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ACR 60330 – USAS System Change
Effective April 10, 2020


Application Change Request (ACR) 60330 for the Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS) adds new columns to the Transactions Deleted report (DAFR2011). This change is effective April 10, 2020.


USAS report DAFR2011 lists transactions that were deleted from the USAS Internal Transaction (IT) file during the previous business day. These deletes are performed by either an agency user or by the Comptroller’s office Fiscal Management central staff using the super security delete process.


For a deleted transaction to be populated to the DAFR2011, the associated batch must be released the same day the delete is performed. Agencies generally do not release batches while troubleshooting other transactions in the batch, so deleted transactions often do not appear on the report. This makes monitoring batches and their associated transactions difficult for central staff and agency users.

In addition, the report’s USER ID column displays the original user ID for the transaction, not the user ID of the user who performed the delete, which would be more useful for this report.


The following enhancements were made to the report:

  1. All deleted transactions are now populated to the report, regardless of the batch status.
  2. A new DELETE USER ID column was added that presents the user ID of the user who performed the delete. The existing USER ID column remains and reports the original user ID.

    NOTE: The existing logic that replaces the original user ID with the user ID of the person performing a super security delete was not affected by this ACR and remains unchanged. Therefore, when a transaction is super security deleted, both the USER ID and DELETE USER ID columns display the user ID of the user performing the super security delete.

  3. New TCODE and RVS columns were added to display the transaction code and whether the reversal indicator was populated for the deleted transaction. This allows for enhanced research capabilities when troubleshooting and monitoring batches as they process through USAS.

Reports Affected

Transactions Deleted (DAFR2011)

For More Information

Contact for assistance with reviewing the DAFR2011.