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Reason Code Definitions and Restrictions for Institutions of Higher Education Fiscal 2022-23

Position Status Change Codes

(Effective date can be any date)

043 – Leave without pay (LWOP) status change for all employee types (used to start and stop LWOP)

Use this reason code to report a status change related to leave without pay (LWOP) for any employee. The effective date for the beginning of LWOP status assumes the employee is in LWOP status for the entire day. When the employee returns to paid status, the same reason code should be used to report or record the ending of the LWOP status. The reason code is assumed to apply as of the start of the effective day of the return from LWOP status to paid status.

044 – Faculty development leave program (FDLP)

Use this reason code to report an appointment with pay for a faculty member as defined in Texas Education Code, Sections 51.101(1), (3), 51.103(a), 51.104, 51.105(a) and 51.106, for a development leave, assignment and/or professional training for the purpose of adding to the knowledge available to the faculty member, the faculty member’s students and institution, and society in general.

The governing board of an institution of higher education may grant a faculty development leave of absence with pay for study, research, writing, field observations or other suitable purpose. The governing board may grant to a faculty member a faculty development leave either for one academic year at one-half of his or her regular salary or for one-half academic year at his or her full regular salary.

900 – Establish new job/appointment

Use this reason code to report an appointment to a new fiscal year (Sept. 1) for an employee who had an appointment in the previous fiscal year or to add additional appointments at any time.

922 – Reclassification

Use this reason code to report a change in an employee’s job title due to a change in the official classification of a position in the same budgetary unit resulting from a job analysis or audit. This change does not necessarily reflect a change in salary. Reclassification does not mean a change in the employee’s assignment, but rather the proper definition of duties and title of the position based upon duties actually performed by the employee. That is, the position, not the person performing the job, is evaluated. The institution can establish a new job appointment number or change the existing job appointment number with this reason code.

926 – Intra-agency lateral transfer

Use this reason code to report a move from one budgetary unit to another budgetary unit of the institution (interdepartmental or intradepartmental) at the same salary rate and remaining in the same or equivalent job classification or title. The institution can establish a new job appointment number or change the existing job appointment number with this reason code.

Miscellaneous Codes

(Effective date can be any date)

037 – Social Security number change

Use this reason code to report changes to the Social Security number (SSN) for any employee reported to the Human Resource Information System (HRIS). This code is used when an institution of higher education discovers that the information reported to HRIS was reported previously using an incorrect SSN.

038 – Update employee descriptive/job data

Use this reason code to report changes to employee descriptive or job data, including but not limited to changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) indicator, percent of time scheduled to be worked, category code, etc. However, no changes in salary rate are allowed using this code.

099 – Conversion to HRIS – all employees

This reason code is used to mark the point at which the existing historical information was converted to HRIS. The identifier record will record the first history record on HRIS.

510 – Change effective date of acquisition code

Use this reason code to report the change of the reported effective date of the acquisition (or employment) of the employee. If an acquisition code was entered or reported with an incorrect date, use this reason code to correct the date.

555 – Employee delete

Use this reason code to report the deletion of an employee record. It deletes or removes all records, allowing the agency to report or record the correct information.

Employee Termination Codes

(Effective date can be any date)

051 – Inadequate salary or left for higher salary and benefits

Use this code to report that an employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was insufficient wages. This code may also be used to report that an employee terminated employment voluntarily to receive a higher salary, or a higher salary and better benefits.

052 – Lack of opportunity for advancement or left for better opportunities for advancement

Use this code to report that an employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was insufficient opportunity for advancement. This code may also be used if an employee terminated voluntarily and the stated reason was that a new job offered better opportunities for advancement.

053 – Dissatisfaction with supervisor or co-workers

Use this code to report that an employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was dissatisfaction with either the employee’s supervisor or co-workers.

054 – Dissatisfaction with travel, either too much travel required or too little travel allowed

Use this code to report that an employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was dissatisfaction with travel, with the job requiring either too much travel or not as much travel as the employee desired.

055 – Dissatisfaction with work hours, either too many hours required or too few hours assigned

Use this code to report that an employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was dissatisfaction with the work hours; the employee either had to work too many hours or didn’t get the opportunity to work enough hours.

056 – Dislike of or unsuitability for assigned duties

Use this code to report that an employee terminated employment voluntarily and the stated reason was that the employee felt unsuited for the assigned duties. This code may also be used if the stated reason was that the employee disliked the assigned duties.

057 – Resignation in lieu of involuntary separation

Use this code to report that an employee was allowed to resign in lieu of involuntary separation from the agency.

058 – Personal reasons not related to job

Use this code to report that the employee voluntarily terminated or resigned and the stated reason was the resignation was due to personal reasons unrelated to the job.

059 – Reasons unknown

Use this code to report that an employee terminated voluntarily or resigned and did not offer a reason for the termination. This code may also be used when an employee abandons his or her job or in similar situations.

063 – Termination at will

Use this code to report that an employee was terminated under the employment-at-will doctrine in Texas.

064 – Reduction in force

Use this code to report that an employee’s termination was due to an agency’s decision to reduce the workforce.

065 – Transfer to a different state agency or institution of higher education

Use this code to report that an employee transferred directly to a different state agency or institution of higher education with no break in employment or service. The termination date and hire date will be consecutive dates. In most cases, an employee’s leave balances at termination will transfer directly to the employee’s position at the new agency.

066 – End or expiration of contract or grant

Use this code to report that an employee was terminated due to the end or expiration of a contract or a grant.

067 – Dismissal for cause

Use this code to report that an employee was dismissed or terminated by an agency for cause.

068 – Retirement

Use this code to report that an employee retired from state employment.

069 – Death

Use this code to report a termination due to the death of an employee.

Other Reporting Codes

HRIS entitlement maintenance for all employee types

Institutions of higher education use these entitlement codes to report employee entitlements for HRIS-reporting institutions on the payroll records. Entitlements that may be added or changed are:

  • Annual leave pay (entitlement code ALP)
  • Augmentation/special augmentation (entitlement code SPA)
  • Award pay (entitlement code AWD)
  • Base salary (entitlement code BSY)
  • Car allowance (entitlement code CAR)
  • Certification/advanced degree pay (entitlement code CRT)
  • Clothing allowance (entitlement code CLO)
  • Compensatory time pay (entitlement code CTP)
  • Cost of living salary supplement (entitlement code CSS)
  • Emergency one-time merit award (entitlement code EXM)
  • Enrichment pay (entitlement code ENR)
  • Expense allowance (entitlement code EXP)
  • Hazardous duty pay (entitlement code HAZ)
  • Hourly (entitlement code HLY)
  • Housing allowance (entitlement code HOU)
  • Location differential pay (entitlement code LDP)
  • Longevity pay (entitlement code LOG)
  • Meals (entitlement code MLS)
  • Miscellaneous entitlement (entitlement code MSC)
  • On call pay (entitlement code OCP)
  • One-time merit payment (entitlement code 1XM)
  • Overtime pay (entitlement code OTP)
  • Performance bonus (entitlement code PRB)
  • Salary supplementation for presidents and chancellors only (entitlement code SUP)
  • Scholarship allowance (entitlement code SCH)
  • Severance pay (entitlement code SEV)
  • Shift hours differential pay (entitlement code SHD)
  • Sick leave pay (entitlement code SLP)
  • Specialty differential pay (entitlement code SDP)
  • Stipend/extra duty pay (entitlement code STI)
  • Student status payment (entitlement code SSP)
  • Task (entitlement code TSK)
  • Teaching overload (entitlement code TOP)