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ACR 28962 – SPA System Change
Aug. 20, 2010


ACR 28962 modifies the State Property Accounting System (SPA) effective Aug. 20, 2010.


The SPA Update Fund Value (PAUVAL) screen is designed to allow a user to increase or decrease fund value at the fund/component level. The screen does not include a breakdown in asset value at the entity fiscal year level, which allows for a decrease in value greater than the amount available for the entity fiscal year. This can cause a negative balance in the SPA system.

SPA is also unable to process multiple entries at one time on the PAUVAL screen and issues the warning message Please Limit Updates to Only One Add or Decrease Per Property at This Time. However, a user is still able to initiate multiple entries that only partially process in SPA.


The PAUVAL screen will be modified to:

Screens affected

Layouts affected


Reports affected


For more information

Contact your agency’s SPA Analyst.