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CAPPS System Changes - May 2024

The system change information below provides a summary of the new and/or updated functionality that was implemented into the CAPPS Production environment during the indicated month, including the Service Request (SR) number for the change. This information is reviewed monthly during the CAPPS user group meetings.

The current Release Notes format began in April 2023. For additional details about the SRs listed in months prior to April 2023, CAPPS agency support staff can view the SR details via the SR ticketing system.

Contact the CAPPS Product Team at with questions or for additional information.

CAPPS Financials Changes

  • An enhancement to the CAPPS Asset Management module to allow an asset receipt date and payment effective date to be recorded and established in the same fiscal year of the purchase e.g., if the receipt date was in a prior FY than the effective/accounting date.  (SR 30501)
  • Create a USAS to CAPPS Expense Reconciliation report as a statewide report and place within the GL/KK reports tile. (SR 31416)
  • Following APS 018, a control has been added in CAPPS to restrict purchase orders from being created until the new AY is available. (SR 35421)
  • Open Amount field updates correctly when a split distribution speed chart is changed on a requisition line within the ePro purchasing module. (SR 39264)
  • A requester's default buyer should be copied from that requester's user preferences even if the BU is different.  (SR 39710)
  • Update the TINS vendor mail code web service to accommodate version 2.0. This now allows CAPPS to return up to 100 mail codes instead of the current 10 in version 1.0. (SR 40107)
  • Update the custom DPS view TX_ALL_ACTVY_VW with an updated SQL select statement. (SR 40126)
  • Restricted the Invoice Received field at the header level to now be available for editing after the voucher has a posted status. (SR 40294)
  • USAS to CAPPS GL inbound job is corrected to read an underscore in a journal ID as a unique character rather than a wildcard allowing it to process and not fail due to being read as a journal that has already been processed (SR 40450)

CAPPS HR/Payroll Changes

  • CAPPS can automatically lock managers and time administrators from making schedule changes or schedule overrides once payroll has begun processing so that prior month changes are limited only to TL superusers. (SR 7833)
  • Employees can earn holiday comp time when working on a holiday even when not scheduled to work on that day, so that the hours paid are from the correct comp time bucket.  (SR 14886)
  • The Employee Biosketch Report sorts by name (last, first, middle) and provides the ability to process active and terminated employees, so that core human resources users can easily find the employee by name and print the report for an inactive employee. (SR 23058)
  • A new report to identify the open unapproved FMLA events so FMLA administrators can continue processing the event to approve or deny all open/unapproved events and provide the available FMLA entitlement hours (balance) and FMLA hours used for all open/unexpired events to assist in administering the FMLA requests and usage for the employees at an agency. (SR 35957)
  • The comp time calculation should be accurate when working on a holiday so that the Time and Labor (TL) user can distinguish between the comp time hours earned and the hours paid. (SR 38725)
  • The SPRS HR daily process successfully processes a transaction without abending for an employee with more than one DIVERS_ETHNIC record, so that manual intervention is not required to complete the SPRS HR process or send the employee’s transaction to SPRS. (SR 41296)
  • The TXT910ER process should void W-2s if a terminated/deceased employee doesn't have wages to be reported but has amounts in box 12C or 12D so that a W-2 will not be generated for the respective year. (SR 43936)
  • Recruit self-service hire candidate users can hire candidates who exist in the system as contingent workers without error, so that they do not have to use the workaround of hiring through the CAPPS Custom Hire page and manually flagging the candidate as "hired" in Recruit Hire. (SR 44561)
  • The prior state service when transferring from a CAPPS Central agency will update accurately so that employees receive the correct credit for their state employment without any manual entry. (SR 45123)
  • A new edit that will stop the entry of Position rows with an effective date greater than or equal to the FY lock-out date so that no issues occur during fiscal year end processing. (SR 49125)
  • The hazardous duty flag value on Manage Position reflects correctly on the employee's associated job row when toggling the position number, so that the employee's Manage Job information is correctly aligned with Manage Position and the employee is appropriately paid. (SR 49848)
  • The military employment preference indicator will be sent to SPRS as a “V” when an employee is designated as "Veteran- Preference," so that the military preference information on the Military (formerly Veteran) Workforce Summary Report is correct. (SR 50917)
  • The employee's service date is included when evaluating whether employees are eligible for FMLA so that FMLA requests for employees who have worked less than 12 months are correctly marked ineligible. (SR 52009)
  • The CAPPS Support Team can identify job postings that will not be processed as part of the WorkInTexas job posting interface, so that CAPPS Recruit users can be notified to correct any issues with job postings, and the remaining WorkInTexas job postings are transmitted to the Texas Workforce Commission. (SR 52082)
  • An error message is displayed when attempting to update a rehired employee's earliest change date (ECD) to a date before their latest rehire date so that the ECD is not updated beyond the employee's latest hire date. (SR 52819)
  • Additional controls added to the Job Code Setup table so that core human resources users cannot correct existing job code setup and use inactive classified job codes. (SR 52829)
  • The Establishment ID will not display on the Job Actions Summary page so that it is clear to core human resources users that this field is not utilized in CAPPS. (SR 53000)
  • The Leave Liability Report by Fund (TXETL00022) displays the correct PCA and Fund information based on the funding sources and produces a report by department even if the agency doesn’t have a Department Budget Table set up so that current and non-current long-term liabilities by PCA, fund, and department for fiscal year report is generated and is correct. (SR 53331)
  • The sick and annual leave balances are transmitted to ERS correctly for employees with a termination date of 2/29 of a leap year, so that the employee's retirement pension is not inadvertently impacted. (SR 53430)