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CAPPS System Changes - April 2024

The system change information below provides a summary of the new and/or updated functionality that was implemented into the CAPPS Production environment during the indicated month, including the Service Request (SR) number for the change. This information is reviewed monthly during the CAPPS user group meetings.

The current Release Notes format began in April 2023. For additional details about the SRs listed in months prior to April 2023, CAPPS agency support staff can view the SR details via the SR ticketing system.

Contact the CAPPS Product Team at with questions or for additional information.

CAPPS Financials Changes

  • Payment type CCRP is now included in the daily Cash Receipts interface. This payment type represents chargeback reverse return transactions. (SR 21939)
  • Add new reports and queries to the Travel & Expense Workcenter. (SR 30586)
  • Scheduled Query output file format updated to correctly recognize the comma delimiters. (SR 30735)
  • Remove special characters from TX_PUR_PSAUDIT in the FIN data extract. (SR 36646)
  • 904/905 transactions should not update the USAS Process Status on the voucher. (SR 38774)
  • Add the ACCOUNTING_DT field to TX_Q_KK_ACT_LOG view table. (SR 39066)
  • Refund (7135) transactions that were a Reversal will now correctly show on the HX Journal. (SR 39188)
  • Remove special characters from TX_WK_US_INR_VW, new view alternative to TX_WK_US_INRECX. (SR 39304)
  • Online Transfer Budget unable to open due to AGL validations when over 700 lines are present. (SR 39385)
  • Update the view TX_ALL_ACTVY_VW for Agency 405. (SR 40126)
  • Fluid pages should display menu, component, page, and record level information when invoking ALT+J. (SR 40407)
  • View budget adjustments details from the link on the Pending Approvals tile. (SR 40416)

CAPPS HR/Payroll Changes

  • The actual FTE total reflects the correct count of FTEs on the Active Position report so that information is accurate for reporting purposes. (SR 31775)
  • The Low Leave Balance report captures rehired employees so that the leave information returned on the report is correct as of the rehire date.  (SR 32973)
  • Contingent workers (CWR) are included in the current rollup/rolldown process so that core human resources (HR) users do not have to manually key the new Reports To when a manager with a CWR worker vacates a position. (SR 35742)
  • Corrected the FMLA Leave Activity Report so that multiple rows will display if the TRC, date, or event ID are different and combined if they are the same on multiple rows. (SR 36147)
  • System produces an error when adding/updating new transactions if the FTE indicator and standard hours values are out of sync so that core human resources (HR) users will be prompted to correct the data to keep the FTE/standard hours values in alignment. (SR 41748)
  • The time administration process will process retro changes and the earliest change date (ECD) accurately for return-to-work retirees (RTW), so that invalid exceptions are not generated and leave accruals are not reduced for employees. (SR 42421)
  • The Deceased Employee report reflects all deceased employees as expected so that calendar year-end (CYE) activities can be executed accurately. (SR 43772)
  • Added additional prompt to pull termination information based on Effective Data From/Effective Date To so that core human resources (HR) users can capture all terminations in a specified period. (SR 44593)
  • The comp time ending balances are correctly calculated on the Monthly Employee Time report so that all the report details are valid. (SR 44619)
  • Changes made to the TXPER099 application engine which is responsible for populating the TX_EMPLYEES_CUR table used by multiple agency queries so that results produced from queries are correct. (SR 44728)
  • CAPPS automatically will update the higher LIFE ABBR for employees in Job Code 7109, so that core human resources (HR) users do not have to manually update the system and CAPPS will be in alignment with the ERS Life ABBR. (SR 45524)
  • The MSS Merit Approval Status report runs to success so that the requested reporting data is produced. (SR 46293)
  • CAPPS allows core human resources (HR) users to continue the processing of a new hire if they navigate to a new window while completing a transaction so that newly hired employees’ personal information remains intact and can be saved. (SR 48684)
  • Added additional prompt to pull termination information based on Effective Data From/Effective Date To so that core human resources (HR) users can capture all terminations in a specified period. (SR 49389)
  • The system provides a list of paychecks for an employee on the CPE main page so that payroll processors can select the appropriate original check and the system will auto-populate all pertinent check information. (SR 50928)
  • Correct descriptions are displayed on the column headers of the Time Needs Approval Status report so that it will be easy for the user to understand the data in the column. (SR 51492)
  • Salary transactions keyed in Manage Job when the FTE is equal to zero no longer error so that when payroll runs, the employee will receive their correct wages. (SR 51762)
  • The SPRS daily process processes salary increases so that transactions are successfully sent to SPRS. (SR 51951)
  • ELM training administrators, training coordinators, or instructors can update the class learning component rosters and an assignment component enrollee with a completed status, and the update saves without issue. (SR 52536)
  • Reports To changes made in Manage Position correctly insert a row for the incumbent in Manage Job so that the incumbent Reports To information is kept in sync with the position without manual intervention. (SR 52710)