the component number to be updated in the COMPONENT field.
  4. Press Enter. Information previously entered in the system and the message Enter New Disposal Method Cd appears.
  5. Enter the new disposal method in the NEW DISPOSAL METHOD field.
  6. Enter the reason for changing from current disposal method to a new disposal method in the REASON FOR CHANGE field.
  7. Enter a component comment in the COMPONENT COMMENT field.

    Note: This is an optional field but it is preferred if the new disposal method is 08 or 09. Enter the political subdivision or assistance organization and location here. A comment can be entered or updated for all disposal methods but if there is an existing component comment, it will be overwritten if updated. Mandatory for DM28-30.

  8. Press Enter. The message Press F4 to Update information or F5 to CANCEL appears.
  9. Press F4. The message Information Has Been Updated appears.

    Note: There is an agency-requestable report that lists all property with updated hard disposal methods (SPA 00010) within a specified date range.

Updating Depreciation (Depreciable Entities)

The Update Depreciation [Depreciable Entities] (PADPRE) screen displays depreciable entity information for each component including the Depreciable Entity Fiscal Year, C/I Indicator, Useful Life, Residual Percentage, Depreciable Indicator, Historical Indicator, Entity Value and Depreciable Value. The screen allows agencies to view their existing component information. Fields that can be updated include:

  • useful life of a component
  • residual percentage
  • depreciation indicator
  • historical indicator


  1. Access the Update Depreciation (Depreciable Entities) (PADPRE) screen option on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field to be updated.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. View existing information on the screen.
  5. Enter the effective date of the change made to any one of the following fields:
    1. Useful life
    2. Residual percentage
    3. Depreciable indicator
    4. Historical indicator
  6. Press Enter. The message Press F5 To Update Information or F5 To Cancel appears.
  7. Press F5. The message Information Has Been Updated appears.
  8. Press F5. The message Update Canceled appears.

Updating Soft Disposal Methods (Pending Disposal)

The Disposal of Property (PADLET) screen allows agencies to change a soft disposal method of 05, 6b, 7a, 7b or 19.

Fields that can be updated include:

  • Disposal Method
  • Disposal Date
  • Proceeds From Sale


  1. Access the Disposal of Property (PADLET) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY NUMBER field.
  3. Enter the component number to be updated in the COMPONENT field.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Update the fields as needed.
  6. Press Enter. The message Record Updated appears if a soft disposal method of 05 is changed to 6b, 7a, 7b or 19. If changed to any other disposal method, the message Information Has Been Deleted appears.

Updating/Correcting a Fund

To correct a fund in SPA please contact your SPA analyst.

Agency Information

The Agency Information (PAAGIN) screen displays information about an agency including the agency’s fiscal year open date, reporting status, surplus property exemption status, GAAP Function/Title and ACFR Reporting Entity status.

Only Comptroller SPA functional staff can update the information on this screen. However, agencies may inquire on their own agency number.