ACR 60159 (Part Two) – TINS System Change
March 9, 2018
On Aug. 25, 2017, FMX announced a partial implementation of Application Change Request (ACR) 60159 that created a new TINS inquiry screen for warrants on hold and held warrants released or offset, Payee Warrants on Hold and Released (PYWTHB).
ACR 60159 has implemented an additional system change to the Payee Maintenance History (PMTHIS) screen when held warrants are offset.
The warrant hold offset process can result in a reduction to a payee’s liability amount or a payee hold release. Payment Services staff must manually process hold releases or liability amount changes in TINS to update the payee’s hold record.
Implement an automated process that updates changes to the hold liability amounts and hold releases when held warrants are offset. The PMTHIS screen identifies these system-generated transactions from online transactions as follows, displayed in the before and after screen examples below:
- The DLN column displays OFFSET.
- The OPERATOR ACID displays AOP (Automated Offset Process).
PMTHIS.1XXXXXXXXX6 MM/DD/YY TRANS TRANS MAIL INPUT OPERATOR DATE DESCRIPTION DLN CODE SOURCE ACID EXCEP -------- ------------------------- ------------- ---- ------ -------- ----- 01/23/18 PAYEE HOLD RELEASE 18345678901 200 001 ABCD123 11/12/17 PAYEE HOLD AMOUNT CHG 18123456789 200 002 ABCD123 09/18/17 PAYEE HOLD SETUP EFT 160 320 12/07/17 PAYEE HOLD RELEASE EFT 455 320 206 END OF DISPLAY - PF3=QUIT, PF4=MENU
PMTHIS.1XXXXXXXXX6 MM/DD/YY TRANS TRANS MAIL INPUT OPERATOR DATE DESCRIPTION DLN CODE SOURCE ACID EXCEP -------- ------------------------- ------------- ---- ------ -------- ----- 03/23/18 PAYEE HOLD RELEASE OFFSET 200 001 AOP 01/31/18 PAYEE HOLD AMOUNT CHG OFFSET 200 002 AOP 09/18/17 PAYEE HOLD SETUP EFT 160 320 12/07/17 PAYEE HOLD RELEASE EFT 455 320 206 END OF DISPLAY - PF3=QUIT, PF4=MENU