ACR 22220 – TINS System Change
Nov. 8, 2010
This ACR modified the Texas Identification Number System (TINS) effective Nov. 8, 2010.
The Vendor Payment Information Menu (PAYVEN) screens had three issues to be resolved.
- PAYVEN and its associated inquiry screens displayed combined payment information when the same payment number for multiple fiscal years (FYs) was found for a payee.
- Users reported slow response time when performing a search for a payee with a large volume of payments.
- An obsolete system message displayed when the user modified the search criteria to search for payments prior to the current fiscal year plus three prior fiscal years.
- The original PAYVEN design assumed a payment number would not occur for the same vendor across FYs. The FY is now used to differentiate each of the payments that happen to have the same payment number. The PAYVEN associated screens now display each payment separately rather than combining them.
- The PAYVEN menu/inquiry screens now use more efficient querying techniques that improve system response time. The search results are also limited to 1,000 payments. The system message Number of Records Exceeds Limit; Modify Search Criteria displays if the search results exceed the 1,000 payment limit. Users can reduce the search results by adding or modifying search criteria.
- The obsolete system message was replaced with a message that identifies the date payment information is available, which is the current fiscal year plus three prior fiscal years. In fiscal 2011, if a user attempts to search for a payment older than the available payment date, the error message Payment Date Must Be On or After 09/01/2007 (Current + 3 FY Available) will display.
Screens affected
- PAYVEN – Vendor Payment Information Menu
- PYVEN1 – Vendor Payment Level Information
- PYVEN2 – Vendor Document Level Payment Information
- PYVEN3 – Vendor Invoice Level Payment Information
Reports affected
If you have any questions, please contact the Payment Services section at (512) 936-8138 or