HRIS Email Specification Sheets No Longer Required for HRIS Batch Submissions
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Higher education institutions no longer need to send HRIS specifications form
Though still required for the fiscal year reappointment process,* an HRIS EFT Specifications form (73-162) is no longer required to initiate the processing of an HRIS data file. When your agency submits an HRIS data file, it automatically runs at the next available nightly cycle.
Why the form is no longer required
Previously when an institution submitted an HRIS data file via Electronic File Transfer (EFT), we required you also send the “spec sheet” or “spec form.” The form was necessary because we had to manually initiate the HRIS cycle to ensure files would process as intended that night. Now the HRIS cycle is automated and any data file sent is swept and run that night.
The cutoff time for accepting the daily transmission is 4 p.m. Data transmitted after 4 p.m. is carried forward to the next evening’s processing schedule. Data sent after 4 p.m. on Friday is processed on Monday evening. If more than one transmission is submitted before 4 p.m., the original transmission is overlaid.
Effect on exception transactions reports
Institutions will continue to receive a daily HRIS output file. The file is transferred to the agency after nightly processing is complete. Nightly processing usually occurs between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
Report files are available for daily download from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Report files are purged after 7:00 p.m. in preparation for the next day’s file. Report files from Friday’s processing remain available for download until 7:00 p.m. on Monday.
*Form 73-162 is still required for the reappointment process
During the fiscal year Reappointment process, we still require an HRIS EFT Specifications form (73-162) for EFT #1, EFT #2 and EFT #3. For more information, see HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments (FPP M.003).